
Íîâîñòè ïåðåâîäîâ

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Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Translations in furniture production

Ãëîññàðèè è ñëîâàðè áþðî ïåðåâîäîâ Ôëàðóñ

Ïîèñê â ãëîññàðèÿõ:  

Ãëîññàðèé àôðèêàíèçìîâ

voetsek – foot-sack
    (sometimes spelled ‘foot sack’ or ‘voetsak’) get lost or bugger off. usually not said in a nice way.
cafe – pronounced the french way, but completely different
    “corner” shop or superette where you can buy absolutely anything, except alcohol.
    Afternoon, e.g., we’ll pop round for tea sometime this arvie.
sies (sis)
    An expression of disgust, can be used to refer to something yucky or gross. e.g., sis, check that squashed frog on the road.
rock up
    Arrive, pitch up
tannie – tunnee
    Aunt, often used to refer to any older women.
braai – brr-rye (roll that r)
    Barbecue, when women spend hours in the kitchen preparing salads, meat and puddings and men spend hours getting a fire just right so that they can cook the meat and give the women a “day off”. alc...
donner – don-ner (roll the r)
    Beat up, e.g., i’m going to donner you if you don’t stop checking me skeef.
    Brother, usually used in reference to friends, or any male companion. e.g., hey boet, did you bring the biltong for the big game tonight?
jol – jo-rl
    Can refer to a party, or to a general good time. e.g., i’ve been invited to a lekker jol tonight. and, did you have a good time at the beach? ja, it was a jol.
    Cool, exciting, wild, crazy, e.g., that motorcycle stunt was befok. and, steve has had too much sign, it’s made him befok. given its origins (fok – english fuck), it’s not used in polite company.<...
kif (or kiff or kief)
    Cool, lekker, nice, e.g., that was a kif jol last night. and, i just bought a kif pair of takkies.
lus – lis
    Craving for, e.g., i’m lus for some fish and slap chips.
mal – mull
    Crazy, mad, nuts, e.g., are you mal? you can’t eat butternut at a braai.
skollies – skoh-lie
    Criminals, unsavoury characters.
    Damn, e.g., i can’t believe the bladdy referee gave that penalty.
vetkoek – fet-cook
    Deep-fried ball of dough that is excellent filled with syrup or mince.
koeksister – cook-sister
    Delicious, syrupy deep-fried dough plaited into knots.
droewors – droo-ah-vors
    Dried sausage, similar to biltong.
nooit – noyt
    Exclamation of no or never. e.g., did you check the game last night? nooit bru, i was having a jol knocking back shots with sharlto copley at shimmy beach club at the waterfront.
yo – yoh
    Exclamation of surprise, e.g., yo, i didn’t think that you were going to drink that 11th dop.
jislaaik – yis-like
    Exclamation of wonder or surprise, e.g., jislaaik, i couldn’t believe bafana scored a goal. and, jislaaik, don’t give me such a bliksems fright!
kak – kuck
    Excrement, crap, usually used as an expletive, e.g., he’s talking kak! i never said the spingboks would lose!
yussus – yuh-siss
    Expression of surprise, revelation or objection, e.g., yussus man, you don’t know what you’re bladdy talking about!
larny – larn-nee
    Fancy pants, e.g., that restaurant is too larny for me, i’d rather go to spur.
    Flirt, e.g., check that china charfing my chick.
    Fright, e.g., i got such a skrik when the shark siren went off.
eish – aysh
    General exclamation that can be used in positive and negative contexts.
sjoe – shoe
    General exclamation, e.g., sjoe it’s a hot day! and, sjoe, you look tired. and, sjoe that’s a big bladdy drink.
    Greeting, often used instead of hello. combines hello and how are you, so it saves time.
    Grumpy, upset, sulky, e.g., he’s dikbek because his team lost last night.
babelas – bubba-luss
    Hangover, often the consequence of a really good braai.
gat – ghut
    Hole. can be used to refer to an actual hole, e.g., watch out for the gat in the road. and, my bliksemse new pants have a gat already. can also refer to the buttocks and is used to denote misfortu...
poephol – poop-all
    Idiot, moron, doofus. it’s the afrikaans version of arsehole (asshole), e.g., did you see that poephol cut me off in traffic?
    Is it? usually used to indicate surprise or incredulity.
sommer – soh-mer
    Just or because, e.g., why did you klap joe? he was sommer annoying.
sosatie – soh-sah-ti
    Kebab, usually found on a braai next to wors and steak.
    Kiss, smooch.
slap chips – slup chips
    Like french fries but without the golden crispiness – goes well with fish.
    Lost or loss of concentration, e.g., i was in a dwaal and didn’t see the red robot.
vuvuzela – voo-voo-zeh-lah
    Loud trumpets blown at sports events, made famous (infamous) at the 2010 soccer world cup.
pap – pup
    Maize porridge, a staple for many south africans it can be eaten as breakfast, lunch or supper. often accompanies a braai.
muti – moo-ti
    Medicine, usually traditional medicine from a sangoma, but can refer to anything from headache tablets to antibiotics.
kaalgat – kaal-ghut
    Naked as a newborn babe. literally, naked hole.
lekker – lack-err (roll that r)
    Nice, delicious, fun – anything good, really. e.g., the new bruce willis movie is lekker. and, that was a lekker koeksister.
bosbefok (or bossies or bos)
    Nuts, crazy, insane, usually used to refer to someone who has gone nuts or lost the plot. e.g., she went bos when she saw what the muddy dog did to her white sofa.
ag man
    Oh man, with more than a hint of frustration, irritation or annoyance; e.g. ag man, what did you go and do that for?
eina – ay-na
    Rotten, bad, or blind drunk. e.g., that meat is so vrot it’s got maggots. and, alan was so vrot drunk last night the bartender had to drive him home.
roff – ruff (roll the r)
    Rough, especially do with character, e.g., you don’t want to mess with her bru, she’s roff enough to chew you a new poephol. it can also indicate feeling under the weather, especially when hung ov...
now now
    Second meaning for now. it also means sometime soon, although sooner than just now, like within the next 30 to 60 minutes.
ag shame
    Shame is a south africanism for pity or sympathy, but it can also be used to indicate cuteness. e.g., ag shame, did you hurt yourself? and, ag shame, he got his exam results today and they weren’t...
tassies – tus-sees
    Short of super cheap red wine called tassenberg, favoured by students and anyone hard up for cash.
windgat – vind-ghat
    Show off, usually recklessly, e.g., those teenage boys are windgat in their dad’s new bmw.
skeef (skief
    Sideways, usually used as a way to look at someone oddly, e.g., why are you looking at me skeef?
bru – brew
    Similar to boet.
oke – oak
    Similar to china, bru and boet.
klap – klup
    Slap, smack, e.g., i’ll klap you if you check me skeef.
dorp (or dorpie)
    Small town, usually in the back of beyond.
    Snacks for a road trip.
takkies – tack-keys
    Sneakers, sports shoes.
boerewors – boo-rah-vors (roll the r) (wors for short)
    South african farm-style sausage commonly braaied and eaten on a roll with tomato sauce and mustard.
bakkie – buck-key
    South african version of the pickup truck. also used to refer to plastic containers like tupperware, e.g., what must i do with the leftovers? sommer stick them in a bakkie.
  1. Spiced, cured and dehydrated meat, similar to (but much tastier than) beef jerky. it’s usually made from beef, game and ostrich. a favourite tv snack, and almost essential for any rugby match....
tune – choon
    Talk, provoke, spin a yarn, e.g., what’s this kak you’re tuning me? are you tuning me grief (are you giving me trouble)?
just now
    There are three versions of now in south africa. just now means sometime soon, roughly within the next 1 – 3 hours.
dinges – ding-us
    Thingy, whatzit, random item whose name you can’t remember.
right now
    Third meaning for now, this one means immediately or at least within the next 5 – 10 minutes.
moer – moe-rr (roll that r)
    To hit or beat up, e.g., steve moered alan for checking his chick. also used for emphasis, e.g., that was a moer hard hike up table mountain.
bliksem – blik-sim
    To hit or punch, e.g., i’ll bliksem you if you eat my biltong. also used derogatively, like bastard; e.g., that bliksem stole my bakkie. it can also be used for emphasis, e.g., a bliksems high bui...
shebeen – sha-been
    Township or informal pub
sangoma – sun-gor-mah
    Traditional healer
  1. Traffic light

  2. A robot is a general-purpose system that can perform multiple tasks under conditions that might not be known a priori. robots can include such things as sensors and ot... ðîáîò, ìàíèïóëÿòîð; ðîáîò;
    Very derogatory for stupid idiot, pretty much equates to female genitalia. only use it if you’re comfortable with the english equivalent – the c-word.
gesuip – ghe-sayp
    Very drunk.
woes – voos
    Wild, extreme, crazy, e.g. that chick’s so woes she’ll drink you under the table and sell your car to the skollies.

Ãëîññàðèé àôðèêàíèçìîâ

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