
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Coastal current

Морской словарь
    A stream flowing parallel to the shore outside the surf line (cf. longshore current).

Coastal, английский

Coastal air defense identification zone, английский
    An adiz over the coastal waters of the united states.

Coastal and estuarine oceanography branch (us nos), английский

Coastal antimissile system, английский
    Береговая система про

Coastal area, английский

Coastal boundary survey, английский

Coastal colliery, английский

Coastal fishing boat, английский

Coastal mapping program, английский

Coastal marl, английский
    An earthy, unconsolidated deposit of gray to buff-colored mud of low bulk density (dry) composed primarily of very fine, almost pure calcium carbonate formed in subaqueous settings that span freshwater lacustrine conditions (e.g. florida everglades) to saline intertidal settings (e.g. florida keys) formed by the chemical action of algal mats and organic detritus (periphyton); other marl varieties associated with different environments (e.g. freshwater marl, glauconitic marl) also occur. coastal marl can be quite pure or it can be finely disseminated throughout living root mats (e.g. mangrove roots) and / or organic soil layers. compare - marl, freshwater marl. sw

Coastal navigation; coastwise navigation; close, английский

Coastal ocean management, planning and assessmentsystem, английский

Coastal ocean monitoring satellite sys tern, английский
    Система искусственных спутников земли для мониторинга прибрежной зоны океана сора

Coastal ocean monitoring satellite system, английский
    Система спутников для исследования природных ресурсов в прибрежных зонах океанов

Coastal outfall, английский
    Прибрежный выпускной

Coastal pale oil, английский
    Naphthenic petroleum oil refined from crude traditionally obtained from the gulf or the pacific coast.

Coastal plain, английский
  1. Any plain (or plains) of unconsolidated fluvial or marine sediment that had its margin on the shore of a large body of water, particularly the sea. (for example, the atlantic coastal plain of the southeastern united states, which extends for 3,000 miles f

  2. A low, generally broad plain that has as its margin an oceanic shore and its strata horizontal or gently sloping toward the water, and generally represents a strip of recently prograded or emerged sea floor; e.g. the coastal plain of the southeastern u.s. which extends for 3000 km from new jersey to texas. gg ’87

  3. Береговая прибрежная равнина, являющаяся участком обнажившегося морского дна

Coastal radio station, английский

Coastal rookery, английский

Coastal runoff, английский

Coastguard, английский
    The british coastguard is part of the civilian maritime & coastguard agency and is primarily concerned with search and rescue at sea, ensuring that passage is safe, and preventing coastal pollution.

Coast is clear, английский
    This was originally a smuggler’s term indicating there were no revenuers lurking ashore or coast guard vessels nearby.