Результаты поиска термина [appropriate]
appropriate | Подходящий; соответствующий |
appropriate adult | If you are held by the police and they realise, or are told, that you have a mental health problem, you have the right to be accompanied by an appropriate adult. they should be an adult who is independent of the police, such as a member of your family or a mental health worker, but they cannot be your solicitor. you may be asked if you have a friend or family member you would like to ask or it could be a professional. an appropriate adult should: make sure that you get a solicitor request that you are seen by a doctor help you to communicate with the police be present if you are questioned about an offence. see our pages on police and mental health for more information. |
appropriate corporate atmosphere/culture |
appropriate healthcare practitioner | This is the term used for the medical professional who is called to the police station if you need medical assessment or treatment. |
appropriate housing |
appropriate jurisdiction | Надлежащая юрисдикция |
appropriate technology | - Оптимальная (соответствующая) технология (подход) технические приемы, знания, методы, процедуры и оборудование, которые адаптированы к конкретным потребностям на местах.
- Техника для развивающихся стран, созданная с учетом местных условий экологически целесообразная техника, рационально использующая природные ресурсы и мало загрязняющая окружающую среду
appropriate treatment or appropriate medical treatment | This means medical treatment for your mental health problem that is: suitable for you available takes into account the nature and degree of your mental health problem and your individual circumstances. |
appropriate, relevant |
appropriated | Rights. pi права первоочередного (по времени) водопользователя (сша) |
appropriateness | Descriptive of the social acceptability of a language item. |