
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Technical baseline

AI Glossary
    The government’s capability to understand underlying technology well enough to make successful acquisition decisions independent of contractors.70

Baseline, английский
  1. A line dividing internal waters from territorial sea. it generally follows the low-water line, except in highly-indented coasts where it jumps from one headland to another. the right of innocent passage in foreign waters terminates at the baseline, and maritime zones are measured from it.

  2. A range of measurements derived from performance monitoring that represents acceptable performance under typical operating conditions.

  3. The original plan for a project, a work package, or an activity.

  4. The imaginary line upon which text rests. descenders extend below the baseline. also known as the “reading line.” the line along which the bases of all capital letters (and most lowercase letters) are positioned.

  5. The reference scenario for measurable quantities from which an alternative outcome can be measured, for example, a non-intervention scenario is used as a reference in the analysis of intervention scenarios. a baseline may be an extrapolation of recent trends, or it may assume frozen technology or costs. see also business as usual, models, scenario. annex i glossary, acronyms, chemical symbols and prefi xes

  6. Воображаемая линия, на которой устанавливаются шрифтовые символы. нижние элементы некоторых символов могут опускаться ниже базовой линии.

  7. (1) horizontal trace across the a-scan display. it represents time and is generally related to material distance or thickness. (2) standard measurement, average measurement, prior measurement, or other criterion for comparison and evaluation in quality control.

  8. (1) горизонтальная трасса на дисплее а-скана. он представляет время и обычно связан с расстоянием или толщиной материала. (2) стандартное измерение, среднее измерение, предварительное измерение или другой критерий сравнения и оценки при контроле качества.

  9. Standard, average, prior measurements or other criteria for comparison and evaluation.

  10. Standard, average, prior measurements, or other criteria for comparison and evaluation.

  11. Horizontal trace across the a-scan display. it represents time and is generally related to material distance or thickness.7

Baseline (data), английский
    Исходные (отправные) данные

Baseline (ut), английский
    The horizontal trace across the a-scan crt display for a no signal condition.

Baseline assessment, английский
    Исходная оценка. результаты обследований субъекта, проводимых в начале клинического исследования, до применения исследуемого препарата. встречающийся термин: базовая оценка.

Baseline code, английский
    Основное тело программы

Baseline compare fields, английский
    Поля базового сравнения

Baseline conditions, английский
    Существующее положение

Baseline controls, английский

Baseline cost, английский
  1. Базовая стоимость, справочная стоимость, первоначальная стоимость, стоимость на момент прибретения

  2. The original project, resource, and assignment cost as shown in the baseline plan. the baseline cost is a snapshot of the cost at the time when the baseline plan was saved.

Baseline cost of work performed, английский

Baseline cost of work scheduled, английский

Baseline costs to date, английский
    Базовые затраты к данной дате

Baseline data, английский
    Исходные данные

Baseline dc, английский
    A domain controller used as the control for group policy object (gpo) replication within that domain to which all gpo content is compared.

Baseline diagram, английский
    Базисная схема

Baseline dimension, английский
    Способ образмеривания, позволяющий выполнить несколько измерений относительно выбранной опорной линии.

Baseline domain controller, английский
    A domain controller used as the control for group policy object (gpo) replication within that domain to which all gpo content is compared.

Baseline duration, английский
    Базовая продолжительность

Baseline grid, английский

Baseline guide, английский
    A layout guide to which lines of text can be aligned to provide a uniform appearance between columns of text.

Baseline monitoring, английский

Government, английский
  1. N управление ~ and binding (theory) управление и связыва- ние (концепция )

  2. Generally means the constitution of our country as exercised under the legislature of king or queen, lords, and commons.

  3. The acts, rules, procedures, instruments of power and institutions by which the citizens of a country (or more generally the parts of a system) communicate with (->communication) and exert control upon each other so that the country as a whole maintains its unity and is directed toward ends chosen from within that country (->self-organization, ->autonomy). its opposite is laissez faire. in the reality of politics, government is rarely uniformly distributed and constituted (->constitution) instead in a ruling elite, exercising institutional control over those governed. this unequal distribution of government is particularly prevalent in technical realisations. e.g., the governor of a steam engine, computer control of a production process. in biology, such control hierachies (->hierarchy) rarely exist which suggest that they may be an outgrowth of rational constuctions not a fact of nature. qeafh

  4. An app category that facilitates engagement with government or politics.

Capability, английский
  1. Способность; возможность; мощность; производительность

  2. A value that developers specify in the app manifest for their windows store apps. windows store apps use capabilities to declare that the app requires programmatic access to protected user resources, such as the pictures library, or connected devices, such as a webcam.

  3. The ability to perform a function, for example, the ability of a cloud to host highly available virtual machines is a capability, and the ability of a cloud to connect virtual machines to a certain logical network is a capability.

Understand, английский

Underlying, английский
  1. A исходный, лежащий в основе; глубинный form, structure, word underspecification n грамматическая неправиль- ность; несоответствие грамматическим пра- вилам (ант. licensing)

  2. What supports the security or instrument that parties agree to exchange in a derivative contract.

Technology, английский
  1. The use of tools and knowledge to meet human needs.

  2. Техника; технология

  3. Техника (означает все знания или неотъемлемую часть знаний о: научных принципах или открытиях; промышленных процессах; материальных и энергетических ресурсах; средствах транспорта и связи, постольку, поскольку эти знания непосредственно касаются развития производства товаров или сферы услуг; документы юнеско)

  4. N технология speech recognition ~ технология распознава- ния речи3

  5. Национальный институт стандартов и технологии

  6. Технология

  7. The body of knowledge about, and the systematic study of, methods, techniques and hardware applied in the adaptation of the physical environment to man`s needs and wants. the application of scientific knowledge to build or improve the infrastructure of agriculture, industry government and daily life. (technology must not be confused with the very infrastructure it generates). technology has autocatalytic properties. it favores the use of technical devices and processes even in solving social problems, e.g., by using fertilizers to enhance agricultural production rather than a different form of work organization, by using computers for national planning rather than decentralized decision making processes.

  8. The practical application of knowledge to achieve particular tasks that employs both technical artefacts (hardware, equipment) and (social) information (‘software’, know-how for production and use of artefacts). supply push aims at developing specifi c technologies through support for research, development and demonstration. demand pull is the practice of creating market and other incentives to induce the introduction of particular sets of technologies (e.g., low-carbon technologies through carbon pricing) or single technologies (e.g., through technology-specifi c feed-in tariffs).

Successful, английский
    It`s the combos of repeated consonants that can make spelling successful, well, unsuccessful. just know that it has the doubles in the middle (two "s`s" and two "c`s"), but only one consonant at the beginning and one at the end.

Acquisition, английский
  1. When a firm buys another firm.

  2. N усвоение; вос- приятие device, grammar, model, process, tongue language ~ усвоение языка; овладение языком critical age of ~ ~ критический период ус- воения языка6 first language ~ овладение родным языком (син. mother tongue ~) second language ~ овладение иностранным языком mother tongue ~ усвоение родного языка (син. first language ~) phonological ~ усвоение фонологии

  3. Дистанционное управление и сбор данных

  4. Purchase of an interest in an asset in exchange for consideration paid.

  5. Приобретение

  6. A concept contrasted with learning which refers to the unconscious `picking up` of a language with little if any focus on formal instruction or learning.

  7. An acquired company

  8. An acquired company a process in which one organization buys another organization

Independent, английский
  1. One who logs and sells his output on the open market; not associated with a mill or under company or dealer contract (19).

  2. Независимый; автономный

  3. Независимый, автономный

  4. Независимый, самостоятельный; рантье (лицо, живущее на доходы от капитала)

  5. Независимый

  6. A независимый

  7. A merchant ship under naval control, but sailing alone and unescorted by any warship.

Contractor, английский
  1. Person who has a contract to do all or any part of a logging job (19).

  2. A company licensed to perform certain types of construction activities. in most states, the generals contractor's license and some specialty contractor's licenses don't require of compliance with bonding, workmen's compensation and similar regulations. so

  3. Подрядчик, компания-подрядчик. предприниматель или фирма, выполняющие определенные виды работ (сейсмическая разведка, бурение скважин, прокладка трубопровода и т.п.) на условиях подряда (в рамках подрядного контракта)

  4. Подрядчик

  5. Подрядчик, исполнитель работы по контракту

  6. Подрядчик, исполнитель работ по контракту

  7. One who undertakes responsibility for the performance of construction work, including the provision of labor and materials, in accordance with plans and specifications and under a contract specifying cost and schedule for completion of the work; the person or organization responsible for performing the work, 1 and identified as such in the owner-contractor agreement. contract bond 254

  8. Подрядчик, подрядная строительная организация [фирма] о ~

  9. Подрядчик. организация, предоставляющая услуги в соответствии с контрактными условиями. необходимо обеспечить, чтобы подрядчик предоставлял услуги в соответствии с установленными критериями компетентности.

  10. A role assumed by a person who participates in a contractor-employer relationship with a legal entity.

  11. Someone employed by a private company who provides a service to an adult or juvenile doc facility on a reoccurring basis where they may have contact with an inmate or juvenile. co-payment- payments made toward one bill from more than one party. correctional officer (co)- a well-trained professional who supervises inmates in a prison setting. corrections review team (crt)- a group of doc staff selected to participate in the review of a respective doc unit.

  12. Подрядчик, компания-подрядчик. предприниматель или фир- ма, выполняющие определенные виды работ (сейсмическая раз- ведка, бурение скважин, прокладка трубопровода и т.п.) на усло- виях подряда (в рамках подрядного контракта).

  13. A generic term used to describe a company, consultant, partnership or individual supplying works, goods or services to network rail

  14. A contractor is an individual who is hired to perform specific tasks for an organization with the understanding that the person will not be a permanent employee.

Tensorflow, английский
    A free and open-source software library for training neural networks and other machine learning architectures, initially developed by google brain. test and evaluation, verification and validation (tevv) of ai systems: a framework for assessing, incorporating methods and metrics to determine that a technology or system satisfactorily meets its design specifications and requirements, and that it is sufficient for its intended use.

Synthetic data generation, английский
    The process of creating artificial data to mimic real sample data sets. it includes methods for data augmentation that automate the process for generating new example data from an existing data set. synthetic data generation is increasingly utilized to overcome the burden of creating large labeled datasets for testing and at times training deep neural networks.