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Scratch hardness

Diamond Glossary (алмазы и бриллианты - глоссарий терминологии)
  1. A measure used in testing the ability of a mineral or metal to resist being scratched by another mineral or metal. see abrasion hardness, hardness scale.

  2. The hardness of a metal determined by the width of a scratch made by a cutting point drawn across the surface under a given pressure.

Склерометрическая твердость, русский
    Твердость металла, определенная по ширине царапины, нанесенной на поверхность испытуемого металла режущим инструментом при определенном давлении.

Hardness, английский
  1. Dureté

  2. A property of wood that enables it to resist indentation. it is measure in kn and is often determined by the janka hardness test.

  3. The resistance of a substance to surface abrasion.

  4. Твердость

  5. A property of wood that enables it to resist indentation.

  6. A diamond’s ability to resist scratches

  7. Generally measured using the mohs scale. resistance a material offers to scratching or abrasion.

  8. As used by individuals associated with the drilling and bit-setting industry, the relative ability of a mineral to scratch another mineral or to be penetrated by a knoop indenter; also, the relative ability of a metal to resist being penetrated by the indenter point of a vickers, brinnell, or eockwell hardness-testing apparatus.

  9. Твёрдость; жёсткость; стойкость ~ of water жёсткость воды

  10. 1. when used in reference to water, hardness is the total parts per million (ppm) of calcium an caco3 plus the magnesium expressed as equivalent caco3 [ppm hardness (as caco3) = (ppm ca x 2.497 + ppm mg x 4.116)]. 2. used in reference to pulp to denote the degree of delignification.

  11. Resistance of a material to indentation or scratching

  12. A measure of the ability of a material to withstand penetration by a hard pointed object. regarding thermal interface materials, this property is usually inversely proportional to the ability of a material to conform to uneven surfaces. hardness shore a (shore d, shore )

  13. Resistance of metal to plastic deformation, usually by indentation. however, the term may also refer to stiffness or temper or to resistance to scratching, abrasion, or cutting.

  14. In materials science, the resistance of a material to deformation, scratching, abrasion, or cutting. see also brinell hardness; rockwell hardness.

  15. Resistance of metal to denting, to plastic deformation by bending or to mechanical deformation by scratching, abrasion or cutting. typically measured by indentation.

Hardness, английский

Hardness conversion, английский
    Перевод твердости (изменение числа твердости, определенного одним методом, на эквивалентное число твердости по другой шкале)

Hardness gage, английский

Hardness number (hb) — число твер-дости по бринеллю., русский

Hardness of water, английский

Hardness pencils, английский

Hardness penetration curve, английский
    Кривая прокаливаемости, кривая глубины закалки

Hardness plates, английский

Hardness points, английский

Hardness scale, английский
    Quantitative units by means of which the relative hardness of minerals and metals can be determined, which for convenience is expressed in mohs, knoop, or scleroscope units for minerals and vickers, brinnell, or rockwell units for metals.

Hardness scale units, английский
    Ohs knoop 1 (?) 2 32 3 135 4 163 5 395 6 560 7 710-790 8 1,250 9 1, 700-2, 200 >9 2,800 >9 3,200 >9 3,500 10 8, 000-8, 500

Hardness table, английский

Hardness test, английский
    A determination of the relative hardness of a mineral, as made on a specimen, using appropriate hardness-testing apparatus and techniques. see hardness and hardness scale.

Hardness test — определения твердости по кнупу., русский

Hardness testing, английский
    By means of instruments such as brinnel, rockwell, scleroscope, vickers, etc.

Hardness wheel, английский

Scratch, английский
  1. Pocketing the cue ball by accident during a shot

  2. A cut on the surface of an object deep enough to catch a fingernail.

  3. A defect on a polished optical surface whose length is many times its width. block reek is a chainlike scratch formed in polishing. a runner cut is a curved scratch caused by grinding. a sleek is a hairline scratch. a crush or rub is a surface scratch or scratches usually caused by mishandling.

  4. To score or groove a plaster surface to provide a better bond for the succeeding coat.

  5. A slight wound on the skin made when a sharp point is pulled across it  she had scratches on her legs and arms.  wash the dirt out of that scratch in case it gets infected.  verb to harm the skin by moving a sharp point across it  the cat scratched the girl’s face.  be careful not to scratch yourself on the wire.

  6. Царапина

  7. A language created by mit containing colorful characters and easy for beginners to write programs without syntax errors

  8. A shallow mark or injury produced by abrasion.

Scratch, английский

Scratch, английский

Scratch, английский

Determined, английский
  1. A предопределённый

  2. Определенный

Tapping assembly, английский
    A mechanical device consisting of a short piece of casing cemented in the collar of a borehole at the upper end of which is affixed a gate or large plug valve followed by a rod stuffing box. utilizing this assembly, underground drilling can be accomplished safely in areas of high hydrostatic pressure.

Plot mark, английский
    A mark made in a bit mold, bit die, or blank bit where a pip or hole is drilled to receive or to encompass a diamond.