aaaa (con seguridad y siempre a flote) | aaaa (always afloat always accesible); |
aaaa (always afloat always accesible) | aaaa (con seguridad y siempre a flote); |
abarrote, madera de estiba, soleraje | dunnage; |
dunnage | - Materials of various types, often timber or matting, placed among the cargo for separation, and hence protection from damage, for ventilation and, in the case of certain cargoes, to provide sp...
abarrote, madera de estiba, soleraje; денедж; materials of various types, often timber or matting, placed among the cargo for separation, and hence protection from damage, for ventilation and, in the case of certain cargoes, to provide space in which the tynes of a fork lift truck may be inserted.; метериалы разного вида, как правило, древесина или маттовый материал, который помещается для изоляции и защиты груза, для обеспечения вентиляции для определенных видов груза, и для того, чтобы погрузчик смог поднять груз.; |
acreditante | accreditor; |
accreditor | acreditante; |
a cuenta | on account; |
on account | a cuenta; за счет; |
ad valorem | ad valorem; |
agencia | agency; |
agente de aduanas | customs agent; |
customs agent | agente de aduanas; |
a granel, al por mayor, gran parte | in bulk; |
in bulk | a granel, al por mayor, gran parte; наливом; навалом; насыпью; навалом (о грузе); |
a la orden | to the order; |
to the order | a la orden; |
a la vista | at sight; |
al contado | cash; |
almacén portuario, depósito aduanero o tinglado | warehouse; |
aparejo | tackle; |
apartado de correos | p.o. box (post office box); |
p.o. box (post office box) | apartado de correos; |
a plazos/a crédito | on credit, credit; |
on credit, credit | a plazos/a crédito; |
aproximadamente | about (forma abreviada abt.); |
about (forma abreviada abt.) | aproximadamente; |
arancel, tarifa | tariff; |
armador/naviero/fletante | shipowner; |
shipowner | A person who owns one or more ships. armador/naviero/fletante; судовладелец; |
asegurado | assured; |
assured | Страхователь asegurado; |
asegurador | insurer; |
astillero | shipyards (syncrolift system, shipbuilder); |
shipyards (syncrolift system, shipbuilder) | astillero; |
atraque | berth; |
autoridad portuaria | port authority; |
port authority | autoridad portuaria; |
avería | average; |
avería gruesa o común | general average; |
avería particular o simple | particular average; |
particular average | - Fiata
- Частная авария (страхование)
avería particular o simple; частная авария; р.а.; |
aviso de siniestro | notice of loss and damage; |
notice of loss and damage | aviso de siniestro; |
avituallamientos | supplies; |
supplies | - [1] in general and commercial use, consumable items such as fuel, food, clothing, and ammunition carried for use during a voyage (cf. furniture). [2] in military logistics, all materiel and it...
avituallamientos; материалы; и других припасов; |
balas, pacas, fardos | bale; |
baltime | baltime; |
baltime | baltime; |
banco avisador | advising bank; |
banco confirmador | confirming bank; |
confirming bank | - The bank which has confirmed a letter of credit opened by another bank.
- Подтверждающий банк
banco confirmador; |
barcaza | barge; |
bbb (antes de empezar la descarga) | bbb (before breaking bulk); |
bbb (before breaking bulk) | bbb (antes de empezar la descarga); |
bcm (distancia de la proa al centro de la manifold) | bcm (bow to centre manifold); |
bcm (bow to centre manifold) | bcm (distancia de la proa al centro de la manifold); |
beneficio esperado o lucro cesante | anticipated benefit; |
anticipated benefit | beneficio esperado o lucro cesante; |
bienes perecederos | perishable goods; |
perishable goods | bienes perecederos; скоропортящиеся товары; |
bimco (consejo marítimo internacional y del báltico) | bimco (baltic and international maritime council); |
bimco (baltic and international maritime council) | bimco (consejo marítimo internacional y del báltico); |
bodegas | holds; |
holds | bodegas; |
bulto | package; |
buque | vessel; |
buque de altura, barco de ruta variable | ocean vessel, tramp steamer or ocean tramp; |
ocean vessel, tramp steamer or ocean tramp | buque de altura, barco de ruta variable; |
buque de cabotaje, costero | coaster; |
coaster | - See coasting.
- A vessel engaged in coastwise trade, normally unsuitable or uncertified for blue-water service.
- Небольшая салфетка или подставка под бутылку, бокал; серебря...
buque de cabotaje, costero; |
caja | carton; archives box/container; box (1); can;; |
carton | Белый кружок в центре мишени caja; картонная упаковка для сока/молока; картонная коробка; тонкий картон; |
calado | draught; |
capitán | master; |
cargador (también expedidor, exportador) | shipper; |
cargamento de peso muerto | deadweight cargo; |
deadweight cargo | A long ton of cargo that can be stowed in less than 40 cubic feet. cargamento de peso muerto; |