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Популярные языки в переводах за ноябрь 2024

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Результаты поиска термина [wavelength]

  1. Light is made up of electromagnetic waves; wavelength is the crest (peak)-to-crest distance between two adjacent waves.

  2. Для оптических сетевых устройств длина волны светового потока составляет 850, 1300, 1310 и 1550 нм

  3. The optical term for frequency. fiber optics generally uses the 850 nm, 1300/1310 nm, 1550 nm and 1625 nm wavelengths for transmission purpose due to the marriage of performance with light sources, optical fibers, and optical detector technologies

  4. Distance in the direction of propagation of a periodic wave between two successive points at which the phase is the same. tel 203•377•8282 fax 203•378•2457 e-mail res_sales@oriel.com url www.oriel.com 9-17 polarization lenses optics prisms & filters beam splitters windows, substrates & mirrors properties of optical coatings optical materials

  5. The length of the light wave, usually measured from crest to crest, which determines its color. common units of measurement are the micrometer (micron), the nanometer, and the angstrom unit.

  6. The spatial period of a plane wave

  7. The distance between "waves" in the electromagnetic field, specified as angstroms or nanometers.

  8. The distance an electromagnetic wave travels in the time it takes to oscillate through a complete cycle. wavelengths of light are measured in nanometers (10-9 m) or micrometers (10-6m).

  9. The linear distance occupied by one complete cycle of vibration of an energy form from any given point to the next point characterized by the same phase.

  10. For light waves or sound waves, the distance between two successive points of a periodic wave in the direction of propagation, in which the oscillation has the same phase; the distance the wave travels in one period. for light waves three common units of wavelength are: micrometer, nanometer, and angstrom. wave molding, oundy molding, swelled chamfer, undulating molding, undy

  11. Длина волны wax 1. воск 2. парафин 3. пластичная глина way 1. путь; дорога 2. проход; переход 3. колея 4. направление, сторона 5. амер, расстояние

  12. The physical length between corresponding points of successive cycles of a wave. low frequencies have long wavelengths; high frequencies have short wavelengths.

  13. The distance between the crests of a wave in a radio signal, measured as the speed of light divided by the frequency in- hz.

  14. The distance between one peak of a wave and the next peak

  15. Light is measured by its wavelength (in nanometers) or frequency (in hertz). one wavelength. equals the distance between two successive wave crests.

  16. The distance between two points having the same phase in two consecutive cycles of a periodic wave, along a line in the direction of propagation.

  17. Distance between repeating values of a wave — for example, the distance from one peak to the next peak on a sine wave. wavelength is a fundamental descriptor when discussing wave behavior, system sensitivity, and diffraction effects.

  18. Distance between repeating values of a wave. for example, the distance from one peak to the next peak on a sine wave.

  19. Distance between repeating values of a wave. for example, the distance from one peak to the next peak on a sine wave. wavelength is generally measured in nanometers when considering uv-a radiation (for example, 365 nm). compare frequency.

  20. Distance between repeating units of a wave. for example, the distance from one peak to the next peak.

  21. Distance needed in the propagation direction for a wave to go through a complete cycle.7,21
wavelength (ut)
    The distance between two corresponding points of the periodic pattern of particle motion that is a characteristic of ultrasonic energy propagation.
wavelength adapter
    A device which receives one wavelength and outputs a second wavelength, usually to take a standard signal and convert it to an itu wavelength.
wavelength division demultiplexing
    wavelength division multiplexing
      A multiplexing technique working in the wavelength domain
    wavelength division multiplexing (wdm)
      The combining of two or more optical signals for transmission over a common optical path, usually a single fiber. wdm devices have a channel wavelength spacing greater than or equal to 50 nm. they typically separate a channel in one conventional transmission window (e.g., 1310 nm) from another (e.g., 1550 nm). types include wide wdm, coarse wdm, and dense wdm
    wavelength division multiplexing(wdm)
      Multiplexing of signals by transmitting them at different wavelengths through the same fiber.
    wavelength isolation
      A wdm’s isolation of a light signal in the desired optical channel from the unwanted optical channels. also called far-end crosstalk.
    wavelength multiplexing
      Transmitting individual signals simultaneously by using a different wavelength for each signal. synonymous with frequency division multiplexing.
    wavelength reference module
      wavelength router
        An optical device that directs input signals according to their wavelength.
      wavelength routing switch (wrs)
        A switch, used in optical networks, that routes wavelengths as required to specific terminals in the network.
      wavelength selective coupler
        A device which couples the pump laser wavelength to the optical fiber while filtering out all other unwanted wavelengths. used in erbium-doped fiber amplifiers.
      wavelength tuning
        The manipulation of the output wavelength of an optical device such as a laser or an optical parametric oscillator
      wavelength-independent coupler;