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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Crown molding

Construction glossary
  1. A molding used on cornice or wherever an interior angle is to be covered, especially at the roof and wall corner.

  2. Any molding serving as a corona or otherwise forming the crowning or finishing member of a structure.

Crown, английский
  1. The center area of a tire's tread.

  2. Upper part of a tree, including the branches and foliage (28).

  3. The top of the piston in an internal combustion engine above the fire ring, exposed to direct flame impingement.

  4. Part of the restoration that appears as a natural tooth.

  5. Corona

  6. 1. the top part of a tooth above the level of the gums 2. an artificial top attached to a tooth 3. the top part of the head  verb to put an artificial crown on a tooth

  7. A common denomination in most parts of europe for a silver coin, varying in local value from 2_s. 6_d. sterling to 8_s. (see also prerogative.)—crown of an anchor. the place where the arms are joined to the shank, and unite at the throat.—crown of a gale. its extreme violence.—in fortification, to crown is to effect a lodgment on the top of; thus, the besieger crowns the covered way when he occupies with his trenches the crest of the glacis.

  8. The point where the arms of an anchor join the shank. crown-and-anchor: board game, formerly popular with british naval ratings but now banned due to excessive gambling. crow’s nest: a platform or shelter for a lookout near the top of a mast. viking longships are believed to have carried crows in cages attached to their mastheads (see as the crow flies). later, when sailing ships began to carry lookouts in a tub strapped to their main masthead, this inevitably became known as the “crow’s nest.” whaling ships often carried a second smaller tub mounted even higher on an upper mast and called the “bird’s nest.”

  9. The angled edge of a diamond or other gemstone, located between the girdle plane and table (top).

  10. The area of a diamond above the girdle plane. it consists of the table and the crown facets below it.

  11. This is the upper portion or the top of a diamond from the girdle up.

  12. As used by the drilling and bit-setting industries in the united states, the portion of the bit inset or impregnated with diamonds formed by casting or pressure-molding and sintering processes; hence the steel bit blank to which the crown is attached is not considered part of the crown. 536427 o—60 3

  13. The topmost part of a drill tripod, derrick, or mast.

  14. Used in some countries other than the united

  15. The highest point of the pipe or tunnel.

Crown (of arch), английский

Crown -, английский
  1. Высота свода (над головкой рельса)

  2. Замковый шарнир (арки} door ~ дверная петля

Crown angle, английский
    The angle measured between the girdle plane and the bezel facets. along with table size the crown angle helps determine the amount of dispersion displayed by the diamond.

Crown block, английский
    A pulley, set of pulleys, or sheaves at the top of a drill derrick on and over which the hoist and/or other lines run. also called crown pulley, crown wheel.

Crown block compensator, английский
    Кронблочный компенсатор (компенсатор бурильной колонны, встроенный между кронблоком и вышкой

Crown bud, английский

Crown cement, английский

Crown class, английский
    All trees in a stand whose tops or crowns occupy a similar position in the canopy or crown cover (28).

Crown course, английский
    A course of curved asbestos sheet or tile, used to cap the ridge of a roof.

Crown court, английский
    This is one of the two types of criminal courts. it is the higher of the two courts, above the magistrates` court.

Crown cover, английский
    Ground area covered by a crown, as delimited by the vertical projection of its outermost perimeter (26).

Crown cut, английский
    A method of slicing veneers whereby the average inclination of the growth rings to the wider face is tangential or less than 45 degrees. this method is also known as flat cut.

Crown density, английский
    Thickness, both spatially (depth) and in closeness of growth (compactness) of an individual crown as measured by its shade density. collectively, crown density should properly be termed canopy density, as distinct from canopy cover (26).

Crown die, английский

Crown fire, английский

Crown gear (gears), английский
    A bevel gear with a plane pitch surface. among bevel gears, the crown gear corresponds to the rack in spur gears.

Crown glass, английский
  1. A type of optical glass with relatively low refractive index and dispersion.

  2. A spectacle lens material of 1.523 index. crp (corneal reflection pupilometer) – a device used to measure the distance between pupils of the eyes in millimeters. crt (computer reading trifocal) – a multifocal design that features wider intermediate areas with a 70% add strength. they are suited for arms-length distance such as computer screen.

  3. A handmade glass of soda-lime composition, used for windows; manufactured in the early 19th century by a now-obsolete process in which a hollow sphere of glass was blown while still very soft, then spun to form a large, nearly flat circular disk. during the spinning process, ripple lines were formed in a pattern of concentric circles, with their center at the center of the spun disk; this central area was used in a bull’s eye window. also

Crown graft, английский

Crown height, английский
  1. Vertical distance of a standing tree from ground level to the base of the crown, measured to the lowest live branch whorl or to the lowest live branch (excluding epicormics), or to a point halfway between the two (26).

  2. The part of the diamond above the girdle.

Crown height percentage, английский
    The crown height expressed as a percentage of the average girdle diameter.

Especially, английский

Cove molding, английский
    A molding with a concave face used as trim or to finish interior corners.

Drip cap, английский
  1. A molding or metal flashing placed on the exterior topside of a door or window frame to cause water to drip beyond the outside of the frame.

  2. A horizontal molding, fixed to a door or window frame to divert the water from the top rail, causing it to drip beyond the outside of the frame. driftpin drift punch drill 1. a hand- or motor-driven rotary tool used with a bit for boring holes in a material. 2.a hand-held tool used to bore a hole in a material by striking one end with a series of blows. 3.a machine for boring holes in the ground or in rock, e.g., in obtaining rock-core samples.