absorbance | - Спектральная поглощательная способность. в химическом спектральном анализе — мера интенсивности излучения (или света), поглощаемой образцом, и, следовательно, мера содержания абсорбирующего ве...
absorbancia; поглощение; |
absorbancia | absorbance; |
exactitud | accuracy; |
bellota | acorn; |
activity budget | distribución, reparto o adjudicación del tiempo entre actividades; |
distribución, reparto o adjudicación del tiempo entre actividades | activity budget; time-activity budget; |
adaptación | adaptation; treatment; |
adaptativo(a) | adaptive; |
adaptive radiation | radiación adaptativa; |
radiación adaptativa | adaptive radiation; |
advertisement song | canto de anuncio; |
canto de anuncio | advertisement song; |
afterfeather/aftershaft | hipóptilo o hiporraquis; |
hipóptilo o hiporraquis | afterfeather/aftershaft; |
n. senescencia, adj. senescente | aging; |
agonistic | agonístico; |
agonístico | agonistic; |
akaike information criterion (aic) | A metric that can be used to select the best fitting from a set of competing models and that incorporates a weak penalty term for including additional parameters. criterio de información de akaike; |
criterio de información de akaike | akaike information criterion (aic); |
albumen, albúmina (del huevo) | albumen; |
aliso | alder; |
alignment (of dna sequences) | alineamiento; |
alineamiento | alignment (of dna sequences); |
allele | - One of two or more alternative forms of a gene, situated in the same area on each of a pair of chromosomes and each producing a different effect
- The value of a gene. a binary gene c...
alelo; аллель; |
alelo | allele; |
allele dropout | pérdida de alelos; |
pérdida de alelos | allele dropout; |
asignación | allocation; |
allometry | alometría; аллометрия; |
alometría | allometry; |
alloparenting | alocría, crianza aloparental, cuidado aloparental; |
alocría, crianza aloparental, cuidado aloparental | alloparenting; |
allopatric | alopátrico; аллопатрический; |
alopátrico | allopatric; |
allopatry | alopatría; |
alopatría | allopatry; |
allozyme | aloenzima; |
aloenzima | allozyme; |
altruism | altruismo; |
altruismo | altruism; |
altricial | nidícola; |
nidícola | altricial; |
alula | Álula (ala bastarda); |
Álula (ala bastarda) | alula; |
ammonia | - A chemical used as a refrigerant, esp. in large low-temperature refrigeration systems (as in ice skating rinks) because of its high efficiency.
- A gas with a strong smell, a compound...
amoníaco; аммиак; нашатырный спирт; |
amoníaco | ammonia; |
anagenesis | anagénesis; анагенез; |
anagénesis | anagenesis; |
anagenetic | anagenético; |
anagenético | anagenetic; |
anchovy | The engraulis encrasicholus. a small fish of the family clupeid?, about four inches in length, much used in sauces and seasoning when cured. it is migratory, but principally taken in the mediterra... anchoa; anchoa, anchova; |
anchoa | anchovy; |
anova | - Analysis of variance
- Analyses of variance
andeva; análisis de varianza; analysis of variance; analyses of variance; дисперсионный анализ; |
andeva análisis de varianza | anova; |
antibody | - Anticuerpo
- A protein that is stimulated by the body to produce foreign substances such as bacteria, as part of an immune reaction tests showed that he had antibodies in his blood....
anticuerpo; антитело; ab; |
anticuerpo | antibody; |
antigen | - Antígeno
- A substance that stimulates the body to produce antibodies, e.g. a protein on the surface of a cell or microorganism
- Антиген чужеродное вещество, которо...
antígeno; антиген; ag; |
antígeno | antigen; |
apomorphy | apomorfía; |
apomorfía | apomorphy; |
enfoque, aproximación | approach; |
area cladogram | cladograma de áreas; |
cladograma de áreas | area cladogram; |
arthropod | artrópodo; |
artrópodo | arthropod; |
aspen | Álamo (populus spp.); осина; |
Álamo (populus spp.) | aspen; |
assemblage | ensamble, ensamblaje, asamblea; ассоциация; сборка; монтаж; компоновка;; узел; блок;; составление; 5.ассемблирование; |
ensamble, ensamblaje, asamblea | assemblage; |
evaluar | assess; |
evaluación | assessment; evaluation; |
assortative mating | apareamiento concordante o asociativo; ассортативное спаривание; |
apareamiento concordante o asociativo | assortative mating; |
supuesto, suposición | assumption; |
asymptotic | - Асимптотический
- A property that applies as the sample size tends to infinity.
asintótico(a); асимптотический; функции; асимптотичный; |
asintótico(a) | asymptotic; |
asymptote | Асимптота asíntota; asymp; асимптота; |