Результаты поиска термина [partnership]
partnership | - Партнерство
- Association of two or more person (individuals or companies) formed for the purpose of making a profit. a partnership can be a general partnership or a limited partnership depending on the extent of each party`s liability. a general partnership is characterized by the unlimited liability of the general partners for partnership debts. also see: limited partnership.
- A legal entity or formal arrangement between two or more partners to manage and operate a business, governed by a partnership agreement. the partners have direct rights to a share of the assets and the profits of the partnership. an example of a partnership is a limited partnership.
- The set of rules on a computer and a portable device that allow digital media files and other information to be synchronized.
- Shared ownership among two or more individuals, some of whom may, but do not necessarily, have limited liability with respect to obligations of the group. see: general partnership, limited partnership, and master limited partnership.
- A firm owned by two to twenty people who share profits and usually have unlimited liability for the firm’s debts and obligations.
- Простое товарищество
partnership agreement | - Соглашение о партнерстве partner`s showcase выставка продукции партнеров
- A written agreement among partners detailing the terms and conditions of participation in a business ownership arrangement.
- Договор полного товарищества
partnership for a new generation of vehicles |
partnership limited by shares | Товарищество с ограниченной ответственностью |
partnership of joint co-owners |