
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Benguela current

Морской словарь
    A slow-moving northwest flow along the coast of west africa to join the south equatorial current.

Benguela, английский
    Г. бенгёла (ангола)

Current, английский
  1. The flow of electricity.

  2. Another name for amperage. the amount of electricity flowing past a point in a conductor every second.

  3. Г. бйо (нигерия)

  4. Ток; сила тока; течение, поток; текущий; современный

  5. The flow of electricity in a circuit; the unit of measurement is the ampere. current-carrying capacity the maximum current which an electric device is rated to carry without excessive overheating and consequent premature breakdown or combustion; also

  6. Течение

  7. The horizontal movement of water caused by tides, wind and other forces.

  8. A certain progressive flowing of the sea in one direction, by which all bodies floating therein are compelled more or less to submit to the stream. the setting of the current, is that point of the compass towards which the waters run; and the drift of the current is the rate it runs at in an hour. currents are general and particular, the former

  9. [1] a steady flow of water in a definite horizontal direction. [2] the speed of such a flow. see also oceanic circulation.

  10. The movement of water,

  11. The flow of electrical charge.

  12. The movement of water, due to tides, river movement and circular currents caused by the motion of the earth.

  13. See electric current.

  14. The rate at which electricity flows in a conductor. analogous to the volume of water flowing through a pipe. measured in amperes, or amps. d

Current, английский
    The horizontal movement of water.

Current, английский

Current, английский

Current, английский

Current, английский

Current ( adverb ), английский
    Pertaining to an account status indicating that payments are up-todate.

Current (a), английский

Current (ocean), английский
    Течение, поток, струя

Current access commitments, английский
    Обязательства стран-импортеров по импорту сельскохозяйственных товаров по низким ставкам таможенных пошлин в рамках тарифных квот

Current account, английский
  1. The broadest measure of trade, taking in receipts and payments from the trade in goods and services. the trade in services — or invisibles — such as banking and insurance is more important for developed countries, which is why the us and britain are particularly keen for developing countries to open up their service sectors.

  2. Текущий счет (в снс; отражает динамику текущих доходов и расходов, связанных с производственной деятельностью, а также перераспределением и оказанием услуг)

  3. An offshore, personal savings or checkingaccount.

  4. Net flow of goods, services, and unilateral transactions (gifts) between countries.

Current account, английский

Current account, английский

Current account balance, английский
  1. The difference between the nation`s total exports of goods, services and transfers and its total imports of them. current account balance calculations exclude transactions in financial assets and liabilities.

  2. Сальдо по текущему счету

Current account convertibility, английский
    Конвертируемость средств по операциям текущего платежного баланса

Current account deficit, английский
    Отрицательное сальдо по текущему счету

Current account equivalent: checking account., английский
    Текущий счет

Current account overdraft, английский
    Технический кредит по текущему счету

Current account surplus, английский
    Активное сальдо по текущему счету

Equatorial, английский

Bergy bits, английский
    Pieces of ice which have broken off a glacier, usually about the size of a small house.

Beneaped, английский
    Formerly said of a vessel that went aground at the height of the spring tide and was thus forced to wait two weeks until the subsequent high tide. vessels beneaped at an equinox might have to wait six months.