
Новости переводов

16 октября, 2019

Naš projekt - Praznična voščila

13 ноября, 2017

Standardowa strona tłumaczeniowa

22 августа, 2017

Tłumaczenie na język polski witryny, tekstów o charakterze reklamowym i marketingowym

17 декабря, 2014

W Szkocji zakazuje się używania języka polskiego

28 марта, 2014

Nowe życzenia z tłumaczeniem w ramach projektu HappyGreetings.ru

01 февраля, 2013

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24 октября, 2012

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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    Sound, английский
    1. Звук; звуковой

    2. 1. something which can be heard  the doctor listened to the sounds of the patient’s lungs.  his breathing made a whistling sound. 2. a long rod, used to examine or to dilate the inside of a cavity in the body  adjective strong and healthy  he has a sound constitution.  her heart is sound, but her lungs are congested.  verb 1. to make a particular noise  her lungs sounded as if she had pneumonia. 2. to examine the inside of a cavity using a rod

    3. An oscillation in pressure of the atmosphere which is capable of being detected by the human ear. sound absorption 1. the process of dissipating sound energy by converting it to heat. 2.a property possessed by materials or objects of absorbing sound energy. 3. a measure of the magnitude of the absorptive property of a material or object; expressed in sabins or metric sabins. sound absorption coefficient, ? the fraction of the sound energy (incident at random angles on a surface) which is absorbed or otherwise not reflected by the surface. sound-amplification system a combination of one or more microphones, amplifiers, loudspeakers, and associated electronic controls; used to increase the level of a sound source so that it may be heard clearly in all parts of an auditorium, large room, open-air theater, etc.

    4. An instrument used to control a nosebleed [after jean jacques bellocq (1732–1807), french surgeon] bell’s mania bell’s mania /belz me?ni?/

    5. N фон. звук; friction-~ звук, при- дыхание change, correspondence, pattern, perception, shift, substitution, symbolism, type, variation distinctive ~ различительный звук exponential ~ надстроенный звук glottoclusive ~ смычно-гортанный, закрыто- гортанный, рекурсивный звук; абруптив nonspeech ~ неречевой звук single vowel ~ монофтонг (син. monophthong) speech ~ звук речи successive ~ последовательный звук 4 произносимый с участием голоса. 5 рифмовка по принципу abbaabba cdecde или abbaabba cdcdcd. 6 рифмовка по принципу abab cdcd efef gg. 7 реорганизовывать или фильтровать информацию в процессе реор- ганизации. soundless 83 standard zero ~ нулевой звук -~ звук типа -~ звук типа

    6. [1] to emit noise as a call or summons; sound the bugle. [2] to announce by means of noise; sound the alarm (middle english soun = noise). [3] to measure the liquid in a tank or ship’s bilge. [4] to test the depth or quality of the seabed by leadline or any

    7. A synonym for solid, as applied to diamonds and rocks.

    8. Звук; шум

    9. Having no defect, visible or unseen, that affects serviceability; the state of being able to perform without hindrance.

    10. 1) to measure the depth of the water. 2) a long wide body of water that connects other large bodies of water. 3) a long, wide ocean inlet.

    11. Longitudinal vibrations in a medium in the frequency range 20hz to 20,000hz.

    12. The label of the picker box showing a list of alarms and alerts.

    Przestrzen, польский

    Rodzaj, sortowac, польский