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Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

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Printing Glossary

offset lithographic printing
    Offset printing is the application of ink(s) to the substrate via a printing plate to a rubber blanket and finally to the substrate
  1. Commonly known as ‘pressure sensitive’, as the adhesive becomes active when pressure is applied. there are two types of adhesive, permanent & removable. adhesives may have migratory proper... клеи, клеевые соединения;
anti-counterfeiting packaging
    Anti-counterfeiting packaging is a measure taken to prevent the imitation and infringement of authentic goods. this guarantees the consumer of the products safety and helps the company minimize lo...
board grain direction
    The orientation of the fibres in the structure of the carton board. the direction of the grain usually runs opposite to the major creases on the carton and can be determined by checking the resist...
    British printing industries federation. a uk trade association representing the interest of the carton sector to governments and associated agencies, and pro-actively communicating carton board`s ...
bpif iso12647-2
    A colour management standard implemented by the british printing industries federation.
braille cell
    Consists of six dots, positioned like the figure“six” on a dice, in two parallel vertical lines of three dots each.
cad (computer aided design)
    The use of a computer system to assist in the design process of product packaging.
cardboard carton
    A prefabricated carton board container used for the packaging of a variety of products including foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and many more.
    Part of a litho printing press which applies coatings to printed board.
машина для нанесения;
colour management system
    A system put in place to ensure that colours consistently remain the same regardless of the devices or medium used to apply or display the colours. this is essential for colour management across p...
colour separation
    Process by which an image is separated into the component colours for multi colour print production.
composite sheet
    There are two types of composite sheet the most common is where two or more products from one customers range are printed on the same sheet. this can provide good cost savings, but has to be caref...
    The concorra process is a technique that is used in the cut and crease process to create a superior visual effect to perforation and create an easy-open feature. partial cuts are offset on either ...
corner radius
  1. Radius dimension of the corners of the label. the normal radius used is 1.5mm / 2mm.

  2. Радиус округления вершины (режущего инструмента)

  3. The radius that determines how much,...
creasing process
    A process using a die creates creases in the packaging material so that it can fold with ease and without creating any cracking or splitting of the sheet.
cut and crease
    A process using a die form that includes cutting the printed materials into the desired shape, as well as creasing them to provide accurate fold lines.
    A raised image polymer plate. it provides a positive image. used for pattern varnishes in either uv or water- based varnishes.
    Image pressed into board so it lies below the typical “viewing” surface.
    A process that uses a metal die to shear through low-strength materials such as cardboard, plastic, foil and other lightweight materials.
drip off matt/gloss
    A printing finish that provides a spot-gloss finish and textured matt effect with very high levels of detail. this process uses standard inks and a special print varnish that allows the applicatio...
extrusion coating
  1. A versatile coating of molten synthetic resin that can be used on paperboard, corrugated fibre board, paper and various plastics.

  2. A thin film of molten resin which has been extruded...
    A modular machine that takes flat blanks through the folding and gluing process. folder-gluers can process a range of materials including solid cardboards, plastics, varnished boards, litho-lamina...
folding boxboard
    A folding boxboard is made up of multiple layers of pulp. folding boxboard is lightweight and highly stiff and is the perfect material for use in folding cartons.
складной коробочный картон; картон для складных коробок;
four colour process
    Full colour printing using four constituent colours: cyan, yellow, magenta and black.
four-up, three-up, two–up
    Number of similar items printed on one sheet of board.
fsc (forest stewardship council)
    The forest stewardship council is a global organisation that is dedicated towards promoting responsible forestry.
  1. This is the most commonly used liner for both paper and filmic face materials.

  2. Бумага, изготовляемая из целлюлозы при соответствующем увлажнении и суперкаландрировании.
papel cristal .; без наполнителя;
grain of the board
    Machine manufactured board is made up of many fibres, which in general, tend to line up in one direction due to the nature of the process. this produces a preferred direction or grain along which ...
grease resistant packaging
    Packaging that has a special coating or finish applied to it to repel grease, oil and wax.
gripper allowance
    The margin of paper along the gripper edge of the sheet which is held by the gripper and cannot be printed.
gripper bar
  1. A device on a printing or cutting machine for holding and transferring the sheet during the printing or finishing process.

  2. A handle (often, a tall, thin rectangle) that appears on a...
kraft board
    Coated natural kraft (cnk) provides the best combination of product protection and brand impression. carefully engineered from hardworking natural and recyled fibres, kraft board provides high lev... крафт-картон;
leading edge / copy position
    Copy position of the label text as it is being dispensed on the customer’s line
lean manufacturing
  1. A manufacturing management philosophy that places emphasis on removing the wasteful use of materials. any expenditure that doesn`t contribute directly to the creation of value is eliminated.
linerless labels
    As per self adhesive, linerless labels supplied on a reel for automatic application. they are most commonly used on fresh meat & poultry products as replacement for sleeves.
  1. (also known as backing paper or carrier) is the material which the label will be adhered to when delivered to the customer, ready for automatic application.

  2. Line-of-battle ships. al...
    The work associated with the set-up of equipment before running a job.
matt emulsion
    A water based finish that creates a very flat finish with minimal sheen.
metallised polyester board
    Often known as metpol board. metallised polyester film, in various metallic shades, is laminated to folding box board. the board can then be printed and formed to create premium high end cartons.<...
microflute packaging
    Microflute board is a lightweight yet durable corrugated material.
offset litho(graphy)
    A printing process by which the inked image to be printed is transferred (offset) first to a rubber layer before coming into contact with the board which takes up the inked areas.
organoleptic assessment
    An assessment of how materials are experienced by the senses, including taste, sight, smell and touch.
pantone reference
    International guide system of designating colours for printing reference.
pearlescent finish
    A finish that creates a shimmering effect by dispersing iridescent material into uv or water based varnishes. often used in luxury, high end products.
pefc (programme for the endorsement of forest certification)
    The programme for the endorsement of forest certification is an international governing body that promotes sustainable forest management. it is the largest forest certification system in the world...
  1. Running a series of cuts (often very small and close together) into board to allow the two sides to be separated.

  2. A hole through the whole thickness of a tissue or membrane such as ... перфорация;
    Patient information leaflets (pils) are leaflets containing specific information about medical conditions, doses, side effects that packed with medicines to give the user information about the pro...
polyethylene (pet)
    Used for high speed applications and to provide a ‘no label’effect on filmic labels
printing plate
    An anodised aluminium plate which has a light sensitive coating applied once exposed (to the image) and developed the image area is sensitised to receive ink. the plate is positive reading and the...
process colours
    The colours which make up full colour printing. cyan, magenta, yellow and black.
reversed out
    Type appearing white on a black or colour background which is either a solid or a tint.
satin emulsion
    A water based product that creates a soft sheen finish that works well with dark colours and other metallic finishes.

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