abk | abkhaz; |
abkhaz | abk; |
abq | abaza; |
abaza | abq; |
acf | - Air combat fighter
- Area control facility
saint lucia creole; area control facility; air combat fighter; автокорреляционная функция;; развитая функция связи;; функциональный объект управления процедурой аутентификации ас неаполе контроля доступа асн; ассоциация по компьютерам и гуманитарным наукам;; автоматизированная клиринговая палата; организация для взаиморасчетов банков; сеть финансовых учреждений, осуществляющих электронную передачу транзакций; autocorrelation function;; advanced communications function; authentication control; |
saint lucia creole | acf; |
ady | adyghe; ади; |
adyghe | ady; |
afr | - Acceptance failure rate
- Aircraft flight report
- Air force regulations
- Air force reserve
- Airframe
- Автоматическое распознавание формата
<... afrikaans; acceptance failure rate; aircraft flight report; air force regulations; air force reserve; airframe; automatic format recognition; |
afrikaans | afr; |
aka | - [1] also known as. [2] former hull classification symbol of an attack cargo ship.
- The connecting crossarms between main hull and outboard hull.
akan; |
akan | aka; |
akk | akkadian; |
akkadian | akk; |
akz | alabama; |
alabama | - Шт. алабама (сша)
- Р. алабама (сша)
- [1] the most famous of confederate raiders was css alabama, one of three warships built secretly in england. she sank, burned, or captu...
akz; алабама; al; ala.; |
alq | algonquin; |
algonquin | alq; |
altai | Алтайский край (рсфср, ссср) alt; горн. сист. алтай (на юге западной сибири, ссср); |
amh | amharic; |
amharic | amh; |
ara | - Active retrodirective array
- Aerial refueling area
- Airborne radar approach
- Amateur rocket association
- Attitude reference assembly
- Auxiliar...
arabic; "ара"; active retrodirective array; aerial refueling area; airborne radar approach; amateur rocket association; attitude reference assembly; auxiliary recovery antenna; address register area; algemeen rijksarchief (netherlands); таката-ара; advanced risc architecture;; apple remote access; |
arabic | ara; arab; |
aramaic | arc; |
aragonese | arg; |
armn | armenian; |
asm | - Assembly
- Advanced surface-to-air missile
- Advanced system monitor
- Air service mechanic
- Air superiority mission
- Air-to-surface missile
<... assamese; available seat mile; assembly; сборка, монтаж; компоновка; advanced surface-to-air missile; advanced system monitor; air service mechanic; air superiority mission; air-to-surface missile; antisatellite missile; apollo service module; apollo systems manual; available seat-miles; организация воздушного пространства; |
assamese | asm; |
asturian | ast; |
auv | Autonomous underwater vehicle auvergnat; autonomous underwater vehicle; |
auvergnat | auv; |
ava | - Azimuth versus amplitude
- Аудиовизуальное средство
- Availability information answer details (crm)
avar; ист. гос-во ава (мьянма); ава; azimuth versus amplitude; audio visual authoring;; audio-visual aids; |
avar | ava; |
avst | avestan; |
avestan | avst; |
aym | aymara; |
aymara | aym; |
azb | Short for azbilliards south azerbaijani; azb; |
south azerbaijani | azb; |
aze | azerbaijani; |
azerbaijani | aze; |
bak | bashkir; |
bashkir | Башкирская автономная советская социалистическая республика, bashkiria [ьлf`kirns bak; |
bali | balinese; м. бали (тихий ок., индонезия); о. бали (малые зондские о-ва, индонезия); backweb authoring language interface; |
balinese | bali; |
bam | - Bosnia and herzegovina convertible mark
- See: bidirectional associative memory.
- The iso 4217 currency code for bosnia & herzegovinan convertible mark.
bambara; босния и герцеговина конвертируемая марка; |
bambara | bam; |
batk | batak; |
batak | batk; |
bel | - Lanthanum beryllate
- A unit of sound level which denotes the ratio between two quantities proportional to power; the number of bels equals the logarithm of this ratio, to the base 10...
belarusian; lanthanum beryllate; бел; |
belarusian | bel; |
bem | Boundary estimate message (sarp) bemba; boundary element method; метод граничных элементов; |
bemba | bem; |
ben | - Горн, массив бен-ломонд (о. тасмания, австралия);
- Гора бен-ломонд (шотландия, великобритания)
- The three-character iso 3166 country code for benin.
bengali; гора беннёвис (северо-шотландское нагорье, великобритания); шотл. бен; |
bengali | ben; beng; бенгали; |
beng | bengali; |
bhh | bukharic; |
bukharic | bhh; |
bho | bhojpuri; |
bhojpuri | bho; |
bislama | bis; |
bla | blackfoot; blocking acknowledgement message; |
blackfoot | bla; |
blis | Brownfields location information system (wisconsin dept. of commerce) blissymbols; brownfields location information system (wisconsin dept. of commerce); |
blissymbols | blis; |
bod | - Biological oxygen demand
- Beneficial occupancy date
- Basis of design phylosophy
- Biochemical oxygen demand
- Биохимическая потребность в кислороде
tibetan; basis оf design; biological oxygen demand; биологическая потребность кислорода (бпк); beneficial occupancy date; биологическое потребление кислорода (экол.) бпк; основы проектирования; basis of design phylosophy; бпк; |
tibetan | bod; tibt; |
bopo | bopomofo; |
bopomofo | bopo; |
bos | - Bureau of safety
- Burn-out speed
- Базовая операционная система
bosnian; best opposite sex (to bob); bureau of safety; burn-out speed; basic operating system; |
bosnian | bos; |
bpy | bishnupriya manipuri; |
bishnupriya manipuri | bpy; |
brahmi | brah; |
brai | braille; |
braille | - Braille is a scripture that can be read by blind people with their fingers. it is a common reading and writing system for blind and partially sighted persons. it is not a language. it is just ...
brai; азбука брайля; брайля; |
bre | Basic research effort breton; basic research effort; |