
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Ultrasonic absorption

Глоссарий терминов по технологиям неразрушающего контроля (NDT)
  1. A dampening of ultrasonic vibrations that occurs when the wave transverses a medium.

  2. Damping or dissipation of ultrasonic waves as they pass through a medium. see also attenuation coefficient.

  3. Damping or dissipation of ultrasonic waves as they pass through a medium.7,21 see also attenuation coefficient.

Absorptance, английский
  1. In illumination engineering, the ratio of the absorbed flux to the incident flux. absorption 1. the process by which a liquid, or a mixture of gases and liquid, is drawn into and tends to fill permeable pores in a porous solid material; usually accompanied by a physical change, chemical change, or both, of the material. 2. the increase in weight of a porous solid body resulting from the penetration of liquid into its permeable pores. 3. the increase in weight of a brick or tile unit when immersed in either cold or boiling water for a stated length of time; expressed as a percentage of the weight of the dry unit. 4. the process by which radiant energy, which is incident on a surface, is converted to other forms of energy. 5.

  2. Коэффициент поглощения (световой энергии); лучепоглощаю- щая способность

  3. Коэффициент поглощения. см^`absorption fac

Absorptance (alpha), английский

Absorptio, onis, f, латинский

Absorptiometer, английский

Absorption, немецкий

Absorption, английский
  1. With respect to radiation protection , absorption describes a mode by which radioactive materials may enter the body leading to an internal radiation hazard. for example it is well known that h-3 contamination on the skin will be readily absorbed and take

  2. Properties

  3. Абсорбция, поглощение; лучепоглощение; впитывание; амортизация; абсорбционный

  4. The assimilation of one material into another; in petroleum refining, the use of an absorptive liquid to selectively remove components from a process stream.

  5. The process of taking in. for a person or an animal, absorption is the process of a substance getting into the body through the eyes, skin, stomach, intestines, or lungs.

  6. Caused by impurities introduced during the manufacturing process, absorption creates loss in a fiber by turning light energy into heat. the amount of absorption is determined by the wavelength and depends upon the composition of the glass or plastic. and scattering are the two causes of intrinsic attenuation in an optical fiber

  7. Transformation of radiant energy to a different form of energy by the interaction of matter, depending on temperature and wavelength.

  8. Occurs when light is not reflected, refracted, or transmitted. the light energy is transformed into another form, such as heat.

  9. 1. the process by which a liquid is taken into a solid 2. the process of taking into the body substances such as proteins or fats which have been digested from food and enter the bloodstream from the stomach and intestines  absorption rate the rate at which a liquid is absorbed by a solid

  10. Всасывание. процесс поступления вещества из места введения в системный кровоток.

  11. A term formerly used for the sinking of islands and tracts of land, instead of subsidence.

  12. Поглощение

  13. The taking in of water and dissolved minerals and nutrients across cell membranes. contrast with ingestion.

  14. Абсорбция, поглощение. 1) в коллоидной химри и химии поверхностей это процесс, посредством которого при наличии, контакта между .двумя фазами данный компонент переходит из,одной фазы в другую^ экспериментально быва.-ет трудно разграничить- абсорбцию и,адсорбцию (см. adsorption) ; иногдалоба -; процесса - протекают одновременно^` -и„ в .таких случаях ,,используют термин ..«сорбция»` 2) поглощение энергии— явление, при котором поток излучения, проходя через вещество, .передает ему. частично или полностью свою энергию`(мос, 5). absorption, nondispersive infrared — недисперсионное инфра красное поглбщение.г см. nondispersive" infrared absorption— недисперсионное инфракрасное поглощение. - 11 absorption coefficient, linear — линейный коэффициент поглощения absorption coefficient, linear — линейный коэффициент по глощения. поглощательная способность (ср. absorbance)t деленная на пройденное расстояние (см. поглощаемость — absorptivity). «молярный» (линейный) коэффициент абсорб ции — это спектральная поглощательная способность, делен ная на пройденное расстояние (длину пробега луча) и кон центрацию вещества (в молях на литр). обозначается буквой ,ai t; е. а=а/1с. термины «коэффициент экстинкции» и «коэф фициент молярной экстинкции» не следует употреблять для обозначения этих величин, , ,` >`•*"-.

  15. The process of gases or liquids being taken up into the pores of a fiber, yarn, or fabric. (also see adsorption.)

  16. The process whereby the particles or quanta (see photon) in a beam of radiation are reduced in number or energy as they pass through some medium. the particles lose energy by interaction with either the nucleus (core) or electrons (shell) of the atoms of the medium.

  17. Phenomenon in which radiant energy enters a material and stays there rather than being transmitted, reflected, or refracted. the energy converts to another form, as when x-ray photons become electrons or sound waves create heat.

  18. Явление, при котором лучистая энергия проникает в материал и остается там, а не передается, отражается или преломляется. энергия преобразуется в другую форму, например, когда рентгеновские фотоны становятся электронами, а звуковые волны создают тепло.

  19. In nondestructive testing, reduction of the intensity of any form of radiated energy as a result of energy conversion (absorption) in a medium, such as the conversion of sound energy into heat. compare attenuation. absorption coefficient, linear (?l): fractional decrease in transmitted intensity per unit of absorber thickness. expressed in units of cm–1.15 acceptable quality level (aql): maximum percent defective (or the maximum percentage of units with rejectable discontinuities) that, for the purposes of sampling tests, can be considered satisfactory as a process average. compare lot tolerance percent defective.

  20. In nondestructive testing, reduction of the intensity of any form of radiated energy as a result of energy conversion in a medium, such as the conversion of ultraviolet radiation into fluoresced visible light. absorption coefficient, linear (?l): fractional decrease in transmitted intensity per unit of absorber thickness. expressed in units of cm–1. acceptable quality level (aql): maximum percent defective (or the maximum percentage of units with rejectable discontinuities) that, for the purposes of sampling tests, can be considered satisfactory as a process average. compare lot tolerance percent defective.

Absorption (pt), английский
    The process of one material (liquid, solid, or gas) merging with a second material by penetration into the particles of the second material … as opposed to adsorption where the material coats and is retained on the surface of the particles of the second material.

Absorption (rt), английский
    The process whereby the particles or quanta (see photon) in a beam of radiation are reduced in number or energy as they are passed through some medium. the particles lose energy by interaction with either the nucleus (core) or electron (shell) of the atoms of the medium.

Absorption accounting equivalent: full-cost accounting., английский

Absorption acoustique, французский

Absorption band, английский

Absorption bed, английский
    A pit of relatively large dimensions which is filled with coarse aggregate and contains a distribution pipe system; used to absorb the effluent of a septic tank.

Absorption capacity, английский
    Способность к освоению

Absorption capacity of soil, английский

Absorption chiller, английский

Absorption coefficient, английский
  1. Fractional decrease in intensity of transmitted energy due to absorption processes per unit of thickness of absorbing material. absorptivity (absorptance): in thermography, proportion (as a fraction of 1) of the radiant energy impinging on a material’s surface that is absorbed into the material. for a blackbody, this is unity (1.0).

  2. Дробное снижение интенсивности передаваемой энергии за счет процессов поглощения на единицу толщины поглощающего материала. поглощательная способность (поглощение): в термографии доля (в долях от 1) лучистой энергии, падающей на поверхность материала, которая поглощается материалом. для абсолютно черного тела это единица (1,0).

Absorption coefficient (rt), английский
    A fraction expressing the decrease in the intensity of a beam of radiation per unit thickness (linear absorption coefficient), or per atom (atomic absorption coefficient of the medium through which the radiation is passing).

Absorption coefficient factor, английский
    Describes light`s ability to be absorbed per unit of path length.

Absorption coefficient, linear (ut), английский
    The fractional decrease in transmitted intensity per unit of absorber material thickness. it is designated by the symbol (µ) and is expressed in units of cm-1.

Absorption cooling, английский

Absorption costing, английский
    Калькуляция с полным распределением затрат

Ultrasonic, английский
  1. Manufacturers` association ассоциация фирм — изготовителей изделий с использованием ультразвука

  2. Of or relating to acoustic vibration frequencies greater than about 20 khz.

  3. Pertaining to acoustic vibration frequencies greater than about 20 khz.

  4. Of or relating to acoustic vibration frequencies greater than about 20 khz.7,22

Vibrations, английский

Dissipation, английский
  1. Unusable or lost energy, as the production of unused heat in a circuit.

  2. Рассеяние

  3. Рассеяние heat ~ рассеяние тепла

  4. Generation of heat by plastic deformation.

Attenuation, английский
  1. The decrease in magnitude of a signal, as it travels through a medium. used to describe signal loss in a transmission system. measured in decibels (db).

  2. Поглощение

  3. Зависимость снижения мощности сигнала от расстояния. для оптоволоконных кабелей обычно выражается в дб/км

  4. In general terms, a reduction in signal strength.

  5. The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or

  6. The difference between transmitted and received power due to loss through equipment, lines, or other transmission devices; usually expressed in decibels. the loss in power of electromagnetic signals between transmission and reception points.

  7. The decrease in magnitude of a wave, or a signal, as it travels through a medium or an electric system. it is measured in decibels (db).

  8. The loss of optical power, whether caused intrinsically (absorption, scattering, microbends, etc.), or extrinsically by components (connectors, splices, splitters, etc)

  9. The decrease in radiation energy (power) as a beam passes through an absorbing or scattering medium.

  10. Reduction of signal magnitude, or loss, normally measured in decibels. fiber attenuation is normally measured per unit length in decibels per kilometer. the decrease in signal strength along a fiber optic waveguide caused by absorption and scattering. attenuation is usually expressed in db/km.

  11. A reduction in the effect or strength of something such as a virus, either because of environmental conditions or as a result of a laboratory procedure

  12. Ослабление

  13. Ослабление (затухание). уменьшение количества радиации при ее прохождении через вещество в результате всех видов взаимодействия с этим веществом. ослабление обычно не связано с уменьшением геометрических размеров (мос, 5). ослабление солнечной радиации — потеря энергии световым лучом при его прохождении через атмосферу земли. потеря энергии обусловлена рассеянием света молекулами воздуха, селективной абсорбцией молекулами определенных веществ и рассеянием света аэрозолями (вмо).

  14. The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the distortion of a digital signal or the reduction in amplitude of an electrical signal. attenuation is usually measured in decibels and is sometimes desirable, as when signal strength is reduced electronically, for example, by a radio volume control, to prevent overloading.

  15. The weakening of a transmitted signal, such as the reduction in the brightness of light, as it travels farther from its source.

  16. Regulatory system of prokaryotes whereby secondary stem-loop structures formed within the 5’ end of an mrna being transcribed determine both if transcription to complete the synthesis of this mrna will occur and if this mrna will be used for translation

  17. Decrease in transmitted energy intensity over distance. the loss may be due to absorption, scattering, reflection, leakage, beam divergence, or other material effects.

  18. Снижение интенсивности передаваемой энергии на расстоянии. потери могут быть вызваны поглощением, рассеянием, отражением, утечкой, расходимостью луча или другими материальными эффектами.

  19. Decrease in signal magnitude during energy transmission from one point to another. this loss may be caused by absorption, reflection, scattering of energy or other material characteristics or may be caused by an electronic or optical device such as an attenuator.1

  20. (1) decrease in energy or signal magnitude in transmission from one point to another. can be expressed in decibels or as a scalar ratio of the input magnitude to the output magnitude.16 (2) change in signal strength caused by an electronic device such as an attenuator. (3) decrease in intensity caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. see also neper.

  21. (1) decrease in acoustic energy over distance. this loss may be caused by absorption, leakage, reflection, scattering or other material characteristics. (2) decrease in signal amplitude caused by acoustic energy loss or by an electronic device such as an attenuator.10,16,21

Coefficient, английский
  1. Coefficient

  2. Коэффициент; множитель; параметр, индекс о ~ for nose

A-scan (ut), английский
    A data presentation method by which intelligence signals from a signal object located are displayed. as generally applied to pulse echo ultrasonics, the horizontal and vertical sweeps are proportional to time or distance and amplitude or magnitude respectively. thus the location and magnitude of acoustical interface are indicated as to depth below the transducer.

Characteristic curve (rt), английский
    A curve which expresses film density as a function of log relative exposure. these curves are useful in determining exposure correction factors and to define the gamma characteristics of the film.