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Популярные языки в переводах за апрель 2024 года

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Англо-русский глоссарий по металлургии
    , в металлообработке - операция обработки металлов давлением - получение полости или сквозного отверстия в заготовке сплошного сечения (напр., при штамповке деталей типа стаканов, при изготовлении трубных заготовок на косовалковых станах).

Piercing, английский
    A strident, shrill sound which is hard on the ears. a piercing sound usually has peaks in the frequency response around 3 to 10 khz.

Broaching, английский
  1. Брочинг - неуправляемое самопроизвольное приведение яхты (резкий бросок носа яхты в сторону ветра)

  2. The unplanned turning of a vessel to expose its side to the oncoming waves. in heavy seas this could cause the boat to be knocked down.

Firmware, английский
  1. Programs or instructions which are stored in read-only memory.

  2. An often-used micro program or instruction set stored in rom. usually refers to the rom-based software that controls a unit. is found in all computer based products from cameras to digital peripherals.

  3. Software programs or data that have been written to read-only memory (rom). firmware is a combination of software and hardware. in digital cameras, the firmware is the program that allows the user to activate and control the features of the camera.

  4. A micro program often used and stored in rom. normally the rom based software is in all computer based products from pc’s to digital cameras. you will often see firmware updates for electronic goods that deal with problem issues.

  5. The software that is embedded in a hardware device and controls how the device interacts with the operating system. firmware

Push broaching, английский

Чушка, русский
    Небольшой слиток металла в виде бруска; предназначен для последующего передела.

Прошиваемость, русский