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13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Глоссарий по текстилю и текстильной промышленности

Наша система памяти переводов и глоссарии по текстилю позволяют клиентам повторно использовать ранее переведенный контент для экономии затрат на локализацию.

they fall into several classes
  1. (1) a broad group including fabrics employed in industrial processes (e.g., filtering, polishing, and absorption),

  2. Fabrics incorporated directly in a finished product (e.g., sails, ... fabrics combined with other materials to produce a different type of product (e.g., rubberized fabric for hose, belting, and tires; fabric combined with synthetic resins to be used for timing gears and electrical machinery parts; coated or enameled fabric;
openings made by one of the following methods
  1. (1) coating woven or knit products to form a grid;

  2. Punching holes in flat sheets then drawing them to align the polymer molecules. used for soil stabilization, drainage, and erosion... welding oriented strands to form a grid;;
two other nylons are
    (1) nylon 11, a polyamide made from 11-amino-undecanoic acid; and
nylon 610, made from the condensation product of hexamethylenediamine and sebacic acid. nylon 610 has a lower melting point than nylon 66 and the materials for its manufacture are not as readily available as those for nylon 66. experimental work has been ;
rotary carpet printing machine consisting of
  1. (1) rotary screens with small diameter steel-roll squeegees inside, with pressure adjusted electromagnetically for initial dyestuff application;

  2. Application of low-viscosity print p... infrared heating units to fix dyes on the tips of the tufts; and;
dimethyl terephthalate
    [p-c6h4(cooch3)2] an intermediate used in the production of polyethylene terephthalate, the polymer from which polyester fibers and resins are made.
    1,6-diaminohexane, (h2n(ch2)6nh2). it is used in the polymerization reaction to form nylon 66. high-bulk yarn: see textured yarns.
    1. a broad term describing many simple plain weave twill fabrics, especially those made from linen. 2. sheer cotton and linen fabrics.
optical brightener
    1. a colorless compound that, when applied to fabric, absorbs the ultraviolet radiation in light but emits radiation in the visible spectrum. 2. fluorescent materials added to polymer in manufactu...
split end
    1. a defect in fabric caused by breakage of some of the singles yarns in a plied warp yarn. 2. a defect in manufactured filament yarn caused by breakage of some of the filaments. split-flow metier...
    1. a dull, whitened appearance sometimes associated with certain extra-dull colors. 2. a fillingwise fabric defect observed as bands varying luster or sheen.
bonded fabric
    1. a fabric containing two or more layers of cloth joined together with resin, rubber, foam, or adhesive to form one ply. 2. see nonwoven fabric.
    1. a fine, loosely woven fabric in leno weave made with dyed filling yarns and having a clipped dobby design. 2. a silk cord constructed by twisting together several twisted strands. grex: 1. a un...
    1. a flaw in fabric, especially a ribbed fabric, that occurs when warp threads show through the covering filling threads or when the threads have slipped leaving open spaces on either side. 2. a c...
fused acetate
    1. a hard particle of acetate material of almost any shape or size other than recognizable fiber. sometimes fused acetate particles resemble rock-like, hardened drops of acetate dope; in other cas...
    1. a hard-finished, twill fabric, woolen or worsted, made of simple weaves with a two-color arrangement of warp and filling yarns. 2. a plain-weave sportswear fabric made of dull-luster acetate or...
matrix fiber
    1. a manufactured fiber that is essentially a physical combination or mixture of two or more chemically distinct constituents or components combined at or prior to the time of extrusion (i.e., pro...
    1. a medium weight to heavyweight fabric with raised cords in the warp direction. 2. a double-knit fabric construction knit on multifeed circular machines. pirn: 1. a wood, paper, or plastic suppo...
reserve dyeing
  1. 1. a method of dyeing in which one component of a blend or combination fabric is left undyed. the objective is accomplished by the use of dyes that have affinity for the fiber to be colored bu... dyeing;
    1. a method of forming a fabric by wrapping and knotting fibers in a web about each other, by mechanical means, or by the use of jets of pressurized water, so as to bond the fibers. (also see hydr...
    1. a plain woven-spun fabric, almost square (i.e., 80 x 76), with a colored warp and a white filling. lightweight chambrays are used for shirts, dresses, and children’s clothes. 2. a similar but h...
    1. a plain-weave, loosely constructed fabric having a rough, spongy texture which is imparted by the use of nubby plied yarns. it is made from worsted, cotton, or other yarns. 2. a variant of spir...
    1. a rich, jacquard-woven fabric with an all over interwoven design of raised figures or flowers. the pattern is emphasized by contrasting surfaces or colors and often has gold or silver threads r...
    1. a sheer, woven, mercerized fabric of combed cotton or polyester/cotton resembling nainsook, only finer, with a lengthwise streak. 2. a rayon fabric decorated with dobby woven striped and jacqua...
    1. a silk, rayon, or manufactured fiber necktie fabric with a broken rib weave and a characteristic pebbly appearance. 2. a fine, dress fabric with a silk warp and worsted filling, woven in a brok...
    1. a thin, naturally tan-colored silk fabric with a knotty, rough weave. 2. a cotton fabric made from yarns spun from fine-combed staple and finished with a high luster. this fabric is used for un...
fine end
    1. a warp yarn of smaller diameter than that normally used in the fabric. 2. a term for a defect in silk warp yarn consisting of thin places that occur when all the filaments required to make up t...
dye fleck
    1. an imperfection in fabric caused by residual undissolved dye. 2. a defect caused by small sections of undrawn thermoplastic yarn that dye deeper that the drawn yarn.
cut staple
    1. an inferior cotton fiber that was accidentally cut because it was too damp during ginning. 2. a term sometimes used to denote staple of manufactured fibers.
drop stitch
    1. an open design made in knitting by removing some of the needles at set intervals. 2. a defect in knit fabric.
repack order
    1. an order requiring special packaging, as for export. 2. a small order for a number of items requiring a breakdown of large cases.
laminated fabric
    1. fabric composed of a high-strength reinforcing scrim or base fabric between two plies of flexible thermoplastic film. usually open scrims are used to permit the polymer to flow through the inte...
  1. 1. generally, a soft, closely woven fabric with a short, thick pile, weighting about 10 to 20 ounces per yard and made in a plain or satin weave. velour is usually made of cotton or wool, or w... велюр;
commercial weight
    1. in natural fibers, the dry weight of fibers or yarns plus the commercial moisture regain. 2. in manufactured fibers, the dry weight of staple spun yarns or filament yarns after scouring by pres...
    1. miscellaneous items attached to garments and shoes during manufacture. included are buttons, hooks, snaps, and ornaments. 2. miscellaneous fabrics in garments such a zipper tapes, linings, pock...
rolled ends
    1. on a section beam, rolled ends are adjacent ends that do not unwind parallel to each other. rolled ends can be caused by such factors as uneven tension, ridgy beams, and static. 2. the ends can...
viscose process
    1. one of the methods of producing rayon. (also see rayon fiber). 2. the chemical process used in the manufacture of cellophane. (also see viscose solution).
    1. overcasting the cut edge of a fabric to prevent raveling. 2. finishing the edge of a carpet by oversewing rather than binding. generally, the sides of a carpet are serged and the ends bound.
screw melter
    1. screw extruder in which frictional forces between the screw and the heated barrel contribute to rapid melting of solid polymer. this configuration is capable of high throughput. 2. system in wh...
crystalline growth
    1. the expansion and development of a crystal. the process involves diffusion of the crystallizing material to special sites on the surface of the crystal, incorporation of the molecules into the ...
    1. the higher boiling fraction in distillation. 2. see coarse thread.
    1. the last or delivery cylinder of the card from which the sheet of fibers is removed by the doffer comb. 2. an operator who removes full bobbins, spools, containers, or other packages from a mac...
light end
    1. the low boiling fraction in distillation. 2. see fine end, 1.
calendering rolls
    1. the main cylinders on a calender. 2. smooth or fluted rolls used on carious fiber-processing machines such as pickers and cards to compress the lap or sliver as it passes between them.
top dyeing
    1. the process of covering with an additional dye, not necessarily of the same color or class, to obtain the desired shade. 2. fiber in top form is placed in cans and dyed in a batch-dye vessel wi...
    1. the process of exposing wool fibers alone or in combination with other fibers to mechanical and chemical action, pressure, moisture, and heat so that they tangle, shrink, and mat to form a comp... свойлачивание;
    1. the process of removing loose threads and knots from fabrics with a type of tweezers called a burling iron. 2. the process of correcting loose tufts and replacing missing tufts following carpet...
    1. use of air jets to create turbulence to entangle the filaments of continuous filaments yarns, without forming loops, after extrusion. provides dimensional stability and cohesion for further pro... compaction;
alpaca stitch
    A 1 x 1 purl-links stitch that is knit so that the courses run vertically instead of horizontally as the fabric comes off the knitting machine. a garment made with an alpaca stitch is not always 1...
looping bar
    A bar inserted in the bottom of an extrusion metier around which the dried filaments pass as they leave the spinning cabinet. loop-knot: see kink.
    A bast fiber similar to flax obtained from the stalk of a plant grown in china, the u.s., and japan. random-sheared carpet: a pile carpet with a textured face produced by shearing some of the loop...
ridgy beam
    A beam of yarn on which the ends are not evenly distributed across the barrel, causing a profile of peaks (ridges) and valleys. a ridgy beam can give poor removal characteristics.
phases beam
    A beam on which each of the ends is wound from the same depth of each of the bobbins on the creel. phased beams are prepared when yarn properties vary from the inside to the outside of the bobbins...
reversible bonded fabric
    A bonded structure in which two face fabrics are bonded together so that the two sides may be used interchangeable. there are limitations to the fabrics that may be used because of increased fabri...
stitch bonding
  1. A bonding technique for nonwovens in which the fibers are connected by stitches sewn or knitted through the web. also known as quilting.

  2. Bonding, 2
bonding, 2;
white goods
  1. A broad term describing any goods that have been finished in the white conditions.

  2. Постельное и столовое бельё холодильники, плиты и др. предметы домашнего обихода (обычно покрытые ...
standing wire
    A broad term describing fixed rods or strips extending through the loom reed, that control the height of the pile in a woven pile fabric.
mesh fabrics
    A broad term for fabric characterized by open spaces between the yarns. mesh fabrics may be woven, knit, lace, net, crochet, etc. meta: a chemical prefix, usually abbreviated m, that denotes that ...
    A broad term for fabrics with a fancy-type weave made on a jacquard or dobby loom. fade-ometer®: laboratory device used to determine the fastness of a colored fabric to exposure to light. the test...
dye range
    A broad term referring to the collection of dye and chemical baths, drying equipment, etc., in a continuous-dyeing line. dyes: substances that add color to textiles. they are incorporated into the...
    A cap, ring, or flyer twisting frame.
low rows
    A carpet defect characterized by rows of unusually low pile height across the width of the goods.
stalwart printing machine
    A carpet printing machine in which color is applied to the carpet with a neoprene sponge laminated to the pattern. the pattern is cut in a rubber base attached to a wooden roll. it is very similar...
cottage steamer
    A chamber used for batch steaming of printed or dyed textiles. cloth is looped on “poles” on a special cart which fits into the steamer for processing.
gas fading
    A change of shade of dyed fabric caused by chemical reaction between certain disperse dyes and acid gases from fuel combustion, particularly oxides of nitrogen.
acid fading; atmospheric fading; fume fading;
    A characteristic of certain tire cords. it occurs with all materials but is more noticeable with nylon cord and is associated with nylon cord by users. nylon exerts a shrinkage force as it becomes...
chlorine retention
    A characteristic of several resins and textile finishes whereby they retain some of the chlorine from bleach. on heating of the goods, the chlorine forms hydrochloric acid, causing tendering of th...
vinylidene chloride
    A chemical material obtained from ethylene, a petroleum product, and from chlorine. it is used for the manufacture of textile monofilaments and film. it is more commonly identified in the u.s. as ...
    A chemical radical, (c6h5-), derived from benzene. it is the basis of many aromatic derivatives.
    A chemical reaction whereby the acetyl radical is introduced into a compound, as in the conversion of cellulose to cellulose acetate.
color stripper
    A chemical used to remove some or all of the dyestuffs from a fiber, yarn, or fabric so that a dyeing defect can be corrected, a shade lightened, or another color applied. colour index (ci): a lis...
    A chemical, such as sodium thiosulfate, used to remove excess chlorine after bleaching.
metallized dyes
  1. A class of dyes that have metals in their molecular structure. they are applied from an acid bath.

  2. Dyes
acid dyes
  1. A class of dyes used on wool, other animal fibers, and some manufactured fibers. acid dyes are seldom used on cotton or linen since this process requires a mordant. acid dyes are widely used o... dyes;
direct dyes
  1. A class of dyestuffs that are applied directly to the substrate in a neutral or alkaline bath. they produce full shades on cotton and linen without mordanting and can also be applied to rayon,... dyes;
basic dyes
  1. A class of positive-ion-carrying dyes known for their brilliant hues. basic dyes are composed of large-molecule, water-soluble salts that have a direct affinity for wool and silk and can be ap... dyes;
disperse dyes
  1. A class of slightly water-soluble dyes originally introduced for dyeing acetate and usually applied from fine aqueous suspensions. disperse dyes are widely used for dyeing most of the manufact... dyes;
sulfur dyes
  1. A class of water-insoluble dyes that are applied in a soluble, reduced form from a sodium sulfide solution and are then reoxidized to the insoluble form on the fiber. sulfur dyes are mainly us... dyes;

Глоссарий по текстилю и текстильной промышленности

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