
Новости переводов

02 октября, 2024

Усиление литературной цензуры: рост запретов на книги в публичных библиотеках

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01 октября, 2024

Искусственный интеллект в переводческих услугах: помощь и конкуренция

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Популярные языки в переводах за сентябрь 2024 года

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Кто такой UX-редактор?

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Схема образования нового бюро переводов

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Результаты поиска термина [investment]

  1. Инвестиции; капитальные вложения, см. capital investment

  2. Инвестиция

  3. The first process of a siege, in taking measures to seize all the avenues, blocking up the garrison, and preventing relief getting into the place before the arrival of the main army with the siege-train.

  4. Финансирование; капиталовложение; вклад; инвестиция

  5. The purchase of stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, real property, an annuity, collectibles, or other assets, with the expectation of obtaining income or capital gains-or both-in the future.

  6. A discrete asset or group of assets held for future income, appreciation, or both and tracked separately.

  7. The creation of more money through the use of capital.

  8. An item of value purchased for income or capital appreciation. capital investments include equipment, pipes and other fixed assets. financial investments include stocks, bonds, and other securities.
investment (cost); capital outlay
    investment activities
      investment adviser
      1. A person or an organization that makes the day-to-day decisions regarding a portfolio`s investments. also called a portfolio manager.

      2. Консультант по вопросам индивидуального инвестирования
      investment advisers act
        Legislation passed in 1940 requiring financial advisers to register with the securities and exchange commission. the measure was enacted to protect the public from fraud or misrepresentation by investment advisers.
      investment advisor
        The role referring to activities related to the development and implementation of a strategic portfolio management function for a real estate investment vehicle. this generally includes research and the development of a strategic plan, the identification and qualification of deal flow, financing and structuring advice and the monitoring of overall vehicle performance. the investment advisor can be a separate legal entity with a contractual relationship with an investment vehicle, or can be embedded within the activities of a vehicle manager. the role of the investment advisor is usually documented in an executed agreement between the client/investor and the investment advisor.
      investment advisory service
        A business that specializes in providing investment advice for a fee. all advisers of an advisory service must be registered with the securities and exchange commission.
      investment allowance
        Allowance with respect to a qualifying depreciable asset. it adds a certain percentage of the asset`s initial cost to the full depreciation write-off and is usually given in the year of acquisition or as soon as possible thereafter.
      investment analysts
        Related: financial analysts
      investment appraisal
      1. An evaluation of investment projects to determine the most profitable.

      2. Оценка капиталовложений
      investment attractiveness
        investment bank
          Инвестиционный банк
        investment banking
          Размещение новых выпусков ценных бумаг (банком, выступающим в качестве посредника)
        investment banking capability
          Инвестиционно-банковские услуги
        investment book
          Инвестиционный портфель (журнал учета ценных бумаг,
        investment capital
          investment case
            Обоснование инвестиций; обоснование дополнительных ассигнований
          investment case framework
            Процедура рассмотрения заявок на дополнительные ассигнования
          investment case guidelines
            Руководство (инструкция) по составлению обоснования инвестиций разработанные всемирным банком методические рекомендации, которые в общих чертах определяют формат и содержание обоснования инвестиций на случай его составления.
          investment casting
          1. Casting metal into a mold produced by surrounding (investing) in expendable pattern with a refractory slurry that sets at room temperature after which the wax, plastic or frozen mercury pattern is removed through the use of heat. also called precision casting or lost-wax process.

          2. A casting made by the process.
          investment certificate
            A document that serves as proof that an individual has an investment in a savings and loan association.
          investment climate
          1. Factors such as economic, monetary, and other conditions that affect the performance of investments.

          2. Условия инвестирования
          investment club
            A group of people who combine their money into a larger pool, then invest collectively in stocks and bonds, making decisions as a group.
          investment community
            investment company
            1. Corporation whose activities consist exclusively or substantially of making investments (i.e. holding property and collection of income therefrom) and whose buying and selling of shares, securities, real estates or other investment property is only incidental to this purpose.

            2. A type of investment vehicle which has legal form and framework adapted for specialised investment activities such as but not limited to managing pooled capital from multiple investors in order to buy, sell, or hold investments in various other investment products, funds, or businesses. the investors share in the profits/losses incurred by the investment vehicle.

            3. A firm that that invests the funds of investors in securities appropriate for their stated investment objectives in return for a management fee. see also: mutual fund.

            4. Инвестиционная компания
            investment company act
              Закон об инвестиционных компаниях
            investment company act of 1940
              Legislation that requires investment companies to register with the sec and that outlines standards by which they must operate.
            investment company institute (ici)
              A national industry group of investment companies, including mutual funds, founded in 1940.
            investment compound
              investment considerations
                Доводы за и против инвестирования
              investment consultant
                Инвестиционный консультант
              investment credit
                Долгосрочная ссуда
              investment decisions
                Decisions concerning the asset side of a firm`s balance sheet, such as the decision to offer a new product.
              investment deduction
                investment efficiency
                  Экономическая эффективность капиталовложений
                investment environment
                  Условия инвестирования
                investment expenditures
                  Капиталовложения (приобретение земли, приобретение или строительство зданий, дорогостоящего оборудования: учитываются фактические затраты, а не стоимость приобретенных вещей)
                investment flow data
                  Данные о движении капитала
                investment goods
                  Средства производства длительного пользования; инвестиционные товары; орудия производства
                investment grade
                1. A borrower, or the specific debt instrument or class of debt of a borrower, given a rating from one of the major rating agencies of baa3 / bbb- or higher.

                2. In the context of bond ratings, the rating level above which institutional investors have been authorized to invest.

                3. Инвестиционный класс (категория ценных бумаг)
                investment grade
                  Рейтинг инвестиционного уровня.
                investment grant
                  Инвестиционная дотация
                investment grant (balance sheet)
                  investment history
                    The history of a member firm that establishes certain norms in respect of its investment practice.
                  investment holdings
                    Инвестиционные авуары
                  investment in kind
                    Инвестиции в материальном выражении
                  investment incentives
                    Financial and tax incentives used to attract local or foreign investment capital to certain activities or particular areas in a country.
                  investment income
                  1. Income derived from the investment of capital, whether money or other property, in income-producing assets or in a profit-making venture without active participation in the production of the income or in the affairs of the venture.

                  2. The revenue from a portfolio of invested assets.

                  3. Доход от инвестиционной деятельности
                  investment income (income statement)
                    investment insurer
                      Страховщик инвестиций
                    investment into associates