aas-dc | Atomic absorption spectrometry using delves cup |
adrf | Adiabatic demagnetization in rotary frame |
aeas | Atomic emission arc spectrometry |
aes-e | Auger electron spectroscopy using electron excitation |
aes-i | Auger electron spectroscopy using ion excitation |
aes-p | Auger electron spectroscopy using photon excitation |
aess | Atomic emission spark spectrometry |
ajcp | Adiabatic jcross- polarization |
aliciss | Alcali ion impact collision-induced scattering spectroscopy |
alr | - Lowest laser- raman active accordion type oscillations
- Alerting message (icao)
amefs | Auger-monitored extended fine structure |
apci-ms | Atmospheric pressure chemical ionization mass spectrometry |
apirft | - Alternate phase infrared fourier transform
- Alternating phase inversion recovery fourier transform
araes | Angle-resolved auqer electron spectroscopy |
areds | Angle resolved energy distribution curve |
ariss | Angle resolved low energy ion scattering spectroscopy |
arpes | - Angle-resolved photo-electron spectroscopy
- Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
arsee spectroscopy | Angle-resolved secondary electron emission spectrosco- |
arspipes | Angle-resolved spin-polarized inverse photoelectron spectroscopy |
arxpe | Angle resolved x-ray photoemission |
arxps | Angle resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy |
asleepoper | Automated scanning low energy electron probe with on-line processing of experimental recordings |
atr-sp technique | Attenuated total reflection- surface plas- mon technique |
aufs | Absorbance unit full scale |
bbdr | Broadband double resonance |
bbord | Broadband off-resonance decoupling |
bixe | Bombardment induced x-ray emission |
boxcars | - Crossed-beam phase-matched cars
- Cars with box-shaped beam configuration
bsrs | Backward-stimulated raman scattering |
cad ms tandem | Colli- sionally activated dissociation mass spectrometry |
cahrs | Coherent anti- stokes hyper raman spectroscopy |
carrs | - Coherent anti- stokes resonance raman scattering
- Coherent anti- stokes resonance raman spectroscopy
- Civils asset register & electronic reporting system
ccdlts | Constant capacity deep-level transient spectroscopy |
cd ft-ir spectroscopy | Circular di- chroism fourier transform infrared spectroscopy |
cdnp-cp | |
cdnp-fid | Dynamic nuclear polarization |
cems | - Charge exchange mass spectra spectrometry
- Conversion electron mossbauer spectroscopy
cesfs | Constant energy synchronous fluorescence spectrometry |
cesls | Constant energy synchronous luminescence spectrometry |
cesr | Conduction electron spin resonance |
cewm-aas | Continuous source echellet monochromator wavelength modulated atomic absorption spectroscopy |
cfaes | Carbon-furnace atomic emission spectroscopy |
cfid | Clipped free induction decay |
cid spectroscopy | Raman circular intensity differential spectroscopy |
cid-ftms | Collision induced dissociation fourier-transform mass spectrometry |
cidi | Collision-induced dissociative ionization |
cieel | Chemically initiated electton |
cimp | - Chemically induced magnetic polarization
- Cargo interchange message procedures (attachment a to iata resolution 670)
cirrs | Collision induced rotational raman scattering |
cirs | Computer-aided infrared spectrometry |
ciss | Caloric-interferometrical spectroscopy with single light pulses |
cma-els | Cylindrical mirror analyser-energy loss spectroscopy |
cnmr spp-dd-mas | Single pulse polarization dipole decoupling magic angle spinning |
cosy spectra | |
cp-dd-mas | |
cp-endor | Circularly polarized endor |
cpl spectroscopy | Circular polarized luminescence spectroscopy |
cpmas nmr | Cross polarisation magic angle spinning nmr |
crms | - Cyclotron resonance mass spectromet-
- Conductor rail measurement system
concurrent resource management subsystem; |
cs-aas | Continuum source atomic absorption spectrometry |
csn-icp | Conductive solids nebulizer inductive coupled plasma analysis |
ctirs | Coherent transient ir spectroscopy |
cvaas | Cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy |
cw endor | Continuous wave electron nuclear double resonance |
cw ica | Continuous wave intracavity absorption spectroscopy |
cw-indor | Continuous wave internuclear double resonance |
cwsls | Constant wavelength synchronous luminescence spectrometry |
cwtls | Continuous wave thermal lens spectrophotometry |
cxms | Conversion x-ray m |
dadi | Direct analysis of daughter ions |
dansom | Direct analysis of nmr spectra of oriented molecules |
dante | - Delays alternating with nutation for tailored excitation
- Dante i and dante ii were ambitious experimental semi-autonomous robots designed to work in hostile environments, such as vo...
dcems | - Depth-resolved conversion electron m
- Depth selective charge exchange mass spectrometry
dci ms | - Desorption chemical ionization mass spectrometry
- Direct chemical ionization mass spectrometry
dcp aes | Direct current plasma atomic emission spectroscopy |
dcp maes | Direct current plasma multielement atomic emission spectrometry |
dcp-afs | Direct current plasma - atomic fluorescence spectrometry |