
Новости переводов

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

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Translations in furniture production

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Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

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Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

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About automatic speech recognition

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Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Alignment section

Глоссарий по геодезии

    Створная засечка, русский

    Alignment, английский
    1. More or less straight row of standing stones

    2. The checking and adjustment of caster, camber and toe angles in a vehicle's suspension to maintain specifications engineered by the vehicle manufacturer for optimum performance.

    3. Выключка, выравнивание. горизонтальное выравнивание текста по краям документа за счет увеличения или уменьшения величины пробелов между словами, выравнивание элементов текста относительно табуляции или вертикальное выравнивание текста относительно верхней

    4. Юстировка; выставление (навигационной системы)

    5. Laser alignment is a measure of the deviation of the optical axis of the laser beam with respect to the mechanical axis of the laser housing. some laser diode modules feature an adjustable alignment for precise positioning applications. amplification

    6. The accuracy of the relative position of an image on a phototool with respect

    7. The placing of the retinal quadrants of the eye so that the light stimulus is equally distributed on all four quadrants. amblyopia - defective vision that cannot be corrected by eyeglasses or contact lenses. often referred to as “lazy eye”.

    8. The arrangement of something in a straight line, or in the correct position in relation to something else

    9. An imaginary line, drawn to regulate the order of a squadron.

    10. Юстировка (механическая или электрическая тонкая регулировка компонентов оптического устройства)

    11. The fine-tuning of tape-head azimuth and tape-recorder circuitry to achieve optimum performance from the type of tape being used.

    12. A condition whereby an index is built on the same partition scheme as that of its corresponding table.

    13. The consistent positioning of text, graphics, and other objects.

    14. The stage when you enter your client’s ‘model of the world’.

    15. How text appears in the column (flush left, flush right, centered, or justified)

    16. Planned and actual location in the vertical and horizontal direction of the product from the entry pit to the exit pit.

    17. The horizontal (line) and vertical (top) position of a railway track, described by curved track of horizontal radius r, tangent track where r = ? , vertical radius and gradient.uos

    Alignment (of a gyro) against a fixed marker, английский

    Alignment (of dna sequences), английский

    Alignment - the placement of rack sticks in a rack of timber or other wood products so that they form vertical tiers., английский

    Alignment / course line, английский

    Alignment accuracy, английский

    Alignment accuracy against north, английский

    Alignment accuracy assessment, английский

    Alignment and test facility for optical, английский
      Systems оборудование для юстировки и испытания оптических систем

    Alignment angle, английский

    Alignment around, английский

    Alignment box, английский
      The rectangle that appears around shapes and objects from other applications as you move them.

    Alignment chart, английский

    Alignment clamp, английский

    Alignment container, английский

    Alignment correction, английский

    Alignment device, английский

    Alignment equipment, английский
      Устройства для синхронизации движения тележек дождевальной машины фронтального действия

    Alignment error, английский
    1. Погрешность вы- составляющая погрешности гироставки скопического устройства, определяе-

    2. Мая погрешностями начальной ориентации гироскопического устройства.

    3. Ошибка центровки; ошибка юстировки; установочная ошибка; ошибка выравнивания

    Alignment error rate monitoring, английский

    Alignment for crane tracks, английский

    Створная засечка, русский

    Станционный высотомер, русский