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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Глоссарий разговорных идиом в английском языке

to deteriorate completely
    to associate with evil companions;
    to associate with evil companions
      to deteriorate completely; to go to the bad;
      to go to the bad
        to associate with evil companions; to become of depraved character; to be ruined;
        (to be) on its last legs
          (to be) a hopeless state of decay
        about to die; almost exhausted;
        about to die
          (to be) on its last legs; almost exhausted;
          to beat about the bush
            To talk about everything except the most important point
          approach a subject in a roundabout a; to talk round a subject;
          approach a subject in a roundabout a
            to beat about the bush; to talk round a subject;
            to be on the job
              To be at work
            especially working well; to be working;
            especially working well
              to be on the job; to be working;
              to put one`s foot down
                To be firm
              firmly and without qualifications; to insist;
              firmly and without qualifications
                to put one`s foot down; to insist;
                (to be) done for
                  (to be) ruined
                injured, etc.; worn out or beyond further use;
                injured, etc.
                  (to be) done for; worn out or beyond further use;
                  it leaps to the eye(s)
                    It is extremely conspicuous
                  it catches one`s eye; it stands out;
                  it catches one`s eye
                    it leaps to the eye(s); it stands out;
                    to become of depraved character
                      to go to the bad; to be ruined;
                      to fly off the handle to fly out
                        Suddenly take offence
                      to burst out suddenly into anger; to lose one`s temper;
                      to burst out suddenly into anger
                        to fly off the handle; to fly out; to lose one`s temper;
                        to keep a tight rein on
                          To be firm with
                        to control very carefully; to allow little freedom to;
                        to control very carefully
                          to keep a tight rein on; to allow little freedom to;
                          to go to the wall
                            To fail
                          to get the worst of it (; to succumb to superior force;
                          to get the worst of it (
                            to go to the wall; to succumb to superior force;
                            to get on (very well)
                              To progress with one`s profession or business
                            to prosper; to make a success of things;
                            to prosper
                              to get on (very well); to make a success of things;
                              to answer (a person) back
                                To give a rude answer
                              to reply impudently; to be impolite;
                              to reply impudently
                                to answer (a person) back; to be impolite;
                                almost exhausted
                                  (to be) on its last legs; about to die;
                                  to talk round a subject
                                    to beat about the bush; approach a subject in a roundabout a;
                                    to be working
                                      to be on the job; especially working well;
                                      to insist
                                        to put one`s foot down; firmly and without qualifications;
                                        worn out or beyond further use
                                          (to be) done for; injured, etc.;
                                          it stands out
                                            it leaps to the eye(s); it catches one`s eye;
                                            to be ruined
                                              to go to the bad; to become of depraved character;
                                              to lose one`s temper
                                                To lose one`s self-control
                                              to fly off the handle; to fly out; to burst out suddenly into anger; to get angry;
                                              to allow little freedom to
                                                to keep a tight rein on; to control very carefully;
                                                to succumb to superior force
                                                  to go to the wall; to get the worst of it (;
                                                  to make a success of things
                                                    to get on (very well); to prosper; to make good;
                                                    to be impolite
                                                      to answer (a person) back; to reply impudently;
                                                        (in) disorderly haste (used of a precipitate action, often in making a hasty retreat)
                                                      (it`s) a feather in one`s cap
                                                        (it`s) an event to justify
                                                      (to be) a near thing (a close thing a close shave)
                                                        (to be)
                                                      (to be) on the go
                                                        (to be) at work or doing something active
                                                      (to be) in a hole
                                                        (to be) faced with what appears to be a disastrous difficulty, an insurmountable trouble
                                                      (to be) in a jam
                                                        (to be) in a difficulty or in an awkward
                                                      (to be) in the soup (cart)
                                                        (to be) in disastrously serious trouble
                                                      (to be) in a mess
                                                        (to be) in trouble
                                                      (to be) as plain as the nose on one`s face
                                                        (to be) perfectly obvious
                                                      (to do something) off one`s own bat
                                                        (to do it) on one`s own initiative, and the action is usually regarded fa
                                                      (to have something) on ones hand(s)
                                                        (to have it) resting on one as a responsibility, under one`s charge
                                                      (to have) other fish to fry
                                                        (to have) other business to do (and therefore be busy)
                                                      a cock-and-bull story (tale, yarn)
                                                        A fantastic and in
                                                      (for) donkey`s years
                                                        A long time
                                                      (for) ages;
                                                      (for) ages
                                                        (for) donkey`s years;
                                                        a bear garden (a bedlam)
                                                          A place full of noise and con
                                                        a wild-goose chase
                                                          A practically hopeless pursuit or search
                                                        a foolish and useless enterprise;
                                                        a foolish and useless enterprise
                                                          a wild-goose chase;
                                                          a tall story
                                                            A story difficult to believe
                                                          an exaggerated;
                                                          an exaggerated
                                                            a tall story;
                                                            a large (tall) order
                                                              A task almost impossible to perform
                                                            a hard nut to crack
                                                              A very difficult problem
                                                            put that in your pipe and smoke it
                                                              Accept and consider the statement
                                                            the long and the short of it...
                                                              All that need be said
                                                            the upshot;
                                                            the upshot
                                                              the long and the short of it...;
                                                              a walk-over
                                                                An easy victory
                                                              a complete and easy victory in a competition.;
                                                              a complete and easy victory in a competition.
                                                                a walk-over;
                                                                a mare`s nest
                                                                  An unfounded suspicion
                                                                a baseless ru;
                                                                a baseless ru
                                                                  a mare`s nest;
                                                                  to let oneself in for
                                                                    Being involved in some unpleasant responsibility (difficulty, loss)
                                                                  you`re for it
                                                                    Due for, or about to receive, punishment, etc.
                                                                  (it`s) as easy as kiss your hand (my thumb)
                                                                    Extremely easy
                                                                  (it`s) as easy (simple) as falling off a log
                                                                    Extremely easy (simple)
                                                                  plain sailing
                                                                  1. Freedom from difficulties, obstacles

                                                                  2. Sailing on waters free of obstructions or hazards (not to be confused with plane sailing).
                                                                  trying to kill time now
                                                                    Generally with a blunt
                                                                  if the worst comes to the worst
                                                                    If things are as bad as they can possibly be
                                                                    In a confused, disordered manner
                                                                  (to be) in a fix
                                                                    In a difficulty (or dilemma)
                                                                  (to be) in a muddie (mess, tangle)
                                                                    In a state of

                                                                  Глоссарий разговорных идиом в английском языке

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