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13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Глоссарий терминов по кондиционерам (английский)

microprocessor controls
    A air conditioning control system that uses computer logic to maintain precise control of temperature and humidity and to monitor the unit’s operation.
vapor seal
  1. A barrier that prevents air, moisture, and contaminants from migrating through tiny cracks or pores in the walls, floor, and ceiling into a room. vapor seals may be created using plastic film,... vs;
split system
  1. A central air conditioning or heat pump system consisting of two or more major components. the system usually consists of a compressor-containing unit and condenser (installed outside the hous...
kilowatt-hour (kwh)
  1. A common unit of electrical consumption measured by the total energy created by one kilowatt in one hour.

  2. This is a measure of consumption. it is the amount of electricity that is u...
auto changeover
    A control package that allows you to automatically switch from a primary air conditioning system to a backup in the event of the primary system’s failure.
автоматическое переключение;
reversing valve
  1. A device in a heat pump that reverses the flow of refrigerant as the system is switched from cooling to heating.

  2. A device in a heat pump that reverses the flow of refrigerant as the...
  1. A device in a heat pump that reverses the flow of refrigerant as the system is switched from cooling to heating.

  2. An administrator-initiated action in which one or more passive copie...
air conditioner
  1. A device or system which delivers simultaneous control of air temperature, relative humidity, purity, and motion.

  2. Equipment that simultaneously controls air temperature, relative hu... кондиционер воздуха; кондиционер;
  1. A device that transfers unwanted heat out of a refrigeration system to a medium that absorbs the heat and transfers it to a disposal point. there are three types of condensers: air-cooled cond... line; трубопровод конденсатора; cond; конденсатор; помутнение стекла; конденсор; денсатором;
purge device
  1. A device which removes air and water vapor from the refrigerant inside a chiller.

  2. A device, which removes air and water vapor from the refrigerant inside a chiller.
hybrid heat system
    A fuel-saving alternative to traditional heating and cooling systems that combines a furnace with a heat pump. a hybrid heat system reacts to changing temperatures and automatically adjusts to the...
  1. A general term used to identify, any of a group of partially or completely halogenated simple hydrocarbons containing fluorine, chlorine or bromine, which are used as refrigerants. r-22 is the...
energy star
    A government program that helps businesses and individuals protect the environment through superior energy efficiency. products earn the energy star rating by meeting strict anti-pollution and ene...
matched system
  1. A heating and cooling system comprised of products that have been certified to perform at promised comfort and efficiency levels when used together, and used according to design and engineerin...
cooling capacity
  1. A measure of the ability of a unit to remove heat from an enclosed space.

  2. A measure of the amount of heat that can be removed from a building (or section thereof) in one hour.
  1. A piston type metering device that feeds the proper amount of liquid refrigerant into the evaporator.

  2. A piston type-metering device that feeds the proper amount of liquid refrigeran...
thermostatic expansion valve
  1. A precision device used to meter the flow of liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator at a rate that matches the amount of refrigerant being boiled off in the evaporator.

  2. A contro... tev; терморегулирующий вентиль;
vacuum pump
  1. A pump used to remove air and moisture from a refrigeration system.

  2. A device that is used to extract gas or vapor from an enclosed space, leaving behind a partial vacuum in the cont... vacpmp; vp; насос вакуумный;
packaged system
    A self-contained heating and/or air conditioning system which has all components located in one cabinet. it is placed outside the home – on the ground, on the roof, or sometimes mounted through th...
condenser coil
  1. A series of tubes filled with refrigerant, normally located outside the home that removes heat from the hot, gaseous refrigerant so that it becomes liquid again.

  2. A series of tubes f...
    A sophisticated, programmable thermostat that senses the outdoor temperature, indoor air temperature, and indoor relative humidity. a built-in microprocessor determines the most efficient way to a...
scroll compressor
    A specially designed compressor that works in a circular motion vs. an up and down piston action.
upflow air conditioner
    A type of air conditioning system that discharges air into the conditioned space through a top-mounted discharge plenum or an overhead duct system.
glycol-cooled system
    A type of air conditioning system that uses freon as a refrigerant and a water/glycol solution as a condensing medium. typically, the glycol-cooled condenser is located inside the air conditioner ...
air-cooled system
    A type of air conditioning system that uses freon as a refrigerant and air as a condensing medium. a fan discharges heat from the condenser coil to the outdoors. typically, the air-cooled condense...
water cooled system
    A type of air conditioning system that uses freon as a refrigerant and water as a condensing medium. typically, the water-cooled condenser is located inside the air conditioner with the rest of th...
reciprocating compressor
  1. A type of compressor used in air conditioners that compresses refrigerant through a piston action.

  2. Поршневой компрессор
rc; поршневой компрессор;
centrifugal compressor
  1. A type of compressor used in vapor compression refrigeration cycles where a rotating impeller is the device which compresses the refrigerant vapor. the vapor is drawn into the impeller axially... центробежный компрессор;
low boy
    A type of furnace configuration in which the furnace is lower in height and occupies more floor space.
downflow air conditioner
    A type of precision air conditioning system that discharges air downward, directly beneath a raised floor. commonly found in computer rooms and modern office spaces.
integrally controlled motor
    A variable-speed motor that operates at low rpm when possible for maximum efficiency and quiet operation. icm motors are more than 90% efficient versus 60% efficiency for conventional motors.
free cooling system
    A water- or glycol-cooled system with an additional coil that provides chilled water-cooling when the outdoor ambient temperature is cold, thereby reducing or eliminating compressor operation. pro...
single package product
    A year-round heating and air conditioning system that has all of the components completely encased in one unit outside the home.
comfort air conditioning
    An a/c system designed for the comfort of people, not the protection of computer-based electrical systems. computers and other high-tech equipment usually require an extremely low humidity environ...
air diffuser
  1. An air distribution outlet or grille designed to direct airflow into desired patterns.

  2. An air distribution outlet or grille that directs airflow into desired patterns

  3. An ... воздухораспределитель; диффузор воздуха распределитель;
electronic air cleaner
    An electronic device that filters out large particles and contaminants in indoor air.
    An environmentally sound refrigerant designed not to harm the earth’s ozone layer. federal law requires that all manufacturers phase out ozone-depleting refrigerants in the next few years. puron r...
fan coil
    An indoor component of an air conditioner or heat pump system, used in place of a furnace and evaporator coil, to provide change the refrigerant from a gas to a liquid (or vice-versa) and blow air...
payback analysis
  1. An overall measure of the efficiency and value of your home comfort system. by combining your purchase price and ongoing operating costs, a payback analysis determines the number of years requ...
r-22 refrigerant
    An ozone-depleting, hydro chlorofluorocarbon (hcfc) refrigerant that has been the refrigerant of choice for residential heat pump and air-conditioning systems for decades. because of its potential...
  1. Creating a rise in temperature by adding heat energy to a refrigeration vapor.

  2. Перегрев
supercooled liquid
    Liquid refrigerant cooled below its saturation point.
ton (or tonnage)
  1. Not 2000 lbs, but a unit of measure used to describe the cooling capacity of an air conditioning system. one ton of cooling is based on the amount of heat needed to melt one ton (2000 lbs.) of...
direct expansion systems
    One of two types of basic cooling media (the other is chilled water). direct expansion systems utilize freon for cooling and dehumidification. the three most common methods of heat rejection are a...
  1. Stands for minimum efficiency reporting value. a measurement of air filter’s ability to remove particles from 3 to 10 microns in size. the merv scale ranges from 1 (least efficient) to 16 (mos... ист. г. мерв (в средней азии, туркменская сср, ссср);
central air conditioner system
  1. System in which air is treated at a central location and carried to and from the rooms by one or more fans and a system of ducts.

  2. Where air is treated at a central location and carr...
air change
  1. The amount of air required to completely replace the air in a room or building; not to be confused with re-circulated air.

  2. Unlike re-circulated air, this is the total air required t... воздухообмен кратность;
emergency heat
    The back-up heat built into a heat pump system. also known as supplemental or auxiliary heat.
(k) factor
    The insulating value of any material. also known as conductivity.
outdoor coil/condensing unit
    The portion of a heat pump or central air conditioning system that is located outside the home and functions as a heat transfer point for collecting heat from and dispelling heat to the outside ai...
air handler
  1. The portion of the central air conditioning or heat pump system that forces heated or cooled air through your home’s ductwork. in some systems a furnace handles this function. also known as a ... устройство для обработки воздуха;
  1. The reduction and removal of water vapor in air by cooling the air below the dew point.

  2. The reduction of water vapor by cooling the air below the dew point, as well as the removal o...
  1. The removing, cleaning and reusing of refrigerant.

  2. Переработка; повторное использование отходов

  3. Operating mode of coat ing plants that makes it possible to reuse overspra... лит. рецикличность; reciclaje; переработка отходов; повторное использование; использование; рециркуляция;
boiling point
  1. The temperature at which the addition of any heat will begin a change of state from a liquid to a vapor.

  2. The boiling point refers to the temperature at which a liquid changes to vap... точка (температура) кипения; точка кипения;
condensation point
    The temperature at which the removal of any heat will begin a change of state from a vapor to a liquid.
indoor unit
  1. This is usually located inside the house and contains the indoor coil, fan, motor, and filtering device, sometimes called the air handler.

  2. Usually located inside the house, it house...
refrigerant lines
  1. Two copper lines that connect an air conditioning system’s condenser coil (the outdoor unit) to the evaporator coil (the indoor unit).

  2. Set of two copper lines connecting the outdoor...
two stage compressor
    Two stage compressors are capable of two levels of operation, a low stage and a high stage. properly sized equipment will operate 80% of the time in low stage, enhancing efficiency and comfort wit...
isolation valves
    Valves used for the transfer and isolation of refrigerant charge in the cooler or condenser, allowing refrigerant to be stored inside a chiller during servicing.
ground water-source
    Water from an underground well is being used as the heat source or heat sink for a heat pump.
  1. Stands for air-conditioning and refrigeration institute, a non-profit, voluntary organization comprised of heating, air conditioning and refrigeration manufacturers. ari publishes quality stan... air-conditioning and refrigerating; aileron-rudder interconnect; airborne radio installation; army research institute; ори;
energy saver switch
    A switch that causes an air conditioner’s fan and compressor to cycle on and off together, reducing energy consumption.
load calculation
  1. A series of measurements and studies used to analyze and determine the heating or cooling requirements of your home so that properly sized air conditioning and heating equipment may be install...
  1. This is a section of some condensers in which the temperature of the condensed refrigerant liquid is reduced. this improves the energy efficiency of the chiller.

  2. Переохладитель
теплообменник хладагента;

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