anti scald valve | Device used to prevent high water temperature. |
atmospheric combustion | Combustion takes place when gaseous, liquid or solid fuels react at an elevated temperature with oxygen by burning, thus releasing heat in an open combustion system. |
check valve | - Allows fluid to flow in only one direction in a pipe; also known as back-flow preventer.
- Возвратный клапан
- Обратный клапан
- One that allows liquid to flow in on...
chkv; ckvlv; cv; обратный клапан; |
combustion gases | Gases released when a gaseous, liquid or solid fuel reacts at an elevated level that needs to be vented with gas or oil-fired water heaters. |
commercial application | Demand for more water usage than in a single family dwelling. |
conventional venting | Atmospheric venting that utilizes the natural convective rise of hot flue gases through the system to release the products of combustion. |
degree rise | Difference (delta "t") between the starting water temperature and the ending temperature after heating is complete. |
dual element heater | An electric water heater with an upper and lower element for heating water. |
first hour delivery (rating) | Combination of the usable stored volume of hot water in tank, plus the recovery capacity for the first hour of operation. |
foam insulation | The insulation surrounding the surface of the water heater tank. |
foot print | The area of space taken up by the water heater. |
fvir | Flammable vapor ignition resistant. |
galvanic action | If two unlike metals are immersed in an electrolyte, an electrical potential will exist between them; if the two are in electrical contact, an electrical current will flow; the metal which becomes... |
gama | - Gas appliance manufacturers association. now called ahri (air-conditioning, heating and refrigeration institute).
- General aviation manufacturers association
- General aviat...
general aviation manufacturers association; ; nea working group on accident management and analysis; |
gas control | Device used to regulate gas pressure on a water heater. |
head loss | The pressure of water as measured at a stated point; it may be measured in feet or in pounds per square inch (psi). pressure drop. headmold, dripstone, head molding, hoodmold,; |
heat trap | Restricts heat loss through water connections to a tank. |
immersion | - Referring to something submerged in water.
- The prismatic solid carried under water on the lee-side of a ship by its inclination.—centre of immersion, the mean centre of the part imm...
иммерсия; погружение; |
incoming (inlet) temperature | Temperature of water entering tank. |
instantaneous water heater | A type of water heater that heats water as it flows through a heat exchanger coil. |
jetport | Referring to the hydrojet dip tube. creates turbulence in the tank. |
kw - kilowatt | A measure of the rate of supply of energy or power, and is equal to 1000 watts or 3412 btu`s per hour. |
laminar flow | - Streamline flow in a fluid near a solid boundary.
- A flow situation in which fluid moves in parallel lamina or layers.
- Ламинарный поток
- Streamline flow in a vis...
lf; streamline flow. laminate 1. a product made by bonding together two or more layers of material, e.g., plywood, laminated wood, etc. 2. to unite layers of material with an adhesive.; ламинарное течение; |
life cycle labs | A place where water heaters are tested at an accelerated rate to simulate life expectancies. |
light duty (ld) | Small demand commercial applications. |
manifolded installation | Parallel or reverse flow plumbing of water heaters for large hot water demand applications. |
net usable btu | That portion of a fuel’s heat energy actually transferred into the water by the heater. |
ohm | - A unit of electrical resistance.
- The unit of resistance. the electrical resistance between two points of a conductor where
- The unit of resistance. the electrical resistan...
ома; ом; |
oil powered | A water heater that uses oil as its fuel source. |
parallel system | Two or more identical size heaters piped with water connections, that is cold water travels equal distance into the inlets of the heaters from a "t" connection and hot water travels equal distance... |
peak hour demand | Time when the largest demand for hot water is needed. |
peak load period | That period of the day when the system has the greatest demand. |
point of use water heater | Small water heater used for remote locations. |
power venting | Mechanical draft exhaust to outside, usually utilizing room air to support combustion. |
preheated water | Water that has been tempered for inlet supply to the water heater. |
rated storage volume | Quantity of water (expressed in gallons) stored in a tank. |
recovery (gph) | The amount of water in gallons that can be heated in one hour. |
residential | Water heaters for single family dwellings. жилой; |
return circulation system | Tempered water from or near the point of usage which eliminates waste of hot water used for long runs and adds storage to the system. |
reverse flow | - Another method of manifolding water heaters together in order to limit the unbalanced pressures in a multiple heater installation.
- See cross scavenging.
safety shut off valve | A device on a gas appliance which shuts off the gas supply to prevent a hazardous situation. a flame failure safety shut off operates when the actuating flame becomes extinguished. a 100% shut off... |
sealed combustion | Sealing of combustion chamber to prevent spillage of combustion products. |
series system | Generally where the primary heater preheats water to a given desired general purpose temperature and feeds into another heater. |
sight hole | Generally referring to oil-powered product that allows the viewing of burner and flame patterns. |
sliding inner door | A door slides along combustion chamber radius for easy access to the burner and pilot. |
solenoid | - A coil of wire in the form of a cylinder that carries a current; resembles a bar magnet.
- Соленоид, электромагнит
- Соленоид
- A coil, that when energized, attracts...
sol; соленоид; соленоидный; |
spark ignition | - Intermittent ignition device that utilizes a spark to light a burner flame.
- Воспламенение [электрическое зажигание] запальной свечой
- System that uses an electric spark to...
si; |
stand by loss | The amount of heat lost while unit is in stand by mode. |
standing pilot | A small burner used to ignite the main burner. |
tankless water heater | Commonly known as instantaneous or point-of-use water heaters. |
temperature rise | - (delta "t") the number of degrees fahrenheit (f) the incoming cold water must be raised to reach the desired hot water temperature.
- In cement, the increase in temperature resulting ...
therm | - A measurement of 100,000 btu’s.
- A quantity of heat equivalent to 100,000 btu.
- A unit of heat equal to 100,000 british thermal units or 1.055 x 108 joules
- Терм ...
thermal efficiency | - Ability to transfer and absorb heat from fuel source into the water.
- Ratio of useful work performed by an engine to the total energy content of the fuel consumed. a measure of the e...
thermal stratification | Also known as stacking, or build-up, it is the ability of hot water to form layers of different temperatures in the tank. |
thermopile | An apparatus that consists of a number of thermocouples combined to multiply the effect and is used for generating electric current. термобатарея; термостолбик; |
turbulent flow | - A fluid flow in which the velocity at a given point varies erratically in magnitude and direction.
- A flow situation in which the fluid particles move in a random manner.
- ...
tf; турбулентное движение; турбулентное течение; |
usable storage | The percentage of hot water that can be drawn from a tank before the temperature drops to a point that is no longer considered hot. |
vacuum relief valve (anti-siphon) | Recommended for installation on all side (bottom) cold inlet heaters; prevents internal vacuum conditions that could drain a system by back siphonage, eliminates burned out electric elements and c... |
venting materials | Materials used for evacuating vent gases from a dwelling. |
volt | - Unit of measurement of electromotive force. ac or dc
- Вольт в
- V
- Вольт
- In electric systems the unit of potential difference or electromotive force; wh...
вольт; v; вольт (единица измерения электрического напряжения); |
water hammer | - A concussion or sound of concussion of moving water against the side of a containing pipe or vessel.
- Sharp pulsations in a water-piping system caused by the intermittent escape of e...
водяной пробойник для прочистки труб; гидравлический удар в трубах; удар гидравлический; |
waterway fitting | A channel through which water can flow; connects water heater to inlet & outlet lines. |
watt density | Amount of watts concentrated per square inch of element rod surface area. |
working pressure | - Maximum pressure of the operating system permissible.
- Рабочее давление
wp; |