
Новости переводов

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Translating UMI-CMS based website

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Tale quale

    T. q, t. q., латинский

    Quale opus est,tale est praemium, латинский
      Каков труд,таково и вознаграждение

    Tale, английский

    Talea, латинский

    Talea [ae, f], латинский

    Talea [ae, f] (pedem longa), латинский

    Talea, ae, f, bacillus [i, m] incisus, латинский

    Talebearing, английский
      Распространение сплетен или слухов

    Talent, английский
      Describing a place or situation in which there are many good looking women. example boy, there sure is some talent here tonight.

    Talent, английский

    Talent acquisition, английский
    1. This refers to the process of identifying and acquiring skilled workers to meet your organisational needs

    2. Talent acquisition is the process of finding and attracting the right candidates for a job, and then hiring the best of those candidates.

    3. The process that companies go through to find qualified candidates for open job opportunities. this includes identifying talent pools, screening applicants based on criteria including their experience and knowledge.

    Talent development, английский
      Talent development is the process of identifying and nurturing employees’ skills, abilities, and knowledge to align their career advancement with the company’s strategic needs, enhance employee performance, and prepare them for future roles and higher-level responsibilities.

    Talent intelligence, английский
      Talent intelligence is the process of gathering, analyzing, and using internal and external data and insights about people`s skills, capabilities, and potential. it helps align talent strategies with business goals, driving tangible results for the organization that align with the overall strategic direction of the company.

    Talent management, английский
    1. Talent management is a unified strategy designed to help organisations make the best possible use of their human capital

    2. Talent management is the process an organization uses to identify, develop, and retain its most talented employees.

    3. Also called human capital management, the process of recruiting, managing, assessing, developing and maintaining employees.

    Talent management software, английский
    1. Talent management software refers to an integrated tool that focuses on different components of managing hrm

    2. Talent management is the process of managing the talent within an organization in a way that will contribute to the overall success of the company. talent management software is a computer program that automates the human resources process.

    Talent pool, английский
    1. Group of available skilled workers

    2. Group of available skilled workers a group of available skilled workers, or database of resumes, that a company can use to recruit in a particular location

    Talent scout, английский
      Сотрудник киностудии и т. п., подбирающий способных молодых исполнителей

    Talent, actor, performer, cast, star, английский
      The professional who may or may not be talented. also see: subject, which may or may not be an actor and may or may not be an object.

    Talent-money, английский
      Премия за талантливое исполнение, за хорошую игру

    Talented, английский

    Talep edildiginde, турецкий

    Temp., латинский

    T. q, t. q., латинский