
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Abbreviations in Geographic Information Systems and Cartography
    European commission`s open information interchange

European commission`s open information interchange, английский

Commission, английский
  1. Комиссионные - вознаграждение, которое клиент должен заплатить брокеру при открытии и закрытии позиций по различным финансовым активам (акции, фьючерсы, опционы);

  2. Комиссия смт combustion горение, сгорание; воспламенение смт command module technician техник по командному модулю [модульному отсеку экипажа] кла смт corrected mean temperature исправленная средняя температура смтм communications and telemetry связь и телеметрия смто бр chief mechanical transport officer начальник транспортной службы

  3. To formally place (a naval vessel) into active service, after which the vessel is said to be in commission. sometimes used less formally to mean placing a commercial ship into service.

  4. Комиссия

  5. The authority by which an officer officiates in his post. also, an allowance paid to agents or factors for transacting the business of others.

  6. [1] to place a warship on active service. [2] the period during which a warship is assigned to specific duties. [3] a document conferring officer rank on an individual (excluding warrant, petty, and other non-commissioned officers). [4] a percentage of the selling price paid to a salesperson as payment for making the transaction. [5] a fee charged by a broker or agent for service in facilitating a business deal. [6] an official investigative body. [7] to contract for the production of something (e.g., a work of art).

  7. Ввести в эксплуатацию (напр., очистное сооружение)

  8. The amount, usually a percentage of the sales amount, paid to the salesperson making the sale.

  9. The fee paid to a broker to execute a trade, based on number of shares, bonds, options, and/or their dollar value. in 1975, deregulation led to the establishment of discount brokers, who charge lower commissions than full service brokers. full service brokers offer advice and usually have a staff of analysts who follow specific industries. discount brokers simply execute a client`s order and usually do not offer an opinion on a stock. also known as a round-turn. commissions are known as round-turn only in futures trading, since the commission is assessed only after liquidation of the position.

  10. Патент, выдаваемый мировому судье при назначении его на должность

  11. Комиссионные

  12. Real estate commission is generally 5-6% of the home’s sale price. that commission is usually split between the buyer’s and seller’s agents and is paid by the seller at the time of closing.

  13. The compensation paid to a licensed real estate broker or by the broker to the salesman for services rendered. usually a percentage of the selling price of the property.

Information, английский
  1. Knowledge of a particular event or situation, or knowledge communicated or received concerning a particular fact.

  2. Информация

  3. Facts about something  have you any information about the treatment of sunburn?  the police won’t give us any information about how the accident happened.  you haven’t given me enough information about when your symptoms started.  that’s a very useful piece or bit of information. (note: no plural: some information; a piece of information.)

  4. N информация | attr. информационный flow, structure source of ~ источник информации 1 ранее использовался в более широком значении как ‘умозаключе- ние’. 2 получение выводных данных в процессе обработки информации и/или языка и само выводное знание, умозаключение; мыслительная операция, в ходе которой человек выходит за пределы данных в тек- сте сведений и получает новую информацию. 3 аффикс, вставляемый внутрь корня слова при словообразовании или словоизменении.

  5. In admiralty courts, implies a clause introduced into a citation, intimating that in the event of a party cited not appearing, the court will proceed in his absence.

  6. Информация; данные; сведения

  7. Координационный комитет ин4юрмации о проектируемых и возводимых объектах строительства

  8. Literally that which forms within, but more adequately

  9. Data that has been recorded, classified, organized, related or interpreted so that meaning is apparent.

  10. Contextualised data providing answer to a certain question decreasing uncertainty.

  11. Информация, сведения

Interchange, английский
  1. Пересечение дорог в разных уровнях, транспортная развязка

  2. A collection of one or more document instances that comprises a single transmission and is exchanged from application to application within an organization or from one trading partner to another.

  3. Операции (банкоматов) с кредитными карточками чужих

  4. A station where passenger may alight from one train and board another on a different route. in the us it is referred to as a "transfer".

Effis, английский
    European forest fire information system

Eigs, английский
    Ethiopian inst. of geological survey