
Новости переводов

01 августа, 2023

სამეცნიერო სტატიის გამოსაცემად მომზადება: მონაცემთა დუბლირება

28 ноября, 2018

მიულოცეთ თქვენს კოლეგებს

22 декабря, 2017

თარგმანის სტანდარტული გვერდი

15 ноября, 2017

ქართული ენა სომხებისათვის

11 ноября, 2017

სომხური და ქართული ხელნაწერების გამოფენა ჩინეთში

25 декабря, 2012

საქართველოში „ენის პოლიციის“ შექმნის წინადადებას აყენებენ

22 августа, 2012

ინგლისური საქართველოში მეორე არაოფიციალური ენა ხდება

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  


Англо-грузинский словарь

Term, английский
  1. Terminal

  2. 1. a limited period of time, especially the period from conception to childbirth, or a point in time determined for an event  she was coming near to term she was near the time when she would give birth 2. part of a college or school year  the anatomy exams are at the beginning of the third term. 3. a name or word for a particular thing

  3. N термин; pl. выражения, язык | v выражать, называть allness ~ всеохватное слово; слово со значе- нием семантической безысключительности archaic ~ устаревший термин

  4. The period of time during which a contract is in force.

  5. Назначенный день уплаты аренды, процентов и т.п.

  6. Maximum period for which a patent can be kept in force. for european patents, the term is set by article 63 epc at twenty years.

  7. The actual life of a mortgage, at the end of which the mortgage becomes due and payable unless the lender renews the mortgage.

  8. A pillar surmounted by a carved male or female bust, usually armless, that tapers towards the base. also known as a herm, after the posts bearing the carved head of hermes that were used as boundary markers in ancient greece.

Terminal, английский

Term, английский
  1. Terminal

  2. 1. a limited period of time, especially the period from conception to childbirth, or a point in time determined for an event  she was coming near to term she was near the time when she would give birth 2. part of a college or school year  the anatomy exams are at the beginning of the third term. 3. a name or word for a particular thing

  3. N термин; pl. выражения, язык | v выражать, называть allness ~ всеохватное слово; слово со значе- нием семантической безысключительности archaic ~ устаревший термин

  4. The period of time during which a contract is in force.

  5. Назначенный день уплаты аренды, процентов и т.п.

  6. Maximum period for which a patent can be kept in force. for european patents, the term is set by article 63 epc at twenty years.

  7. The actual life of a mortgage, at the end of which the mortgage becomes due and payable unless the lender renews the mortgage.

  8. A pillar surmounted by a carved male or female bust, usually armless, that tapers towards the base. also known as a herm, after the posts bearing the carved head of hermes that were used as boundary markers in ancient greece.