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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Результаты поиска термина [probability]

  1. Probability can be generally defined as a measure of how likely some event will occur. the event could be an explosion, a lottery win or perhaps cancer induction. mathematically speaking, the value of probability varies between 0 and 1 where 0 means an ev

  2. Вероятность. возможность.

  3. The probability of an event is a number between zero and 100%. the meaning (interpretation) of probability is the subject of theories of probability, which differ in their interpretations. however, any rule for assigning probabilities to events has to satisfy the axioms of probability.

  4. Вероятность

  5. Вероятность probability sample, syn. random sample

  6. Вероятность. мера случайности появления конкретного события. например, вероятность случайного выбора из популяции человека с конкретным качеством соответствует доле людей в популяции, обладающих этим качеством.

  7. Вероятность; возможность

  8. Вероятность; обеспеченность (гидрологической величины) ~ of no-failure вероятность безотказной работы

  9. Probability is a method for representing uncertainty about propositions or events. it represents the uncertainty about a proposition on a scale from 0 to 1, with a 0 representing complete certainty that the proposition is false or an event will not occur and a value of one will represent the opposite. formally, a probability measure is one that follows kolmogorov`s axioms. there are two main schools of thought on the meaning of probability. frequentists take a narrow interpretation of probability allowing only hypothetically repeatable events or experiments as being quantifiable by probability, while bayesians take a broader interpretation that allows reasoning about "one-shot" events and propositions based on the current knowledge about nature. the bayesian interpretation is most commonly used in artificial intelligence, while the frequentist interpretation is most commonly taught in statistics courses. the label "bayesian" arises from the central role that the bayes theorem plays in this use of probability. it allows one to reason from effects to causes and encourages the use of probability measures to describe supposedly fixed events or propositions which frequentists disallow. the probability for these events reflects one`s state of knowledge about the event, rather than being an assertion that the unknown event can vary. for example, a bayesian would have no qualms about making statements about the probability that a given die, rolled and hidden from his sight is, for example, a six. a frequentist would be unable to make such a statement, preferring to talk about his confidence in the method when applied to a hypothetically large number of repeated experiments. in the end, they would act in similar ways. when the long run data are available, bayesians and frequentists end up with the same estimates. see also: bayes theorem, kolmogorov`s axioms.

  10. Вероятность. математическое измерение возможности появления неко-его события, выраженное в виде дроби или процента [30]. значения статистической вероятности лежат в пределах от 1 или 100 процентов (всегда) до 0 или 0 процентов (никогда) [20]. наибольшее приближение к истинной вероятности дает относитель-ная частота события, полученная на основе большой серии измерений или результа-тов [33]. вероятность может быть также определена как выражение в некоторой неопределимой форме "степени уверенности" или как предельная частота события в бесконечной случайной последовательности [49].

  11. The likelihood of something happening. for example, sale being made.

  12. Вероятность. математическое измерение возможности появления некоего события, выраженное в виде дроби или процента [30]. значения статистической вероятности лежат в пределах от 1 или 100 процентов (всегда) до 0 или 0 процентов (никогда) [20]. наибольшее приближение к истинной вероятности дает относительная частота события, полученная на основе большой серии измерений или результатов [33]. вероятность может быть также определена как выражение в некоторой неопределимой форме "степени уверенности" или как предельная частота события в бесконечной случайной последовательности [49].

  13. The relative likelihood of a particular outcome among all possible outcomes.

  14. Likelihood that an event may occur, expressed as a number between 0 and 1.
probability algorithm
    Вероятностный алгоритм probability-analysys compaction уплотнение (данных) на основе вероятностного анализа
probability analysis
    Systematic procedure for describing and/or calculating the probability of a future event.
probability and impact matrix
    A common way to determine whether a risk is considered low, moderate, or high by combining the two dimensions of a risk, its probability of occurrence, and its impact on objectives if it occurs.
probability assessment
    The process of obtaining probabilities to represent a degree of uncertainty or of belief is referred to as probability assessment. if there are physical models or data, they can be used to estimate the values in a models. often, however, the probabilities need to be specified by an individual or group. there are a wide variety of techniques for evoking these probabilities, using some form of imagination of possible data, analogous reasoning, or estimation of "fair" betting odds. these can lead to sets of distributions for the probabilities and, hence, to quasi-bayesian models see also: bayesian network, quasi-bayesian theory.
probability based disclosures (approximate or exact)
    Sometimes although a fact is not disclosed with certainty, the published data can be used to make a statement that has a high probability of being correct.
probability calculation
    Теория вероятностей; исчисление вероятностей
probability calculus
    Исчисление вероятностей
probability density
    Плотность вероятности
probability density function
  1. The chance that a continuous random variable is in any range of values can be calculated as the area under a curve over that range of values. the curve is the probability density function of the random variable. that is, if x is a continuous random variable, there is a function f(x) such that for every pair of numbers a≤b,

  2. For continuous variables, the probability distribution is defined over intervals or sets. the most common definition is via the cumulative probability distribution, or its derivative, the probability density function. see also: cumulative probability distribution.

  3. The function that describes the change of certain realizations for a continuous random variable.
probability density function (pdf)
    probability density function.
      The chance that a continuous random variable is in any range of values can be calculated as the area under a curve over that range of values. the curve is the probability density function of the random variable. that is, if x is a continuous random variab
    probability distribution
    1. The probability distribution of a random variable specifies the chance that the variable takes a value in any subset of the real numbers. (the subsets have to satisfy some technical conditions that are not important for this course.) the probability distribution of a random variable is completely characterized by the cumulative probability distribution function; the terms sometimes are used synonymously. the probability distribution of a discrete random variable can be characterized by the chance that the random variable takes each of its possible values. for example, the probability distribution of the total number of spots s showing on the roll of two fair dice can be written as a table:

    2. Распределение вероятности

    3. A table or algorithm for associating a probability value with a state of a system. by convention, the values are all greater than or equal to zero, and their total for the entire system is one. for example, a probability distribution for a fair six-sided die would assign a value of 1/6 to each side. an arbitrary probability distribution would assign any set of six nonnegative numbers to the die, such that their total was one. when the states are indexed by a single variable or key, the distribution is usually referred to as a univariate distribution. when the states are indexed by multiple variables, it is referred to as a multivariate distribution. probability distributions are also characterized as being continuous, discrete, or mixed, depending on whether the variables that are associated with them are continuous, discrete, or mixed. examples would be age, gender, and age crossed with gender. note that age in years, months, weeks, or even days is truly discrete even though they are usually treated as being continuous. see also: multivariate probability distribution, probability, probability density function.

    4. Распределение вероятностей. распределение, пред-ставляющее вероятность появления некой величины x как функцию x или, в более общем виде, вероятность совместного появления множества случайных величин x1....xp как функцию их величин [23]. t-distribution

    5. Распределение вероятностей. см. distribution (распределение).

    6. Распределение вероятностей. распределение, представляющее вероятность появления некой величины x как функцию x или, в более общем виде, вероятность совместного появления множества случайных величин x1....xp как функцию их величин [23].

    7. A function that describes all the values a random variable can take and the probability associated with each. also called a probability function.
    probability distribution function
      probability distribution.
        The probability distribution of a random variable specifies the chance that the variable takes a value in any subset of the real numbers. (the subsets have to satisfy some technical conditions that are not important for this course.) the probability distr
      probability for error detection, ped
        A performance characteristic of a qc procedure that describes how often an analytical run will be rejected when results contain errors in addition to the inherent imprecision of the measurement procedure. ideally, ped should be 1.00 for errors that are medically significant. in practice, we generally aim for a ped of 0.90 when selecting and designing qc procedures.
      probability for false rejection, pfr
        A performance characteristic of a qc procedure that describes how often an analytical run will be rejected when there are no errors occurring, except for the inherent imprecision of the measurement procedure. ideally, pfr should be 0.00. in practice, we generally aim for a pfr of 0.05 or less.
      probability function
      1. Функция вероятности. функция дискретных случайных вели-чин, характеризующая вероятность появления определенного значения.

      2. Функция вероятности. функция дискретных случайных величин, характеризующая вероятность появления определенного значения.

      3. A measure that assigns a likelihood of occurrence to each and every possible outcome.
      probability histogram
        A probability histogram for a random variable is analogous to a histogram of data, but instead of plotting the area of the bins proportional to the relative frequency of observations in the class interval, one plots the area of the bins proportional to the probability that the random variable is in the class interval.
      probability histogram.
        A probability histogram for a random variable is analogous to a histogram of data, but instead of plotting the area of the bins proportional to the relative frequency of observations in the class interval, one plots the area of the bins proportional to th
      probability limit
        Вероятностный предел
      probability matrix
        Матрица вероятностей
      probability model
        probability of acceptance
          probability of being in operable state
            Вероятность работоспособного состояния
          probability of crew survival
            Вероятность выживания экипажа (в экстремальных условиях)
          probability of detection
          1. Вероятность

          2. Вероятность обнаружения
          probability of detection (pod)
            Правдоподобие выявления, обнаружения,
          probability of end-to-end blocking
            probability of error
            1. ,ероятность ошибки

            2. Вероятность ошибки
            probability of failure
              Вероятность отказа
            probability of failure on demand
              probability of failure on demand (abbr. pfd)
                "value, expressed as a percentage, that indicates the probability of a system failing to respond on demand.
              probability of failurefree operation
                Вероятность безотказной работы
              probability of meeting schedule
                Вероятность выполнения календарного плана (показатель вероятности свершения события в запланированную дату или раньше ее)
              probability of mission success
                Вероятность успешного выполнения задания [полета]
              probability of no slack
                Вероятность нулевого резерва времени; вероятность отрицательного резерва времени го
              probability of precipitation or pop
                The pop expressed as some percentage x means that forecasters have determined that in a 100 similar weather situations, rain or snow will have fallen x times in the forecast area. note that pop is for any point in the forecast area, not the whole area. with a pop of 100% in the forecast, rain or snow is a
              probability of rejection
                probability of restoration
                  Вероятность восстановления
                probability of success
                  Вероятность успешного выполнения задания
                probability of success (pos)
                  Правдоподобие удачи, успеха
                probability of success of vehicle
                  Вероятность успешного завершения полета ла рт pacific time тихоокеанское поясное время рт paper tape бумажная лента рт бр parachute troop парашютный взвод рт part деталь; часть рт partially tested испытано частично рт performance test испытания с целью определения технических характеристик pt platinum платина рт pneumatic tube пневмотрубопро- вод рт point точка; пункт рт powered trajectory траектория активного полета рт pressure test испытание (под) давлением рт pressure, tire давление в пневматике (колеса шасси) рт pressure, transducer датчик давления рт pretest предварительное испытание рт primary target основная цель рт primary task основная цель [задача] рт primary trainer учебный самолет для первоначальной летной подготовки рт procedure turn стандартный разворот рт propellant transfer перекачка или подача ракетного топлива рт; р/т prototype опытный образец, прототип рт pulse timer импульсный временной механизм рт pulse train цепочка [серия] импульсов рт punched tape перфолента рта post-turbine augmentation форсирование (тяги) за турбиной рта proposed technical approach предложенный технический подход
                probability of successful service completion
                  probability of survival
                    Вероятность выживания [сохранения.жизни]
                  probability of surviving
                    Вероятность дожития до определенного возраста
                  probability propagation
                    Распространение вероятности
                  probability sample
                    A sample drawn from a population using a random mechanism so that every element of the population has a known chance of ending up in the sample.
                  probability sample, syn. random sample
                    Вероятностная выборка, син. случайная выборка
                  probability sample.
                    A sample drawn from a population using a random mechanism so that every element of the population has a known chance of ending up in the sample.
                  probability theory
                  1. Теория вероятностей

                  2. See: probability.