a hit of acid | Tomarse o meterse un ácido |
a pint | Una pinta |
a stab of pain (sudden, brief pain) | Dolor que traspasa, que apuñala, una picada (dolor repentino breve) |
a,an- | Without, not, lack of |
abdomin (o) | Abdomen |
abnormal finding | Descubrimiento anormal |
abrasions | Abrasiones abrasiones; |
abscess of a tooth | Absceso de un diente |
abuser | Abusador |
abusing (relationship) | (relación) abusiva |
abusive | Abusivo |
account representative | Representante de cuentas |
aches (continuous dull pain) | Dolores |
active primary tuberculosis | Tuberculosis activa primaria |
activity level | - Nivel de actividad
- Уровень активности
acuity test | Prueba de agudeza, precisión |
acupuncture | - Acupuntura
- A treatment based on needles being inserted through the skin into nerve centres in order to relieve pain or treat a disorder
acute condition | Enfermedad/ afección/ condición aguda/grave |
ad- | Toward |
adenine | - Adenina
- One of the four basic chemicals in dna
- Purine nitrogenous base found in nucleotides
аденин; |
adenopathy | - Adenopatía
- A disease of a gland
adjuvant therapy | - Terapia adyuvante
- Therapy using drugs or radiation after cancer surgery adls adls abbr activities of daily living
admissions | Admisiones, ingresos |
admita patient | - Admitir/ingresar a un paciente
- Internar // hospitalizar // admitir a un paciente
adren (o) | (at, near) kidney |
adrenal glands | Glándulas adrenales |
adult onset | Principio en edad adulta |
afterbirth (plancenta) | Placenta |
aggressiveness | Agresividad агрессивность; |
aggressor | Agresor |
agitated | Agitado/a лением; |
aids (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) | Sida (síndrome de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida) |
aids (acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome) | Sida (síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida) |
airborne transmission | Transmisión por el aire |
airways | Vías respiratorias vías respiratorias/ aéreas; |
alcohol abuse | - Abuso de alcohol
- Abuso del alcohol
- The excessive use of alcohol adversely affecting a person’s health
alcohol use counseling | Asesoramiento sobre el consumo del alcohol |
alcohol withdrawal | Abstinencia del alcohol |
alieno | Main blood vessel |
alkalosis | - Alcalosis
- A condition in which the alkali level in the body tissue is high, producing cramps
alcalosis; |
allergic reaction | - Reacción alérgica
- An effect produced by a substance to which a person has an allergy, such as sneezing or a skin rash
- Аллергическая реакция
allergist | - Alergista
- Аллергист/врач - аллерголог
- A doctor who specialises in the treatment of allergies
аллергист/врач - аллерголог; alergista; аллергист; |
allergy shots | Inyecciones contra las alergias |
alpha thalassemia | Alfa talasemia |
alternative medicine | - Medicina alternativa
- The treatment of illness using therapies such as homoeopathy or naturopathy which are not considered part of conventional western medicine. complementary medi...
alternative therapy | Terapia alternativa |
alveolus | - Alvéolo
- A small cavity, e.g. an air sac in the lungs or the socket into which a tooth fits. see illustration at lungs in supplement (note: the plural is alveoli.)
amenorrhea | Amenorrea amenorrea; |
amino acid | - Aminoácido
- A chemical compound which is broken down from proteins in the digestive system and then used by the body to form its own protein comment: amino acids all contain...
aminoácido; аминокислота; |
amniocentesis | - Amniocentesis
- A procedure which involves taking a test sample of the amniotic fluid during pregnancy using a hollow needle and syringe comment: amniocentesis and amnioscopy, the exa...
amniotic fluid | - Fluido amniótico
- The fluid contained in the amnion which surrounds an unborn baby
líquido amniótico; |
amphetamines | Anfetaminas anfetaminas; |
anal sex | Sexo anal sexo anal, por detrás; |
analgesic | - Analgésico
- A painkilling drug which produces analgesia and reduces pyrexia comment: there are two types of analgesic: non-opioid such as paracetamol and aspirin (acetylsali...
analgésico; |
anaphylactic shock | - Shock anafiláctico (choque, choc)
- A sudden severe reaction, which can be fatal, to something such as an injected substance or a bee sting
- Анафилактический шок тя...
анафилактический шок; |
anemia | - Anemia
- Us same as anaemia
anemia, sangre delgada, debilidad de la; |
anemic | Anémico/a |
anesthesia | - Anestesia
- Total or partial loss of bodily sensation with or without loss of consciousness.
anestesia; наркоз; анестезия; |
anesthesiologist | Anestesiólogo anestesista, anestesiólogo(a); |
anesthesiology | Anestesiología |
aneurysm | - Aneurisma
- A swelling caused by the weakening of the wall of a blood vessel comment: aneurysm usually occurs in the wall of the aorta, ‘aortic aneurysm’, and is often due to atherosc...
aneurisma; |
angina pectoris | - Angina pectoris, angina de pecho, dolor de pecho
- Same as angina
angiogram | - Angiograma
- An x-ray picture of blood vessels
anguish | Angustia, congoja angustia; |
anorexia nervosa | - Anorexia nerviosa
- A psychological condition, usually found in girls and young women, in which a person refuses to eat because of a fear of becoming fat
анорексия нервная; |
anorexic | Anoréxico/a |
anti- | Aqainst |
antiacid | Antiácido |
anticholinergic drugs | Drogas anticolinérgicas |
anticoagulant | - Anticoagulante
- A drug which slows down or stops the clotting of blood, used to prevent the formation of a thrombus (note: anticoagulants have names ending in -parin: heparin.)
anticoagulante; |
anticonvulsant | - Anticonvulsivo
- A drug used to control convulsions, as in the treatment of epilepsy, e.g. carbamazepine
anticonvulsivo; |
antidepressant | - Antidepresivo
- A drug used to relieve depression by stimulating the mood of a depressed person. examples are tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and mo...
antidepresivo; |
antidiarrheal | Antidiarréico antidiarreico; |
antihistamine | - Antihistamínico
- A drug used to control the effects of an allergy which releases histamine, or reduces gastric acid in the stomach for the treatment of gastric ulcers (note:...
antihistamínico, antihistamina; |
antihypertensive | - Anti-hipertensivo
- A drug used to reduce high blood pressure
anti-inflammatory | Anti-inflamatorio |
anti-oncotic | Anti-oncótico |