
Новости переводов

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

30 января, 2024

Preparing a scientific article for publication in an electronic (online) journal

20 декабря, 2023

Translation and editing of drawings in CAD systems

10 декабря, 2023

About automatic speech recognition

30 ноября, 2023

Translation services for tunneling shields and tunnel construction technologies

22 ноября, 2023

Proofreading of English text

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Англо-грузинский словарь
  1. The fidelity of a television system to the original scene.

  2. Also called resolution. the fidelity with which detail is reproduced by a television system ranging from a fuzzy to a sharp appearance.

  3. The fidelity of reproduction of the pattern edge relative to the original master

  4. N дефиниция, определе- ние

  5. A verbal representation of a concept which serves to differentiate it from related concepts and allows humans to recognize and agree on the concept.

  6. Description of linear demarcation sensitivity or the detail sharpness of object outline in a radiologic test image. it is a function of screen type, exposure geometry, radiation energy, and characteristics sensor (such as film).

  7. Описание чувствительности к линейной демаркации или четкости контуров объекта на радиологическом контрольном изображении. это зависит от типа экрана, геометрии экспозиции, энергии излучения и характеристик датчика (например, пленки).

განსაზღვრა, грузинский
  1. დადგენა

  2. სიმტკიცე გამბედაობა

Определение, русский
  1. Определение , приговор

  2. 1. установление, выяснение; 2. объяснение, раскрывающее содержание или смысл чего-либо; 3. форма решения суда первой инстанции.

  3. Постановление суда или арбитражного суда первой инстанции или судьи, которыми дело не разрешается по существу. о. постановляются судом или судьей в совещательной комнате. при разрешении несложных вопросов суд или судья может вынести о. после совещания на месте, не удаляясь в совещательную комнату. такое о. заносится в протокол судебного заседания. о. оглашаются немедленно после их вынесения. в о. должны быть указаны: время и место вынесения о.; наименование суда, вынесшего о., состав суда и секретарь судебного заседания: лица, участвующие в деле, и предмет спора; вопрос, по которому выносится о.: мотивы, по которым суд пришел к своим выводам, и ссылка на законы, которыми суд руководствовался; постановление суда; порядок и срок обжалования о.

  4. – понятие, по содержанию и объему отграниченное от др. понятий. определение понятий называется детерминацией. определение человека есть цель и смысл его бытия. взгляд, согласно которому воля человека в каждом случае определена (обусловлена) причинной зависимостью, называется детерминизмом. определенность сущего состоит в том, что в нем может быть (категориальная определенность) высказано (см. категория); если сущее дано в его наглядности, то определенность сущего означает то же самое, что устойчивость, ясность понимания его и ограничение данности. к определяющим моментам сущего относится все то, что составляет его определенное бытие. если все определяющие моменты сущего собраны вместе, то сущее из модуса возможного бытия переходит в модус действительного бытия. пример: определяющие моменты параллелограмма суть то, что 1) параллелограмм образуется из прямых линий, 2) он есть четырехугольник, 3) противолежащие стороны его параллельны. определяющий момент уже создает возможность для образования параллелограмма, затем эта возможность увеличивается с увеличением возможности, она превращается в действительность параллелограмма.

  5. (дефиниция) ,..1) установление смысла незнакомого термина (слова) с помощью терминов (слов) знакомых и уже осмысленных (номинальное определение) или путем включения в контекст знакомых слов (контекстуальное определение), или явного формулирования равенства (явное, или нормальное, определение), в левую часть которого входит определяемый термин, а в правую - определяющее выражение, содержащее только знакомые термины...2) уточнение предмета рассмотрения, однозначная его характеристика (реальное определение)...3) введение в рассмотрение нового предмета (понятия) посредством указания на то, как этот предмет построить (получить) из предметов данных и уже известных. в последнем случае определение принимает вид системы определяющих соотношений (схем, равенств) или "шагов перехода" (шагов индукции) от явно определенного и известного к искомому неизвестному (рекурсивные и индуктивные определения).

  6. Уточнение содержания используемых понятий, один из самых надежных способов, предохраняющих от недоразумений в общении, споре и исследовании.

  7. Пояснение, раскрывающее смысл понятия, даваемое, как правило, в краткой повествовательной форме.

Определение; описание;, русский

Разрешение; разрешающая способность;, русский

Формирование рисунка;, русский

Задание; постановка;, русский

Четкость, русский
    Четкость , ясность

Detail, английский
  1. Деталь

  2. [1] a person or (usually small) group assigned to a specific task. [2] to issue orders appointing such a group.

  3. In radiologic testing, the degree of sharpness of outline of an image or the clear definition of an object or discontinuity in the object. see also definition.

  4. При радиологических исследованиях - степень четкости контуров изображения или четкое определение объекта или неоднородности объекта. см. также определение.

Image definition (rt), английский

Television, английский
  1. Телевидение; телевизионный

  2. The electronic transmission of pictures and sounds.

  3. Телевидение

  4. An electronic system of transmitting transient images of fixed or moving objects together with sound through space by an apparatus that converts light and sound into electrical waves and reconverts them into visible light rays and audible sound.

Resolution, английский
  1. The smallest change in the parameter being measured that causes a detectable change in the output of the instrument.

  2. Разрешение

  3. Defines the smallest resolvable object in the target plane at a given range-to-target, atmospheric condition and target signal level ability of a telescope to differentiate between two objects in the sky which are separated by a small angular distance

  4. The measure of the fine detail that can be seen in an image. for analog systems this is typically measured in television lines or tvl. the higher the tvl rating, the higher the resolution.

  5. Refers to the degree of detail of an image. it is usually measured in dots per inch (dpi) or lines per inch (lpi). a high resolution gives a high quality image and vice versa.

  6. The quality of any digital image, whether printed or displayed on a screen, depends in part on its resolution—the number of pixels used to create the image. more and smaller pixels adds detail and sharpens edges. l optical is an absolute number that the camera`s image sensor can physically record. l interpolated adds pixels to the image using complex software algorithms to determine what color they should be. it is important to note that interpolation doesn`t add any new information to the image it just makes it bigger! camera makers often specify the resolution as: qvga (320 x 240), vga (640 x 480), svga (800 x 600), xga (1024 x 768) or uxga (1600 x 1200)

  7. A measure of picture resolving capabilities of a television system determined primarily by bandwidth, scan rates and aspect ratio. relates to fineness of details perceived.

  8. The ability to distinguish fine detail or resolve information within an image.

  9. Refers to the number of pixels, both horizontally and vertically, used to either capture or display an image. the higher the resolution, the finer the image detail will be.

  10. The quality of any digital image, whether printed or displayed on a screen, depends on its resolution, or the number of pixels used to create the image. more, smaller pixels add detail and sharpen the edges.

  11. 1. the amount of detail which can be seen in a microscope or on a computer monitor 2. a point in the development of a disease where the inflammation begins to disappear

  12. Наименьшее расстояние между деталями, обеспечивающее их захват роботом

  13. Разложение (на составляющие) ~ of forces разложение сил ~ of vector разложение вектора

  14. Resolution is a rule used in logical inference. it states that if there is an axiom of the form (a or b) and another of the form (not(b) or c), then (a or c) logically follows. see also: modus ponens, modus tollens.

  15. Разрешающая способность. способность значимо различать близкие значения [28].

  16. A measure of the fineness of detail in an image or text, usually as produced by a monitor or printer.

  17. Loosely speaking, the quality of an image. when printing or working with images, the resolution is usually measured in dots per inch (dpi) - the more dots per inch, the higher the quality of the image but the larger the file needed to store it. in windows, the screen resolution is how many- pixels- fit on the desktop, the most popular being 800 x 600 and 1024 x 768 - the former makes images, icons etc look bigger, but the latter means you can fit more of them on the screen.

  18. The process of translation between a domain name address and an ip address.

  19. A document that records a decision or action by a board of directors, or a bond resolution by a government entity authorizing a bond issue.

  20. The number of dots in an image’s screen display or printed output. a monitor’s resolution refers to the number of pixels per linear inch. printed resolution refers to dots per linear inch. (see dpi.)

  21. The ability to distinguish between two points in an image

  22. Разрешающая способность. мера способности видеокамеры или телевизионной системы воспроизводить детали. число элементов изображения, которые могут быть воспроизведены с хорошей четкостью.

  23. Aspect of image quality pertaining to a system’s ability to reproduce objects, often measured by resolving a pair of adjacent objects or parallel lines. see also line pair; resolving power.

  24. Aspect of image quality pertaining to a system’s ability to depict objects, often measured by distinguishing (resolving) a pair of adjacent objects or parallel lines.

  25. A system’s ability to depict two objects or signals in close proximity as separate from one another. resolution, or resolving power, varies with size, distance, sensor characteristics, object shape, object color, and contrast. see also line pair; vision acuity.

  26. An aspect of image quality pertaining to a system’s ability to reproduce objects, often measured by resolving a pair of adjacent objects or parallel lines.6

Appearance, английский
  1. Manifestation of the nature of objects and materials through visual attributes such as size, shape, color, texture, glossiness, transparency, opacity, etc.

  2. Going to court. or a legal paper that says you will participate in the court process

  3. The first making of a land-fall: formerly astronomically used for phenomenon and phase. the day of an officer`s first joining a ship after his being appointed.

  4. Внешний вид ~ of finished concrete внешний вид отделанной бетонной поверхности ~ of fracture вид излома, форма излома ~ of naturally weathered surface внешний вид выветренной поверхности

  5. Изменение внешнего вида (конструкции); ~ in sign перемена знака (напр, силы); ~s in the work изменения проекта (в стадии строительства по решению заказчика) air ~ воздухообмен (по наружному воздуху) air ~s per hour кратность воздухообмена (по наружному воздуху)

  6. Явка (в суд)

Reproduction, английский
  1. Reproducción

  2. The process of making new living beings by existing ones, e.g. producing children or derived other descendants

  3. ->copying, ->self-reproduction

  4. Reproduction means the making of a copy (copies) of a work or an object of related rights in any means and in any material form, including permanent or temporary storage of a work or an object of related rights, in whole or in part, in an electronic or other form.

  5. A replica of an original piece.

Representation, английский
  1. N репрезента- ция, представление knowledge ~ представление знаний internal ~ псхл. внутреннее представление mental ~ ментальная репрезентация

  2. A collateral statement of such facts not inserted on the policy of insurance, as may give the underwriters a just estimate of the risk of the adventure. (see warranty.)

  3. A representation is a set of conventions about how to describe a class of things. representation will generally consist of four parts: 1. a lexicon that determines which symbols are in it vocabulary; 2. a structural part that describes the constraints on the symbols; 3. a collection of methods or procedures that allow the symbols to be manipulated and queried; and 4. a semantics that specifies the meaning of the symbols and their relationships. re-ranking in handwriting and text recognition systems, the task of re-ranking allows the candidate interpretations developed by the recognizer to be ranked or scored according to the language model. see also: word n-gram re-ranking, word-tag model.

  4. If something stands in place of or is chosen to substitute for something else, the former is considered a representation of the latter. e.g., representation of constituencies in government, linguistic representation of an event (->symbol). the 66 belief that all knowledge is a representation of the properties of the real world is as unacceptable as the insistence that all descriptions or messages are about something else.

Differentiate, английский

Description, английский
  1. Описание

  2. Описание (примеров осуществления изобретения)

  3. N описание phonetic ~ фонетическое описание sensory-based ~ псхл. описание, основанное на восприятиях structural ~ структурное описание

  4. Описание; характеристика description formописательная форма

  5. Описание; характеристика; обозначение

  6. Part of a patent application or specification. discloses the invention as claimed, specifies the technical field to which the invention relates and indicates any prior art the applicant is aware of.

Demarcation, английский
  1. Установление границ

  2. Разделение сфер деятельности профсоюзов (по профессиям; обыкн. на одном предприятии)

Sensitivity, английский
  1. Change in the response of a measuring instrument divided by the corresponding change in the stimulus (1)

  2. The ratio of the output of an instrument to the input (i.e. -gain).

  3. Defines the smallest signal detectable in the presence of systems noise

  4. In television, a factor expressing the incident illumination upon a specified scene required to produce a specified picture signal at the output terminals of a television camera.

  5. For a camera usually specified in lux to provide indication of light level required to gain a full video signal from the camera.

  6. A measure of the amount of light required to provide a standard video signal. sensitivity values are stated in lux (see lux) or foot-candles.

  7. Lens iris aperture required to provide a video output signal of standard level at a specified light input. in general, sensitivity is measured using an 89.9% reflectance grey scale chart illuminated by a 3200? k illuminance at 2000 lux (color camera) or 400 lux (b/w camera), for a video output level of 100%.

  8. 1. the fact of being able to detect and respond to an outside stimulus 2. the rate of positive responses in a test from persons with a specific disease. a high rate of sensitivity means a low rate of people being incorrectly classed as negative. compare specificity

  9. Чувствительность; сенситивность; восприимчивость специфически измененная реактивность. вероятность возникновения реакции на введение антигенов. ср. susceptibility (восприимчивость (к болезни)).

  10. The sensitivity of classification rule is a measure of its ability to correctly classify observations into a particular category. it is defined to be the ratio of the number of true positives to the number of positives in a test set. this value is usually inversely related to the specificity of the test for a given set of data and a particular classification rule. note that this measure is different from the positive predictive value of a rule, which is a measure of the probability that a positive is a true positive. if multiple classification categories exist, each category will have its own sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value. see also: positive predictive value, specificity.

  11. Чувствительность: a) различие в концентрации аналита, соответствующее наименьшему обнару-живаемому различию в реакции метода. представляется наклоном калибровоч-ной кривой. иногда ошибочно используется для обозначения предела обнаружения. b) частота истинно положительных результатов, полученных при испытании проб, в которых, насколько известно, содержится аналит [55]. c) отношение изменения показаний измерительного прибора к соответствую-щему изменению измеряемой величины. измеряемой величиной может быть, например, количество исследуемого вещества, содержащееся в пробе.

  12. Чувствительность. в сенсорном анализе — способность различать, идентифицировать и/или дифференцировать (качественно и/или количественно) один или более раздражителей с помощью органов чувств (предварительный стандарт мос, 12). в аналитической химии — чувствительность метода, которая (для простого-метода)- характеризуется наклоном калибровочной кривой, т. е. является дифференциалом измеряемой величины по отношению к концентрации dx/dc. чувствительность не следует путать с наименьшим количеством или наиболее низкой концентрацией, которые можно обнаружить с помощью данного метода; правильный термин для обозначения этого понятия — предел чувствительности (см. limit of detection).

  13. The output of a microphone in volts for a given input in sound pressure level. sensitivity can also mean the sound pressure level (spl) a loudspeaker produces at one meter when driven with one watt of pink noise.

  14. The degree of confidentiality of an e-mail message or calendar item, ranging from normal to confidential.

  15. The significance level that must be reached before a notification is sent.

  16. Чувствительность:

  17. Measure of a sensor’s ability to detect small signals. see resolution.

  18. Ability of a sensor or system to distinguish a signal or indication from background noise. see also probability of detection.

  19. Ability of a sensor or system to distinguish a signal or indication from background noise. see also probability of detection. si (international system of units): international measurement system in which the following seven

  20. (1) performance characteristic of a penetrant system, of a developer, or of an entire penetrant process that provides a relative measure of the ability to detect discontinuities. (2) enumerated level of performance of a penetrant system determined by applying standardized processing procedures on reference standards with known defects. (3) ability of a sensor or system to distinguish a signal or indication from background noise. compare probability of detection.

  21. Probability of detection.

  22. Ability of signal to change with small changes of measured quantity.

Characteristics, английский
  1. The distinguishing qualities of a navigation aid or buoy, including shape and color, whether fixed or flashing, and flashing sequence.

  2. A high-performance fiber with high chemical resistance that does not burn in air. it has no melting point and does not drip when exposed to flame. the fiber and fabrics from pbi retain their flexibility, dimensional stability, and significant strength without embrittlement even when exposed to flame or extreme heat. the fiber emits little smoke in extreme conditions. it processes well on conventional textile equipment, having processing characteristics similar to polyester. it can be used in 100% form or blended with other fibers. it has a high moisture regain and low modulus with comfort properties similar to cotton. the natural color of pbi is a gold-khaki shade, but it can be dyed to almost any medium to dark shade with conventional basic dyes.

  3. Acetate fabrics are in appearance fast-drying, wrinkle and shrinkage resistant, crisp or soft in hand depending upon the end use.

  4. Although modacrylics are similar to acrylics in properties and application, certain important differences exist. modacrylics have superior resistance to chemicals and combustion, but they are more heat sensitive (lower safe ironing temperature) and have a higher specific gravity (less cover).

  5. Although the properties of the nylons described above vary in some respects, they all exhibit excellent strength, flexibility, toughness, elasticity, abrasion resistance, washability, ease of drying, and resistance to attack by insects and microorganisms.

  6. Because acrylic fibers are thermoplastic, fabrics may be heat-set for wrinkle resistance and to provide permanency to pleats. acrylic fabrics have low moisture absorbency and dry relatively quickly. in general, acrylic fibers are resistant to the degrading effects of ultraviolet rays in sunlight and to a wide range of chemicals and fumes. they provide warmth in fabrics that are lightweight, soft, and resilient. acrylic fibers have relatively poor flame resistance compared with other fibers. some acrylic fabrics, particularly knit types, approximate the hand of fine wool. because of the composition and cross section of the fiber, fabrics made therefrom have a high bulk to weight ratio. this is further enhanced with the so-called “high bulk” spun yarns.

  7. Glass fiber is incombustible and will tolerate heat up to 1000°f without material damage. potential strength is not realized in woven fabrics or even in yarns, because the fiber is brittle and fracture points may develop, but nevertheless, very high tensile strength is obtained in woven fabrics, and is retained at elevated temperatures. the fiber originally was difficult to color but methods have been developed to accomplish this. moisture absorption is low. electrical and insulation resistance is high.

  8. Polychlal fibers have a soft, lamb’s wool-like hand and moderate moisture regain. the fibers are also characterized by high flame resistance and high abrasion resistance.

  9. Polyester fibers have high strength and are resistant to shrinking and stretching. fabrics are quick drying and tend to have wrinkle resistance and crease retention, wet and dry. polyester is used alone and in blends. it has been one of the first fibers to be developed in fabrics with durable-press features.

  10. Polyethylene fibers have a low specific gravity, extremely low moisture regain, the same tensile strength wet and dry, and are resistant to attack by mildew and insects. these qualities have made polyethylene fiber suitable for industrial applications, geotextiles, outdoor furniture, and similar applications. polyethylene fiber does not dye, and in most cases, it is colored by the addition of pigments and dyes to the material prior to spinning. it has a low melting point, a property that has restricted its use in apparel.

  11. Polypropylene fibers have a number of advantages over polyethylene fibers in the field of textile applications. the degree of crystallinity, 72 to 75%, results in a fiber that is strong and resilient, and does not fibrillate like high-density polyethylene. polypropylene has a high work of rupture, which indicates a tough fiber, and may be made with tenacities as high as 8.0 to 8.5 grams per denier. the melting point of polypropylene is 165°c, which is low by comparison with nylon or polyester, but is high enough to make it suitable for most textile applications. so light that it actually floats, polypropylene fiber provides greater coverage per pound than any other fiber. it is highly resistant to mechanical abuse and chemical attack.

  12. Rayon yarns are made in a wide range of types in regard to size, physical characteristics, strength, elongation, luster, handle, suppleness, etc. they may be white or solution dyed. strength is regulated by the process itself and the structure of the yarn. (also see polynosic fiber.) luster is reduced by including delustering materials, such as titanium dioxide pigments, in the fiber when it is extruded. the suppleness of the yarn is controlled by the number of filaments in the yarn, the denier or gauge of the individual filaments or fibers, and the fiber cross-section.

  13. Spandex is lighter in weight, more durable, and more supple than conventional elastic threads and has between two and three times their restraining power. spandex is extruded in a multiplicity of fine filaments which immediately form a monofilament. it can be repeatedly stretched over 500% without breaking and still recover instantly to its original length. it does not suffer deterioration from oxidation as is the case with fine sizes of rubber thread, and it is not damaged by body oils, perspiration, lotions, or detergents.

Чувствительности, русский

Definitive, английский
  1. Conclusive; decisive.

  2. Полный; окончательный

განსაზღვრული, გარკვეული, ზư, грузинский