u-2 | A high altitude remote sensing aircraft a high altitude remote sensing aircraft; |
abut. | Abutment abutment; |
abzw | Abzweigstelle abzweigstelle; |
abet | - Accreditation board for engineering and technology, inc.
- Airspace behavioral engineering technology
accreditation board for engineering and technology, inc.; |
amisar | Active microwave imagersynthetic aperture radar active microwave imagersynthetic aperture radar; |
ahdas | Adaptable hydrologic data acquisition system/td> adaptable hydrologic data acquisition system/td>; |
amsd | Adjusted mapping support data adjusted mapping support data; |
adm. | Admiral; admiralty admiral; admiralty; |
acdds | Advanced cartographic data digitizing system advanced cartographic data digitizing system; |
aers | - Advanced earth resources satellite
- Adverse event reporting system
advanced earth resources satellite; система отчетности по нежелательным явлениям; adverse event reporting system; |
ae2s | Advanced engineering and environmental services, inc. advanced engineering and environmental services, inc.; |
amsr | Advanced microwave scanning radiometer advanced microwave scanning radiometer; |
amsu | Advanced microwave sounding unit (jpl) advanced microwave sounding unit (jpl); |
asar | Advanced synthetic aperture radar advanced synthetic aperture radar; эскер; |
avhrr | - Advanced very high resolution radiometer
- Advanced very high-resolution radiometer
advanced very high resolution radiometer; |
avnir | Advanced visible and near infrared radiometer advanced visible and near infrared radiometer; |
aviris | Advanced visible/infrared imaging spectrometer advanced visible/infrared imaging spectrometer; |
awips | - Advanced weather interactive processing system
- Advanced weather interactive processing system (faa)
advanced weather interactive processing system; |
a-dcs | Advanced/data collection system advanced/data collection system; |
accdts | Advisory committee on canadian digital toponymic services advisory committee on canadian digital toponymic services; |
aloha | Aerial locations of hazardous atmospheres (model) aerial locations of hazardous atmospheres (model); |
apcm | Aerial photography contract management system aerial photography contract management system; |
apfo | Aerial photography field office (usda) aerial photography field office (usda); |
apmi | - Aerial photography micrographic index system (usgs)
- Множественный интерфейс прикладных программ арм technology усовершенствованная технология управления питанием
aerial photography micrographic index system (usgs); application program multiple interface; |
appsr | Aerial photography progress summary report aerial photography progress summary report; |
apqf | Aerial photography quad file aerial photography quad file; |
apsr | Aerial photography summary record aerial photography summary record; |
apsrs | Aerial photography summary record system (usgs) aerial photography summary record system (usgs); |
ame | - Aero-metric engineering inc.
- Automatic measuring equipment
- Aircraft maintenance engineer licences eqv. lame (casa)
- Aviation medical examiner (easa)
aero-metric engineering inc.; automatic measuring equipment; автоматическое измерительное оборудование; advanced metal evaporated (media); |
aest. | Aestuarium = estuary aestuarium = estuary; |
agcho | Afghan geodesy and cartography head office afghan geodesy and cartography head office; |
agco | Afghan geodesy and cartography office afghan geodesy and cartography office; |
aarse | African association for the remote sensing of the environment african association for the remote sensing of the environment; |
afref | African geodetic reference frame african geodetic reference frame; |
ajg | African journal of geoinformation african journal of geoinformation; |
agrasid | Agricultural region of alberta soil inventory database agricultural region of alberta soil inventory database; |
agri- | Agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing agriculture and resources inventory surveys through aerospace remote sensing; |
affrc | Agriculture, forestry and fisheries research center (japan) agriculture, forestry and fisheries research center (japan); |
aton | Aids to navigation aids to navigation; |
afwa | - Air force weather agency (u.s.)
- Automatic flight weather advisory a/g air-to-ground (icao)
air force weather agency (u.s.); |
apca | - Air pollution control assn.
- Australian port charges additional. the name for a charge applied on the ecna trade made by shipping companies in addition to some freights to cover aust...
air pollution control assn.; |
abgps | Airborne gps airborne gps; |
altms | Airborne laser topographic mapping system airborne laser topographic mapping system; |
amie | Airglow measurements of infrared measurements emissions airglow measurements of infrared measurements emissions; |
afrl | Akademie fur raumforschung und landesplanung (germany) akademie fur raumforschung und landesplanung (germany); |
ala. | Alabama alabama; |
airb | Alabama inspection and rating bureau alabama inspection and rating bureau; |
aspls | Alabama society of professional land surveyors; alaska society of professional land surveyors alabama society of professional land surveyors; alaska society of professional land surveyors; |
adfg | Alaska dept. of fish and game alaska dept. of fish and game; |
adnr | Alaska dept. of natural resources alaska dept. of natural resources; |
adotpf | Alaska dept. of transportation and public facilities alaska dept. of transportation and public facilities; |
adpdp | Alaska division of policy development and planning alaska division of policy development and planning; |
ahap | Alaska high-altitude aerial photography (program) alaska high-altitude aerial photography (program); |
alars | Alaska land and resources system alaska land and resources system; |
anrc | Alaska native regional corp. alaska native regional corp.; |
anv | Alaska native village alaska native village; |
anvsa | Alaska native village statistical area alaska native village statistical area; |
antgs | Alaska natural gas transportation system alaska natural gas transportation system; |
asmc | - Alaska surveying and mapping conference
- Airspace management communications
alaska surveying and mapping conference; |
absm | Alberta bureau of surveying and mapping alberta bureau of surveying and mapping; |
eub | Alberta energy and utilities board alberta energy and utilities board; |
alsa | Alberta land surveyors association alberta land surveyors association; |
ad. st. | Aldolf stieler aldolf stieler; |
a.z. | Alexander zakreski alexander zakreski; |
afth | Allami foldmeresi es terkepeszeti hivatal allami foldmeresi es terkepeszeti hivatal; |
alt. | Altitude altitude; |
aipp | Ambroziak infinite perspective projection ambroziak infinite perspective projection; |
aapg | American assn. of petroleum geologists american assn. of petroleum geologists; |
ashtd | American assn. of state highway and transportation officials american assn. of state highway and transportation officials; |
aasp | American assn. of stratigraphic palynologists american assn. of stratigraphic palynologists; |
acec | American consulting engineers council american consulting engineers council; |
aff | American fact finder (dadso) american fact finder (dadso); |
agss | American geographical and statistical society american geographical and statistical society; |
agsl | American geographical society library american geographical society library; |
ailesp | American indian lands environmental support project american indian lands environmental support project; |
ai/ana | American indian/alaska native area american indian/alaska native area; |
aicp | American inst. of certified planners american inst. of certified planners; |