
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Bowl-feed polisher

Глоссарий терминов в телевидении и телевещании
    Шаровая мельница для полировки

Шаровая мельница для полировки, русский

Polish, английский
  1. In plastering, to give a sheen or gloss to the finish coat.

  2. The overall condition of the facet surfaces on a polished diamond.

  3. Polish refers to the degree of smoothness of each diamond. all finished diamonds are polished using a polishing wheel.

  4. Glaze

Polish accumulator technique, английский
    Метод польских аккумуляторов

Polish corrector pen, английский
    A marker filled with nail polish remover, use a polish corrector pen on the edges and cuticles after a manicure to clean up stray polish marks.

Polish grind., английский

Polish national catholic church, английский

Polish notation, английский
    Польская запись

Polish notation expression, английский
    Выражение в польской записи; выражение в бесскобочной записи

Polish off, английский
  1. To dull a diamond bit. compare glaze, glazed

  2. To finish or complete.

Polish roman catholic church, английский

Polish(ing), английский

Polished, английский
  1. Glazed 1

  2. Полированный

Polished edges, английский
    A lens bevel polished by a buffing wheel to make the edge of the lens crystal clear.

Polished finish, английский
    In stonework, a finish so smooth that it forms a reflecting surface; usually obtained by chemical treatment and prolonged mechanical buffing of a stone surface on which there are no voids.

Polished off, английский
  1. A diamond bit that has been dulled.

  2. Finished or completed.

Polished plate glass, английский
    Plate glass that has been ground and polished on both sides.

Polished section, английский

Polished surface, английский

Polished work, английский
    Stonework that has been polished to a mirror-like finish with an abrasive. polish grind, final grind in concrete work, the final operation, in which fine abrasives are used to hone a surface to its desired smoothness and appearance, as for terrazzo concrete. polishing varnish, rubbing varnish a hard varnish which can be polished by rubbing with an abrasive and mineral oil.

Polisher, английский
    Полировальный [шлифовальный] станок belt ~ ленточный полировальный станок

Polishing, английский
  1. The optical process, following grinding, that puts a highly finished, smooth and apparently amorphous surface on a lens or a mirror.

  2. A friction process which puts a lightly finished surface on a lens. polycarbonate 1.586 – a thermoplastic lens material with 10 times more impact resistance, lightness, and thinness. all are scratch resisted coated and have uv protection inherent in the lens material.

  3. U.s. navy tradition has it that the cook shines the bell and the bugler shines the whistle. this tradition may still be observed in some ships of the modern navy, but the task is now normally assigned to a member of the division responsible for upkeep of that part of the ship.

Шаровая мельница для полировки, русский

Функция граничного потенциала, русский