denti | tooth ache; |
tooth ache | denti ; |
gola | sore throat ; |
sore throat | gola ; |
mare | sea sickness; |
sea sickness | mare; |
montagna | mountain sickness; |
mountain sickness | montagna; |
orecchi | ear ache; |
ear ache | orecchi ; |
pancia | tummy ache; |
tummy ache | pancia ; |
piedi | foot ache; |
foot ache | piedi; |
schiena | back ache; |
back ache | schiena; |
stomaco | stomach ache; |
stomach ache | stomaco ; |
testa | head ache; |
head ache | testa ; |
ventre | bellyache; |
bellyache | ventre; |
a | a; при, у, возле; |
aborto volontario | induced abortion; |
induced abortion | An abortion which is deliberately caused by drugs or by surgery aborto volontario; |
aborto | abortion , miscarriage; |
abortion , miscarriage | aborto ; |
abrasione | abrasion; |
abrasion | - A general wearing away of a surface by constant scratching, usually due to the presence of foreign matter such as dirt, grit, or metallic particles in the lubricant. it may also cause a break ...
abrasione; износ; абразия; истирание; шлифовка; абразивная обработка; |
abulia | abulia; |
abulia | A lack of willpower abulia ; абулия; |
acardia | acardia; |
acardia | acardia ; |
acefalia | acephalia; |
acephalia | acefalia ; |
acidita’ | heartburn; |
acne | acne; |
acne | - Acné
- An inflammation of the sebaceous glands during puberty which makes blackheads appear on the skin, usually on the face, neck and shoulders. these blackheads often then ...
acne; acné, barros, espinillas, granos; акне; |
adenocancro | adenoid cancer; |
adenoid cancer | adenocancro ; |
aggettivi per descrivere il dolore | adjectives for pain; |
adjectives for pain | aggettivi per descrivere il dolore; |
aids | aids (acquired-immune-deficiency-syndrome; |
aids (acquired-immune-deficiency-syndrome | aids ; |
alcolismo | alcoholism; |
alcoholism | - Alcoholismo
- Excessive drinking of alcohol which becomes addictive
alcolismo ; alcoholismo; алкоголизм; |
alienazione mentale | insanity; |
alitosi | bad breath; |
bad breath | Same as halitosis (informal ) alitosi ; mal aliento, halitosis; |
allergia | allergy; |
allergy | - Alergia
- An unusual sensitivity to some substances such as pollen or dust, which cause a physical reaction such as sneezing or a rash in someone who comes into contact with them sh...
allergia ; alergia; аллергия; |
allergia batterica | bacterial allergy; |
bacterial allergy | allergia batterica; |
allucinazione | hallucination; |
hallucination | An experience of seeing an imaginary scene or hearing an imaginary sound as clearly as if it were really there allucinazione ; alucinación, alucinamiento; |
amnesia | amnesia; |
amnesia | Loss of memory amnesia ; amnesia, pérdida de la memoria; амнезия; |
amorragia arteriale | arterial hemorrhage; |
arterial hemorrhage | amorragia arteriale ; |
amputazione | amputation; |
amputation | - Ампутация
- The surgical removal of a limb or part of a limb
amputazione ; ампутация; |
anemia | anaemia; |
anaemia | A condition in which the level of red blood cells is less than usual or where the haemoglobin is less, making it more difficult for the blood to carry oxygen. the symptoms are tiredness and pale c... anemia ; анемия; |
angina pectoris | angina; |
angina | A pain in the chest following exercise or eating, which is caused by an inadequate supply of blood to the heart muscles because of narrowing of the arteries. 19 ankle joint it is commonly treated ... angina pectoris; ангина; стенокардия; грудная жаба или стенокардия; angina; |
ansia | anxiety; |
appendicite | appendicitis; |
appendicitis | - Apendicitis
- Inflammation of the vermiform appendix comment: appendicitis takes several forms. in acute appendicitis there is a sudden attack of severe pain in the right lower part o...
appendicite ; apendidtis, cólico con calentura, cólico; |
aritmia | arrhithmia; |
arrhithmia | aritmia; |
arresto cardiaco | cardiac arrest; |
cardiac arrest | - Paro cardiaco
- Остановка сердца
- A condition in which the heart muscle stops beating
arresto cardiaco ; остановка сердца; paro cardíaco, ataque al corazón, paro del; |
arteriosclerosi | arteriosclerosis; |
arteriosclerosis | The arterial disease atherosclerosis (dated ) arteriosclerosi; артериосклероз; arteriosclerosis; |
artrite reumatoide | rheumatoid arthritis; |
artrite | arthritis; |
arthritis | - Artritis
- Артрит
- A painful inflammation of a joint. osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis
- A general term referring to disease of the joints...
artrite ; артрит; artritis; |