
Новости переводов

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Популярные языки в переводах за апрель 2024 года

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Время запаздывания; задержка; время задержки; время ожидания;

Информационные технологии (словарь)

    Latency, английский
    1. Delay of a signal in time, which can be caused by transmission, processing, rotation, and propagation delays

    2. The amount of time it takes for the client request for a fragment to be fulfilled (that is, the amount of time it takes for the requested fragment to be viewable in the silverlight-enabled browser). typically, this is a few seconds. latency

    3. The delay that occurs while data is processed or delivered.

    4. The time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another.

    Compile time, английский
    1. The amount of time required to perform a compilation of a program. compile time can range from a fraction of a second to many hours, depending on the size and complexity of the program, the speed of the compiler, and the performance of the hardware.

    2. The point at which a program is being compiled (i.e., most languages evaluate constant expressions at compile time but evaluate variable expressions at run time).

    3. During the time that a program is being compiled.

    Время жизни; время существования; срок службы; долговечность;, русский