
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Induced-air-flotation unit

Глоссарий по охране вод
    Установка для флотации приточным воздухом

Unit, английский
  1. A unit refers to a container, trailer, or a container mounted onto a trailer.

  2. A member of a population.

  3. Блок; агрегат; единица; часть, подразделение

  4. Аккумуляторная установка с комбинированным приводом

  5. 1. a single part of a larger whole 2. a part of a hospital that has a specialised function  a burns unit 3. a named and agreed standard amount used for measuring something  a gram is an si unit of weight. 4. a quantity of a drug, enzyme, hormone or of blood, taken as a standard for measurement and producing a given effect  three units of blood  a unit of insulin 5. a machine or device  a waste-disposal unit ‘…the blood loss caused his haemoglobin to drop dangerously low, necessitating two units of rbcs and one unit of fresh frozen plasma’ [rn magazine] united kingdom central council for nursing, midwifery, and health visiting united kingdom central council for nursing, midwifery, and health visiting /ju na?t?d k??d?m sentr?l ka?ns?l f? n! s?? m?dw?f?ri ?nd hel? v?z?t??/

  6. A hospital, ward or unit which deals only with women giving birth

  7. N 1 единица; 2 единство translation formal ~ формальная единица functional ~ функциональная единица lexical ~ лексическая единица morpheme ~ морфемная единица phonetic ~ фонетическая единица phraseological ~ фразеологическая единица suprasentential ~ сверхфразовое единство

  8. A generic term for the military assets assigned to a single tactical commander. may be a single ship or aircraft, or a larger force.

  9. See: partially ordered set.

  10. More than one class of securities traded together (e.g., one common share and three subscription warrants).

  11. Uk expression usually meaning an electric or diesel multiple unit train.

Unit, английский
    Cool. example ice cube is unit.

Unit, английский

Unit, английский

Unit (% of iron in ore), английский
    Point de fer

Unit (% of iron in ore), английский

Unit (of measurement), английский
    Particular quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which other quantities of the same kind are compared in order to express their magnitudes relative to that quantity (1)

Unit (для блока), русский

Unit (для блока), английский

Unit absorber, английский
    A sound-absorptive element which is designed for application on a wall or ceiling as a single unit; usually part of a spaced array of similar units.

Unit air conditioner, английский

Unit area loading, английский
    Удельная нагрузка (на единицу площади)

Unit authorization list, английский
    Технический паспорт на каждый действующий узел

Unit availability, английский
    Amount of time, expressed as a percentage or a decimal number, that a resource can be scheduled for assigned work. it refers to the availability of a resource; for example, a resource may be available 50%, 100%, or 300% of full time.

Unit benefit formula, английский
    Method used to determine a participant`s benefits in a defined benefit plan. involves multiplying years of service by the percentage of salary.

Unit capital costs, английский

Unit cell, английский
    Элементарная (кристаллическая) ячейка, единичная ячейка (геометрическое изображение, характеризующее расположение атомов в пространстве, повторение которого при правильных интервалах в трех измерениях без изменения ориентации образует решетку данного кристалла)

Unit citation, английский
    A formal, honorary recognition by high authority of a naval or military unit’s outstanding performance, usually but not exclusively in combat. unit citations are not intended to recognize individual actions, but to acknowledge the combined efforts of the unit as a whole. a usn vessel receiving such a citation is entitled to fly an identifying pennant, and those on board at the time the service was performed are awarded a medal to be worn permanently on the right breast of their uniforms. (see also award flags & pennants.)

Unit class, английский
    A classification of units of measurement.

Unit coal, английский

Unit condenser, английский

Industrial effluents, английский
    Промышленные сточные воды

Indicator organisms, английский
    Индикаторные организмы (водные организмы, характерные для вод определенного качества) см. также pollution indicator organism