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Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Глоссарий терминов в фотографии

aperture priority
  1. Aperture priority mode (nikon, minolta, konica minolta, sony, olympus, sigma brands), same as av mode.

  2. A metering mode in which the photographer sets the desired lens aperture (f-st... a;
a format designed by the
    Joint photographic experts group
joint photographic experts group;
a system for quantifying the sensitivity (speed) of a photographic emulsion, or a solid-state digital-camera’s image sensor, to visible light. normally followed by a numerical value, e.g.: iso 100 or iso 64/19°. developed from the asa and the din system
    International organization for standardization
international organization for standardization;
advanced distance integration
    Advanced distance integration (minolta, konica minolta, sony brands). a technology to take distance information into account in combination with ttl flash metering.
automatic exposure
  1. Automatic exposure. hardware and software (“firmware”), built into the camera, measures luminance of the subject and automatically sets shutter speed, lens aperture or sensitivity, this also a... ae; autoexposición;
ae-l or ael
  1. Automatic exposure lock

  2. Automatic exposure lock. technology for holding an exposure setting from one scene to another.
automatic exposure lock;
automatic exposure lock
    Automatic exposure lock. technology for holding an exposure setting from one scene to another.
ae-l or ael;
  1. Autofocus. the lens is focused automatically by means of the camera’s hardware and firmware, to obtain optimum sharpness of an image.

  2. The camera lens focuses automatically, usually ... af; автофокусировка;; устройство наведения на спутник, управляющее принятыми сигналами;
af-l or afl
  1. Autofocus lock

  2. Autofocus lock. locks a particular focus setting, preventing refocusing if the scene changes.
autofocus lock;
autofocus lock
    Autofocus lock. locks a particular focus setting, preventing refocusing if the scene changes.
af-l or afl;
an ambiguous abbreviation that should be avoided. some writers use it to mean lateral (transverse) chromatic aberration, tca, while others use it to mean longitudial (axial) chromatic aberration, loca.
    additive system of photographic exposure
      Additive system of photographic exposure. a system to aid calculation of correct exposures, developed in the 1960s. some aspects are included in exif.
      Antishake (minolta, konica minolta brands). see is in general usage.
    aperture value
    1. Aperture value. aperture priority automatic exposure mode, where the photographer sets the lens f-stop and the ae firmware sets the shutter speed.

    2. In photography, the diameter of th... av;
    1. Broad band anti reflection

    2. Broad band anti reflection (tamron brand). anti-reflection multi-coating of lenses to reduce transmission losses.
    broad band anti reflection;
    broad band anti reflection
      Broad band anti reflection (tamron brand). anti-reflection multi-coating of lenses to reduce transmission losses.
      Catch-in-focus. a technique for allowing a camera to be pre-focussed to a defined spot, and the exposure is only made when a subject is in focus at that spot. also called trap focus.
    camera left
      Camera left. similar cr is camera right, slang in photography groups
    1. Cmyk color model

    2. A color encoding system used by printers in which colors are expressed by the

    3. Cyan-magenta-yellow-black

    4. Letters which stand for cyan, magenta,... cmyk color model; cyan-magenta-yellow-black;
    cmyk color model
    1. Cmyk color model. a subtractive process for colour printing that utilises cyan, magenta, yellow and black inks to create any printable colour. it is possible to omit black ink, in which case t... cmyk; цветовая модель cmyk;
    cp, cpl, or cpol
    1. Circular polarizing filter

    2. Circular polarizing filter.
    circular polarizing filter;
    circular polarizing filter
      Circular polarizing filter.
    cp, cpl, or cpol;
    1. Compact system camera

    2. Common signaling channel

    3. Car-seal closed (piping)

    4. Communications satellite corporation

    5. Computer sciences corporation

      compact system camera; common signaling channel; опломбирован в закрытом состоянии (трубопровод); car-seal closed (piping); communications satellite corporation; computer sciences corporation; cost shearing contract; course and speed calculator; commercial space center (nasa); coastal services center (noaa); california surveying corporation; centralized security controller; container service charge; international convention on the safe transport of containers (un); ; convention on supplementary compensation for nuclear damage;
    compact system camera
      Compact system camera. mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera, smaller than a digital single-lens reflex camera.
    defocus control (nikon brand).
      Digitally corrected (konica minolta, sony, sigma brands). a lens designation to indicate lenses which feature improved lens-coating but cover the aps-c image circle only. also used for
    design rule for camera file system
      Design rule for camera file system. a digital camera file system standard; jeita number cp-3461.
    deutsches institut fur normung
      Deutsches institut fur normung. a logarithmic system for expressing film speed in common use in europe since 1934. now combined with the asa linear system, in the form of the iso system.
    digital negative
    1. Digital negative, an open raw image format promoted by adobe and used by some camera manufacturers (f.e. leica, samsung, ricoh and pentax). developed from the tiff/ep digital image file format... dng;
    dof or dof
    1. Depth of field

    2. Depth of field. a measure of the permissible distance within which an object remains in acceptable, though not perfect, focus. calculations of dof assume that an impe... depth of field;
    1. Digital single-lens reflex camera

    2. Digital single-lens reflex camera; also dslr.

    3. Digital slr camera. interchangeable lens digital camera. manufacturers include canon, fuji... digital single-lens reflex camera;
    digital single-lens reflex camera
      Digital single-lens reflex camera; also dslr.
    extra low dispersion glass
      Extra low dispersion glass. used in composite lenses to reduce chromatic aberration. one of a class of special glasses, including anomalous dispersion (ad), special low dispersion (sld) and extrao... ed;
    efc, efcs or efsc
    1. Electronic front curtain,

    2. Electronic first curtain, electronic front curtain, electronic first curtain shutter, electronic first shutter curtain of a focal plane shutter.
    electronic front curtain,;
    electronic front curtain,
      Electronic first curtain,
    efc, efcs or efsc;
    electromagnetic diaphragm
      Electromagnetic diaphragm (canon brand). a more accurate and faster method of actuating a lens diaphragm.
    1. Exposure value

    2. End event

    3. Every

    4. Exposure value. a system for indicating correct exposure in which the shutter speed and f-number are related arithmetically.
      ... exposure value; end event; every; enterovirus; ev; expected value; экспозиционное число;
    exposure value
      Exposure value. a system for indicating correct exposure in which the shutter speed and f-number are related arithmetically.
    ev; величина экспозиции; значение экспозиции при голографировании; выражается в мдж;
    electronic viewfinder interchangeable lens camera
      Electronic viewfinder interchangeable lens camera. see also milc, mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera.
    1. Exchangeable image file format

    2. Extensible image file format

    3. Exchangeable image file format. a standard format for tag data in digital camera files.

    4. (exchangeab... exchangeable image file format; extensible image file format;
    exchangeable image file format
    1. Exchangeable image file format. a standard format for tag data in digital camera files.

    2. A standard for storing metadata, e.g. shutter speed and focal length, in image files, especia... exif;
    f-number, f-stop
      F-number, f-stop. the numerical value of a lens aperture. the ratio of the focal length of the lens divided by its effective aperture diameter.
    full frame
      Full frame, where the image sensor is approximately the same size as a 35 mm film negative: 36 ? 24 mm.
    ff; braced frame.;
    focal plane array
      Focal plane array. a matrix of sensors positioned in the focal plane of a lens or other focusing device.
    frames per second
    1. Frames per second. used in reference to maximum continuous shooting rate or video.

    2. Кадров в секунду

    3. The number of video frames displayed per second. higher frame rates ge... fps; fotogramas por segundo; imágenes por segundo;
    gnu image manipulation program
      Gnu image manipulation program. open-source software for editing digital images. distributed free of charge.
    guide number
    1. Guide number. a value indicating the power of an electronic flash apparatus, and used to estimate exposure. gn = distance ? f-number. one needs to specify the film or sensor iso speed, and it ... gn;
    graduated neutral density
      Graduated neutral density. a type of neutral density filter in which brightness is reduced more on one side of the filter than on the other, allowing the photographer to reduce the contrast betwee... gnd;
    high dynamic range
      High dynamic range. techniques that allow a digital image to show a wider contrast range than current image sensors can record in one file. some cameras have firmware to do the processing.
    hypersonic motor
      Hypersonic motor. an autofocus motor (sigma brand lenses).
    image stabilization
    1. Image stabilization. technology to minimize image blurring by camera movement during exposure. see also as, os, ois, oss, sr, ss, ssi, sss, vr as brand-specific terms.

    2. An optical or... is;
    image stabilizer
      Image stabilizer (canon brand). see general usage.
    1. Lens buying addiction

    2. Launch base area

    3. Large-scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment in amazonia

    4. Lens buying addiction. usually used in a jocular sense on camera... lens buying addiction; launch base area; large-scale biosphere-atmosphere experiment in amazonia; логическая адресация блоков;; автомат с линейно ограниченной памятью l-band l-диапазон; logical block addressing;
    lens buying addiction
      Lens buying addiction. usually used in a jocular sense on camera forums, about a wish to add to an already extensive collection of interchangeable lenses.
    1. Lake central airlines

    2. Launch control analyst

    3. Launch control area

    4. Land cover analysis

    5. An ambiguous abbreviation that should be avoided. some writers ... lake central airlines; launch control analyst; launch control area; land cover analysis;
    1. Chromatic aberration.

    2. Longitudinal (axial) chromatic aberration.

    3. Marine-board. see marine boards.

    4. Loss-of-coolant accident
    chromatic aberration.; loss-of-coolant accident;
    chromatic aberration.
      Longitudinal (axial)
      Lightroom, a popular software application for processing images from digital cameras. developed by adobe.
    multi-coated. anti-reflection coating of lenses to reduce transmission losses. may also stand for
      Multi-coating or
    medium format. a size of film or image sensor somewhat larger than the 35mm film standard of 36 ? 24 mm.
      Manual focus. the photographer adjusts the lens to obtain the image sharpness required, as opposed to af. alternative meaning:
    1. Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera

    2. Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera. similar to a digital single-lens reflex camera, but having an electronic or rangefinder type of viewfi... mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera;
    mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera
      Mirrorless interchangeable-lens camera. similar to a digital single-lens reflex camera, but having an electronic or rangefinder type of viewfinder in place of the mirror and pentaprism, to allow a... milc;
    modulation transfer function
    1. Modulation transfer function. a technical measure of the ability of a lens to create a finely detailed image. several types of specialized apparatus are available to get the basic data on a le... mtf;
    1. Optical image stabilization

    2. Offshore installation supervisor

    3. Office of information services

    4. Obstruction identification surfaces

    5. Optical image stabil... optical image stabilization; супервайзер работ на морской установке; offshore installation supervisor; office of information services; obstruction identification surfaces; учрежденческая информационная система;; интегрированная учрежденческая система ок подтверждение "ok" message подтверждение работоспособности; office information system;; office integrated system;
    optical image stabilization
      Optical image stabilization (panasonic brand). see is in general usage.
    oof or oof
    1. Out of focus

    2. Out of focus.
    out of focus;
    out of focus
      Out of focus.
    oof or oof;
    optical stabilizer
      Optical stabilizer (sigma brand). see is in general usage.
    optical steadyshot
      Optical steadyshot (sony brand). see is in general usage.
    1. Optical viewfinder

    2. Optical viewfinder. the picture is framed on the focusing screen of a through-the-lens optical viewfinder, as found on [d]slr cameras, or in a look-through-viewfi... optical viewfinder;
    optical viewfinder
    1. Optical viewfinder. the picture is framed on the focusing screen of a through-the-lens optical viewfinder, as found on [d]slr cameras, or in a look-through-viewfinder, as found on rangefinder ... ovf;
    1. Point-and-shoot camera

    2. Purchase and sale statement. a statement provided by the broker showing change in the customer`s net ledger balance after the offset of any previously establi... point-and-shoot camera;
    point-and-shoot camera
      Point-and-shoot camera. photographers’ slang for a small or compact camera that is easy to use because the essential functions are automated. popular, but with limitations compared with more advan... p&s;
    personal computer in conjunction with digital photography.
      Prontor-compur. a 3.5 mm coaxial camera jack named pc terminal, to synchronize external non-dedicated flashes (f.e. studio flashes), found on many more advanced camera models. also may mean “persp... pc;
    purple fringing
      Purple fringing. a form of chromatic aberration in which a purple-violet haze degrades high contrast edges or over-saturated highlights. some models of lens are widely criticised for this fault, t... pf;
    ps, pse
    1. Photoshop elements. commercial computer applications developed by adobe to facilitate the editing of digital images.

    2. Photoshop, photoshop elements. commercial computer applications ... photoshop elements. commercial computer applications developed by adobe to facilitate the editing of digital images.;
    photoshop elements. commercial computer applications developed by adobe to facilitate the editing of digital images.
    ps, pse;
    1. Piezo drive

    2. Piezo drive (tamron brand). autofocus mechanism that employs a piezo-electric motor.
    piezo drive;

    Глоссарий терминов в фотографии

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