
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Mural arch

Глоссарий по архитектуре и конструкциям
    An arch in a wall which was constructed in the plane of the meridian; used for attachment of astronomical instruments in the middle ages.

Arch, английский
  1. Auto-regressive conditional heteroskedasticity

  2. Supporting device towed behind or mounted on a skidding vehicle. used to lift one end of a log or logs to reduce sliding resistance and/or transfer the weight l of the load to a skidding vehicle (24).

  3. A curved structure resting on supports at each end that supports loads primarily in compression

  4. Architect

  5. A rounded whose curve is a little more than a semicircle so that the opening at the bottom is narrower than its greatest span.

  6. An , usually segmental and often a blind arch, built above the lintel of a door or window to discharge the weight of the wall above the lintel to each side. discontinuous impost 315

  7. A curved part of the body, especially under the foot

  8. See: auto-regressive conditional heteroskedasticity

  9. Archives and quality control system

Arch, английский

Arch, английский

Arch, английский

Arch (archive task), английский

Arch -, английский
  1. Клинчатый [клиновой] кирпич со скошенными гранями (для кладки арок)

  2. Кружало арки art ~ центр [дом] искусств

  3. Сводообразование (в бункере и т.п.)

Arch band, английский
    Any narrow elongated surface forming part of, or connected with, an arch.

Arch band., английский

Arch bar, английский
    A curved wrought-iron or steel bar used to support the weight of the masonry above a fireplace or window opening.

Arch barrel roof, английский

Arch beam, английский

Arch blocks, английский

Arch brace, английский
    A curved brace, usually used in pairs to support a roof frame and give the effect of an arch. arch brick, compass brick, featheredge brick, radial brick, radiating brick, radius brick, voussoir brick 1. a wedge-shaped brick used in arch or circular construction; its two larger faces are inclined toward each other. 2. extremely hard-burnt brick from an arch.

Arch brick, 1., английский

Arch brick. featheredged coping, splayed coping,, английский

Arch brick. vp on drawings, abbr. for vent pipe. v-roof a peaked roof, gable roof, or the like. vs 1. on drawings, abbr. for “versus.” 2. abbr. for vent stack. 3. abbr. for “vapor seal.” v-shaped joint, v-joint, v-tooled joint 1.a, английский

Arch bridge, английский

Arch buttant, английский

Arch buttress, английский

Arch center, английский
    Formwork to support the voussoirs of an arch during construction.

Arch centering, английский

Constructed, английский

Attachment, английский
  1. (1) document attached to court papers to give more information; (2) a way to collect judgment: by getting a court order that says you can take a piece of property

  2. Separating the second part of the utterance from the first one by full stop though their semantic and grammatical ties remain very strong (v.a.k.) it wasn`t his fault. it was yours. and mine. i now humbly beg you to give me the money with

  3. Крепление; узел крепления

  4. Прикрепление; присоединение

  5. A data type that will provide support for storing binary files within an access database. more similar to the sharepoint concept of attachments than the current ole object fields in access. the data will be stored as a raw blob within the database.

  6. A file sent by- email- is ‘attached’ to the email. an attachment can be a picture, a document, a program or any other type of file. you should never open an attachment if you are not sure what it is, because some- viruses- propagate as email attachments; but they can’t infect your machine if you don’t open the attachment.

  7. An external file included with an e-mail message.

  8. Арест (товара)

  9. Binding of phage or virus to host cell receptors

  10. Method by which a debtor’s property is placed in the custody of the law and held as security pending outcome of a creditor’s suit.

Astronomical, английский

Instruments, английский
  1. (измерительные) приборы

  2. Financial securities, such as money market instruments or capital market instruments.

Instrument, английский
  1. A term used to describe a sensor (or sensors), the associated transducer(s), and the data read-out or recording device.

  2. (измерительный) прибор

  3. One of many terms for a light, heard mostly in the theater. see: lights.

  4. A piece of equipment or a tool  the doctor had a box of surgical instruments.

  5. A term of extensive application among tools and weapons; but it is here introduced as an official conveyance of some right, or the record of some fact.

  6. A legal document that records an act or agreement and provides the evidence of that act or agreement. instruments include contracts, notes, and leases (e.g. a debt instrument).

  7. Навести инструмент ~ of application точка приложения (напр, силы) ~ of certainty тройная засечка ~ of compound curvature точка сопряжения двух кривых ~ of concentration замыкающий створ ~ of contraflexure точка перегиба ~ of curvature начало или конец кривой (в плане) ~ of cusp точка сопряжения обратных кривых ~ of grade intersection точка перелома в продольном профиле ~ of high stress concentration точка концентрации высоких [значительных] напряжений ~ of inflection точка перегиба ~ of intersection вершина угла (на плане трассы) ~ of lateral restraint точка бокового закрепления [защемления] (сжатого или изгибаемого элемента) ~ of support точка опоры ~ of switch конец остряка ~ of tangency начало или конец кривой (в плане) ~ of the maximum bending moment точка максимального изгибающего момента ~ of vertical curve начало вертикальной кривой ~ of vertical intersection вершина угла вертикальной кривой ~ of vertical tangent начало или конец вертикальной кривой ~ of zero moment точка нулевого момента (на эпюре моментов)

  8. Прибор, инструмент

  9. To tag the source code in order to measure the amount of time spent in each area.

  10. Инструмент

Blind arch, английский
    An arch in which the opening is permanently closed by wall construction.

Semiarch, английский
    An arch having only one half of its sweep developed, as in a flying buttress.