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Glossary of Plumbing (Глоссарий по отоплению, английский язык)

l tubing
    An industry standard for copper tubing defined by the tube wall thickness and identified by a “blue” strip. type “l” copper tube wall is approximately 50 percent greater thickness than type “m”.
auger (or closet auger)
    A bendable rod with curved end used by plumbers to remove clogs from a toilet’s trap.
metal fatigue
    A breakage of the metal caused by the bending and flexing or the expansion and contraction of a metal part beyond its endurance limit.
boiler feed
    A check valve controlling inlet water flow to a boiler.
low consumption toilet
    A class of toilet designed to flush using 1.6 gallons of water or less. also known as “water-saving” toilets.
mapp gas
    A colorless, flammable gas made by combining liquefied petroleum gas with methylacetylene-propadiene. it is a stable, non-toxic fuel used in brazing and soldering.
no-hub connector
    A connector for no-hub iron pipe consisting of a rubber sleeve and a stainless steel band secured by hose clamps. a variation, a neoprene sleeve with two adjustable steel bands, is used for connec...
closet bend
    A curved waste pipe fitting under a toilet that connects the closet flange to the drain.
  1. A device for separating grease and oil from drainage systems.

  2. Истребитель-перехватчик

  3. Перехватчик

  4. A device to trap, remove, or separate deleterious, hazardous,... incep; intcpr; интерцептор;
water hammer arrestor
    A device installed near a fixture to absorb the hydraulic shock that happens when a fixture’s supply is suddenly shut off, causing water hammer, a loud banging noise in the pipes.
backflow preventer
  1. A device that prevents wastewater and other contaminants from flowing into the potable water supply. generally required for sprinkler systems, hand-held showers installed in bathtubs, faucets ...
back flow preventer
    A device to prevent back flow, especially into a potable water supply. required for sprinkler systems, handheld showers, pullout faucet spouts, and kitchen sprayers.
plumber’s putty
    A dough-like putty that seals joints between fixture surfaces and metal pieces, such as the drain.
wye fitting
    A drain fitting that allows one pipe to be joined to another at a 45-degree angle.
    A drain-cleaning device consisting of a rubber bladder with a hose fitting on one end and a nozzle on the other. the device attaches to a water hose and is inserted into a clogged drainpipe. as wa...
  1. A faucet valve that redirects water from the tub faucet to the shower head.

  2. Отклоняющий щиток; отводящее устройство

  3. A valve (sometimes motorized) at a junction of a pipe ... div;
tee fitting
    A fitting that allows another pipe to be joined at a 90-degree angle.
float ball
    A floating device connected to the ballcock inside the toilet tank to activate or shut off the ballcock.
compression fitting
    A kind of tubing or pipe connection where a nut and a sleeve or ferrule is placed over a copper or plastic tube and is compressed tightly around the tube as the nut is tightened forming a positive... фитинг, уплотняемый вручную;
absorption field
  1. A leeching or seeping field engineered to receive septic tank effluent.

  2. Поле фильтрации (используется для очистки сточных вод, главным образом в сельских районах)
поле фильтрации;
  1. A metal alloy that is melted to create a fused joint between metal pieces. also the act of melting solder into the joint.

  2. A metallic bonding method using metal filler melting two pi... soldar, soldadura; зельдера; припой;
  1. A metric unit for pressure. 100 kpa = one atmosphere.

  2. Key performance area (prc)
drain-waste-vent system
    A pipe system that drains wastewater from the bathroom and vents the drain system.
wet vent
  1. A pipe that both drains wastewater and vents air into the drains. connects two or more fixtures.

  2. A pipe, usually oversized, which functions both as a fixture branch and as a vent, e...
cleanout plug
    A plug in a trap or drain pipe that provides access for the purpose of clearing an obstruction.
air admittance valve
    A plumbing device that replaces a traditional vent to allow air to enter the pipe and equalize pressure, preserving the seal of water in the fixture trap.
  1. A plumbing fixture similar in appearance to a toilet bowl used for personal hygiene. it is floor mounted, usually next to a toilet, and consists of a washing basin, faucet and sprayer.

    ... библиотека;
closet flange
    A ring that anchors the toilet to the floor and connects it to the closet bend. also known as a floor flange.
  1. A rotating wheel with vanes found inside a centrifugal pump. as it spins at high speed it draws fluids in and thrusts them under pressure to the discharge outlet.

  2. Крыльчатка, рабоче... imp; импеллер; лопастное колесо; крыльчатка,; крыльчатка; вертушка, турбина, импеллер; поршень, вращающийся;
flex coupling
    A rubber fitting that uses steel band clamps to attach to the pipe ends. mostly used to join sections of dwv pipe, but also connects pvc to clay or cast iron pipe.
  1. A rubber suction cup approx 6? in diameter attached to a wooden dowel handle used to free drain clogs. also known as a “plumber’s helper”.

  2. The part of a hypodermic syringe which sli... plumber’s friend.; пуансона; скалка; поршень;
wax ring
    A seal located between floor flange and toilet to prevent leakage and fumes.
pressure balance valve
    A shower valve that monitors fluctuations in pressure to maintain balance between hot and cold water so that temperature remains constant.
ball joint
  1. A spherical assembly in shower heads that allows the head to pivot and rotate.

  2. Шаровое шарнирное соединение (водоотделяющей колонны

  3. A joint in which one part has a ballsh...
septic tank
  1. A tank used to detain domestic wastes to allow the settling of solids prior to distribution. septic tanks are used when a sewer line is not available to carry them to a treatment plant.
    септиктенк; foso séptico; септик;
plumbing snake
    A thin, flexible length of spiral-wound metal, which is inserted into a drain and rotated to clear anything that is clogged in the pipes.
gravity operated toilet
    A toilet which relies on the natural downward pressure of water in a toilet tank to flush the toilet effectively.
blow torch
    A torch used by plumbers to solder pipes, activated by pressurized fuel and air to generate its flame.
dip tube
  1. A tube inside the water heater that sends cold water to the bottom of the tank.

  2. A tube made of high-temperature plastic inserted into the tank through the cold water inlet on top of...
scald guard
    A valve designed to prevent extreme water temperature changes through pressure balance technology. when there is a drop in hot or cold water pressure, the scald-guard valve shifts back and forth b...
    A valve in the tank of a gravity-operated toilet that controls refilling of the tank. it is connected to a float via a metal arm. after flushing, the toilet refills until the float rises high enou...
ball check valve
    A valve that uses a ball to seal against a seat to stop flow in one direction.
balancing valve
    A water heater valve that controls water flow and balances heat distribution to different locations.
m tubing
    An industry standard for copper tubing defined by the tube wall thickness. identified by a “red” stripe.
hose bibb
    An outdoor faucet, also used to supply washing machines.
  1. Anything that accepts or discharges water or wastewater

  2. Стапель, стенд; приспособление

  3. Conclusion of shipbrokers negotiations to charter a ship - an agreement

  4. ... fix; conclusion of shipbrokers negotiations to charter a ship - an agreement; проведение переговоров брокером для сдачи судна по чартеру - подписание договора; зажимное приспособ; зажим; хомут;; фиксация; закрепление; крепление;
flow control valve
  1. Device designed to reduce water flow to a plumbing fixture. often used to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs.

  2. Device designed to reduce water flow (gpm) to a plumbing fix... заслонка регулирующая; поплавковый клапан;
hard water
  1. Natural water containing impurities in various proportions. traditional hardness is a measure of calcium, minerals or dissolved solids in a solution, measured in parts per million. hard water ... жёсткая вода;
    Not containing iron.
цветной (о металле);
overflow hood
    On a bath drain, the decorative hood concealing the overflow.
  1. Partial venting or draining, under pressure, of the water side of a boiler to reduce or remove unwanted contaminants. also the pressure drops after releasing a pressure-relief valve.

    bd; продувка; частичный сброс оборотной воды; продувание;
leach lines
    Pipes that carry effluent from the septic system out to the leach field, a porous soil area where treated waste is emptied.
branch drain
  1. Plumbing fixture drain that leads to the main drain line.

  2. A drain pipe connecting the soil line or plumbing fixtures in a building to the main line.
pressure head
    Pressure in a plumbing system. the unit of measure which is the vertical force exerted by water at a depth of one foot.
напор; static head. pressure-locked grating a grating in which the cross bars are locked mechanically to the bearing bars at their intersections by deforming or by swaging the metal.; пьезометрический напор;
pop-up drain
    Remote control drain assembly. also known as a “trip lever drain” for tubs.
adjustable hot limit stop
    Restricts hot water output in single control faucets and showers to protect against scalding by limiting the swing to the hot side.
  1. Septic system liquid waste.

  2. The fluid leaving a component.

  3. In sanitary engineering, a liquid which is discharged as waste, esp. the discharge from a septic tank. egg-and-... сточные воды; вытекающий поток; сток; поток;
    Stands for chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. a black plastic pipe that can handle high temperatures. mostly used in water supply systems.
    Stands for cross-linked polyethylene. a flexible plastic supply line that is stronger than pe. in bathrooms, it is used for water supply lines.
  1. Stands for gallons per flush. the rate of water flow by which toilets and flush valves are measured and regulated. current law requires maximum of 1.6 gpf. older styles were usually 3.5 gpf. gasproof; geospatial prototype facility; general protection faults;
t&p valve
    Temperature and pressure valve. a valve that opens to release excess pressure and temperature in a system.
valve seat
  1. The immovable portion of a valve. water flow is stopped when the movable portion of the valve comes in contact with the valve seat.

  2. The stationary portion of a valve which, when in ...
burst pressure
  1. The internal pressure that will cause a piece of tubing to fail.

  2. Of a valve, the maximum pressure which can be slowly applied to the valve (e.g., at room temperature, for 30 seconds...
gate diverter
    The pop-up lever on a tub faucet that activates the diverter valve.
    The section of pipe that runs between a fixture outlet and the trap.
    The suction or pulling effect that takes place in the trapway of a toilet as it is filled with outgoing water and waste.
overflow tube
    The vertical tube inside a toilet tank that directs water into the bowl in case the ballcock malfunctions and prevents potential water damage caused by a tank overflow. a constant running conditio...
trap seal
  1. The water in a trap or toilet that prevents sewer gases from escaping back through the drain.

  2. In plumbing, the vertical distance between the crown weir and the top of the dip of the...
shutoff valve
  1. Valves installed under sinks and toilets used to shut off water supply in the event of a malfunction or repair. also called an angle stop, straight stop or supply stop.

  2. A device by ...
  1. Waste water from a toilet.

  2. Бытовые сточные воды, включая туалетный смыв см. также gray water
бытовые сточные воды;
gray water
  1. Waste water from fixtures other than toilets.

  2. Waste water which may be a combination of liquid and water-carried wastes, with the exception of human wastes.

  3. Сточные воды ... бытовые сточные воды за исключ; сточные воды после душа, мытья (т.е. не фекальные);
    Water that is suitable for consumption.
пригодный для пнтья;
back flow
  1. When water traveling from one system backs into any part of the main distribution system, usually by siphoning.

  2. When water travels from one system upstream or back into any part of ...
teflon tape
    White tape made of fluorocarbon polymer. it has non-stick properties and is wrapped around pipe threads in a joint to create a tight seal.

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