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16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Dark fiber

Fiber Optic Glossary
  1. Optical fiber installed without transmitter and receiver, usually to provide expansion capacity. some carries lease dark fibers to other companies that add equipment to transmit signals through them.

  2. Темное волокно; резервное оптоволокно; физическая инфраструктура волоконно- оптических сетей dark-spot method метод темного пятна darpaуправление перспективных исследований и разработок министерства обороны 2d array 1. двухмерная матрица; плоская матрица; 2. двухмерный массив

  3. Fiber-optic cable deployments that are not yet being used to carry network traffic. (the word ‘dark’ refers to the fact that no light is passing through the optical fibers.)

Dark, английский
  1. Shadowy, unlit, murky, gloomy, dim, dusky, shaded, sunless, black, dismal, sad

  2. Темное время суток

  3. A sound or track with weak high frequencies; opposite of bright.

Dark, английский

Dark (-) room, английский
    Тёмная комната (для проявления фотоснимков) dash штрих || штриховать

Dark adaptation, английский
  1. Optical and chemical changes in the eye which, over a period of about 20 minutes, enable people to "see in the dark." it makes exposure judgments by eye doubly difficult when light levels change. tip: at such times, color perception is minimal or non-existent.

  2. The reflex changes which enable the eye to continue to see in dim light. for example, the pupil becomes larger and the rods in the retina become more active than the cones.

  3. Process by which the retina becomes adapted to a luminance less than about 0.034 cd·m–2.2,6 in dark adaptation, the pupils dilate and the two types of photoreceptors in the retina change chemical balance. after a finite amount of time, possibly 10 min, vision will change from photopic vision to mesopic or scotopic low illumination vision.4

  4. Process by which the eye becomes accustomed to low luminance levels. for example, an adjustment to less than approximately 0.034 cd·m–2 for scotopic vision.19 in dark adaptation, the pupils dilate and the two types of photoreceptors in the retina change chemical balance. after a finite amount of time, possibly 10 min, vision will change from photopic vision to mesopic or scotopic low illumination vision.

  5. Process by which the eye becomes accustomed to low luminance levels — for example, an adjustment to less than about 0.034 cd/m2 for scotopic vision (iesna 1984). in dark adaptation, the pupils dilate and the two types of photoreceptors in the retina change chemical balance. after a finite amount of time, possibly 10 min, vision will change from photopic vision to mesopic or scotopic low illumination vision.

  6. Time required for the pupils to dilate and for the two types of photoreceptors in the retina to change chemical balance. after a finite amount of time, an inspector will transition from photopic vision to mesopic or scotopic low illumination vision.

Dark adapted vision, английский
  1. See accommodation; mesopic vision; scotopic vision.

  2. See mesopic vision; scotopic vision. 496 glossary d

Dark adaption, английский
    The ability of the eye to adjust so that objects, lights, or colors can be seen in darkened areas. this is important when performing a fluorescent penetrant, fluorescent magnetic particle inspections or when interpreting radiographic film.

Dark and light spots, английский

Dark background of reconstructed hologram, английский

Dark backgrounds, английский
    One way to focus attention on the subject is to use a dark background, especially with backlit and translucent subjects.

Dark blue, английский

Dark box, английский

Dark circles, английский
  1. The stubborn, lingering darkness under your eyes. much of what you`re actually seeing is blood pooled up due to low circulation. it`s visible because the skin under your eyes is so thin. the number one cause of dark circles is genetics, but lack of sleep and diet also play a role. in addition to using brightening ingredients, work on stimulating circulation through facial massage or using a stone roller or massager.

  2. Caused by tiredness, dehydration, or aging, this refers to the area underneath the eyes, where the skin is thinner than anywhere else on the face. it is easy to see through the skin to the blood vessels on the other side.

Dark current, английский
  1. Leakage signal from a ccd sensor in the absence of incident light.

  2. Темный ток, ток, самопроизвольно возникающий в светодиодах без воздействия света и вызывающий помехи и неверную цветопередачу в пикселах изображения

  3. The noise current generated by a photodiode in the dark.

  4. Темный ток (в светодиодах); ток, возникающий без воздействия света darkening затемнение

  5. Темновой ток. сигнал, возникающий на выходе пзс-матрицы при отсутствии падающего света.

Dark current (aka “noise”), английский
    Pixels collect signal charges in the absence of light over time, which can vary from pixel to pixel. the result is known as dark current, or more commonly, noise.

Dark current noise, английский

Dark frame, английский
  1. A noise reduction process whereby a camera takes a second exposure of a black frame after the camera takes a long exposure (1/2-second or longer) image. the image noise is easily identified in the black frame shot and is then electronically removed from the actual image. this helps reduce the amount of hot pixels that normally show up in long exposure shots from digital cameras.

  2. A noise reduction process where a camera takes a second exposure of a black frame after the camera takes a long exposure image. the image noise

Dark fringe, английский

Dark glasses, английский
    Shades fitted to instruments of reflection for preventing the bright rays of the sun from hurting the eye of the observer.

Dark ground, английский

Dark horse, английский
    Малоизвестный кандидат, неожиданно победивший на выборах

Transmitter, английский
  1. Передатчик; датчик

  2. Передатчик

  3. A device that includes a source and driving electronics. it functions as an electrical-to-optical converter.

  4. Измерительный преобразователь

  5. (1) transducer that emits ultrasonic energy. (2) electrical circuits that generate the signals emitted by the transducer. transverse vertical (polarized) wave: transverse wave in which the plane of vibration is normal to the incidence surface.

  6. (1) transducer that emits ultrasonic energy. (2) electrical circuits that generate the signals emitted by the transducer.7 transverse horizontal (polarized) wave: transverse wave in which the particle vibration is parallel to the incidence surface.7 transverse vertical (polarized) wave: transverse wave in which the plane of vibration is normal to the incidence surface.7

Оптоволокно, русский
    Чрезвычайно тонкое стекловолокно, используемое в телефонных сетях для передачи сигналов. см. оптико-волоконный кабель.

Инфраструктура, русский
  1. Комплекс производственных и непроизводственных отраслей и сфер деятельности, обеспечивающих процесс и условия воспроизводства. подразделяется на производственную и социальную.

  2. (от лат . infra - ниже, под и structura - строение, расположение), совокупность сооружений, зданий, систем и служб, необходимых для функционирования отраслей материального производства и обеспечения условий жизнедеятельности общества. различают производственную (дороги, каналы, порты, склады, системы связи и др.) и социальную (школы, больницы, театры, стадионы и др.) инфраструктуры. иногда термином "инфраструктура" обозначают комплекс т. н. инфраструктурных отраслей хозяйства (транспорт, связь, образование, здравоохранение и др.).

  3. Комплекс всех систем и сооружений, обеспечивающих функционирование того или иного организма,

  4. <организация> система средств, оборудования и служб, необходимых для функционирования организации.

  5. Совокупность зданий, сооружений, оборудования и служб обеспечения оу, необходимых для его функционирования.

  6. Физический и финансовый капитал, вложенный в общественный транспорт, связь, энергетику и сети общественного обслуживания, например, в дороги, железные дороги, электростанции, школы, мосты, канализацию и больницы.

Исследований, русский

Ofng, английский
    Optical fiber nonconductive general purpose. type ofng cable must be resistant to the spread of fire and suitable for general-purpose use, with the exception of risers and plenums.

High loss fiber, английский
    Optical fiber in which the attenuation exceeds the normally acceptable level for long-haul or data communications use.