a | alpha; |
alpha | a; альфа; |
b | - Bar
- Battalion; brick
- Brigade; bulletin; bach = brook, creek; berg = mountain, height
- Fifth letter of a nasdaq stock descriptor specifying that issue is the cla...
bravo; relative bearing; b; bar; бар; алголь ,; battalion; brigade; brick; bulletin; bach = brook, creek; berg = mountain, height; begin; |
bravo | Nato phonetic notation for the letter “b” (see table 11). b; браво; |
charlie | [1] nato phonetic notation for the letter “c.” [2] naval aviation term directing an aircraft into the carrier landing pattern. c; Чарли; |
d | - Deci — деци-
- Denarius — пенс, пенни
- Dexter — правый
- Datum
- Daughter
- Day
- Deceleration
- Degree
- Density
delta; d; degree; степень; градус; datum; daughter; day; deceleration; density; departed; depot; depth; descend (ing); design; desirable; detached; development; diameter; differential; diffuser; digital; dimension; director aircraft; disconnect device; discontinuity; display; distance; dive configuration; door; double; down; drag; drain; drone; drop; duct; dust; av med diploma in aviation medicine; of d distribution of duties; division; dwor = manor house; dwelling; 1. due; тяжелая вода ,; ад; ложе подземного газопровода; down,downward; день;
delta | - A symbol used to indicate deviation or difference.
- Коэффициент “дельта” . показатель чувствительности рассчитываемой стоимости опциона к незначительным колебаниям цены базового акти...
d; дельта; delta; |
e | - East; electronic; elevator (open); einwohner = inhabitant
- Xw (x works) a trading term used in the sale of goods to denote that the price includes only the cost of the product at the...
echo; e; электрохимический потенциал; east; electronic; elevator (open); einwohner = inhabitant; е; восток или восточный; |
echo | - The reflections of signal energy that cause it to return to the transmitter or to the receiver.
- Sound waves which have been reflected to a listener with sufficient magnitude and tim...
e; эхо; эхо; imagen fantasma; viruses вирусы echo; эхоотображение; отображение символа на экране;; эхопередача; отражение; эхо;; |
f | foxtrot; |
foxtrot | Nato phonetic notation for the letter “f.” f; фокстрот; |
golf | - Pool game or drill where the goal is to pocket a single object ball in each pocket with the fewest number of "strokes". the cue ball is placed on the head spot and the object ball is placed on...
g; гольф; |
h | - Hora
- Z hertz
- S significant wave height
- Max maximum wave height
- Heat conservation insulation
- Z frequency meter
- Hertz
hotel; h; non-- directional radio homing beacon (ndb); home; enthalpy; энтальпия напор, напорный высота всасывания; hora; герц гц; значительная высота волны; максимальная высота волны; теплоизоляция; частотомер; z hertz; s significant wave height; max maximum wave height; heat conservation insulation; z frequency meter; г; hertz; кремнефтористоводородная кислота ,; парафенилендиамин ,; серная кислота ,; сернистая кислота ,; high;
hotel | - A building in which lodging and other services, often board, are provided primarily to transients and, less often, to permanent residents.
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “h.”...
h; хотель; если действие происходит во франции, может означать "особняк"; гостиница; |
i | - The nominative singular pronoun, used by a speaker in referring to himself or herself
- Infantry; iron
- Is moreover a little narrow flag at the end of a lance.
- Th...
india; 私; ساي; ĕgo; eu; yo; je; io; eu; i; би; ben; mən; men; мен; men; юстиниан; аббас; абдаррахман; хайле селассие; харальд; хаттусили; хелуанский некрополь; хосров; акиндин; александр; александра; альберт; альфонс; infantry; iron; кнуд; ксеркс; ласло; левкон; леопольд; лжедмитрий; людовик; максимилиан; мануил; маргрете; мария; петр; петра; пржемысл; регламенты петра; роман; салманасар; сардури; святополк; святослав; селим; сигизмунд; соломон; стефан; сулейман; суппилулиума; теймураз; тиглатпаласар; тутмос; феодосий; фердинанд; флавиан; формула; франц; фридрих; фридрих вильгельм; ox input-output executive; sql interactive sql; остров; |
india | - English enjoys associate status but is the most important language for national, political, and commercial communication; hindi is the national language and primary tongue of 30% of the people...
i; индиЯ; гос-eo индия,; |
j | juliett; |
juliett | Nato phonetic notation for the letter “j.” also (incorrectly) juliet. see phonetic alphabets and table 11. j; джульет; |
k | - 1,000; kilo
- Potassium.
- A pulse which is not strong, which is not easy to feel 453 werdnig-hoffmann disease
- Лицевая(петля); вязать
- Fifth letter of a ...
kilo; подготовительный класс; лицевая(петля); вязать; |
kilo | - Thousand
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “k.” see table 11.
- A unit of measurement prefix meaning one thousand, and commonly abbreviated `k`. a kilogram is a weight ...
k; кило; |
l | lima; |
lima | - Landsat image mosaic of antarctica
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “l.”
l; лайма; г. лайма (шт. огайо, сша); г. лима (столица перу); landsat image mosaic of antarctica; лима; |
m | mike; |
mike | - Microphone
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “m.”
- A synonym for micrometer; also, the act or process of determining the size of an object with a micrometer.
m; майк; microphone;
november | n; новембер; |
o | - Oculus — глаз
- Osten, orientalis, orien, oriente, orientis = east
- Ostwarts
- The fourth class of rating on lloyd`s books for the comparative excellence of merchan...
oscar; o; osten, orientalis, orien, oriente, orientis = east; ostwarts; обелиск; |
oscar | - Optimal survival containment and recover
- Optimum system controlling aircraft
- Orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio
- Online satellite catalog and request sys...
o; оскар; optimal survival containment and recover; optimum system controlling aircraft; orbiting satellite carrying amateur radio; online satellite catalog and request system (noaa); |
p | papa; |
papa | - Prepare to abandon platform alarm
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “p.”
- Parallax airplane parking aid (vdgs)
p; папа; сигнал; prepare to abandon platform alarm; |
q | quebec; |
quebec | - Пров. квебек {канада)
- Г. квебек {пров. квебек, канада)
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “q.” pronounced kay-bec.
q; квебек; |
r | romeo; |
romeo | - Nato phonetic notation for the letter “r.”
- Закрытая мужская туфля с глубоким вырезом по бокам rood-screen перегородка, отделяющая алтарь от церкви
r; ромео; |
s | - Sinister — левый
- Subjectum — подлежащее
- Shutter priority
- Sive sen
- Automated control
- Area
- Satellite
- Saturation
sierra; s; секунда; sentence; sourse; second; источник; shutter priority; sive sen; асу; automated control; area; satellite; saturation; scientific (experiment); search; secondary; semispan; (message) sent; shaft; side; silver; simply; single; slipstream; (path) slope; slow; snow; soft; solid; solubility; sound; south; southern latitude; space; special; speed; spin; starboard; static; strategic; stratus; stringer; supplementary; switch; synchronizer; secret; store; see = lake, ocean; suden = south; странность; rib; ridge; slave; ft syste m fa u lt to le ra n ce; тяга, поперечная рулевая; эска; surcharge (rate classification);
sierra | - Xp. сьерра-невада (сша);
- Горн. массив сьерра-невада (испания)
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “s.”
- Eone. a diamond from the sierra leone district in afri...
s; сиерра; горы восточная сьёрра-мадре (мексика); горы западная сьёрра-мадре (мексика); горы сьерра-морёна (испания); гос-во сьерра-леоне, republic of; п-ов сьерра-леоне (западная африка, гос-во сьерралеоне); сьерра; |
tango | Nato phonetic notation for the letter “t.” t; танго; |
u | uniform; |
uniform | - The set of official clothes worn by a group of people such as the nurses in a hospital to identify them adjective the same or similar healthy red blood cells are of a uniform shape and siz...
u; униформ; равномерный; однородный; единообразный; военная форма; не униформа, а просто форма, например, военная, мундир. это в цирке униформисты.; однотипный; дружный (о всходах); |
victor | Nato phonetic notation for the letter “v.” v; виктор; |
w | whiskey; |
whiskey | - Whisky
- Nato phonetic notation for the letter “w.”
w; виски; |
x | x-ray; |
x-ray | - 1. a ray with a very short wavelength, which is invisible, but can go through soft tissue and register as a photograph on a film. x-rays are used in diagnosis in radiography, and in treating d...
x; икс-рэй; рентгеновские лучи; рентгеновские лучи x; рентгеновые лучи; |
y | - A "y" shaped plumbing fitting.
- Yaw
- Yellow (light)
- Fifth letter of a nasdaq stock symbol specifying that it is an adr
yankee; yaw; yellow (light); |
yankee | - An appellation often erroneously given to north americans in general, whereas it is strictly applicable to those of the new england states only; it is not used complimentarily in the back sett...
y; Янки; |
zulu | [1] nato phonetic notation for the letter “z.” [2] used in nato and commercial radio communications to signify coordinated universal time using the 24-hour clock (e.g., 1700 zulu signifies 5:00 p.... z; зулу; zul; всемирное координированное время.; |
0 | zero; |
zero | - Нуль
- N нуль | a нулевой
- The cypher or nought at the beginning of a graduated arc.
0; зеро; s,ifr 'empty'; нуль; z; |
1 | The admirals of the fleet rank with field-marshals. 2. admirals ” generals. 3. vice-admirals ” lieutenant-generals. 4. rear-admirals ” major-generals. 5. captains of the fleet } 6. commodores } ” ... ouanne; |
ouanne | 1; уан; |
2 | bis; |
bis | - Board of inspection and survey
- British interplanetary society
- Bureau of inspection and standards
- Bureau of inspection and survey
- Bremsstrahlung isoc...
2; бис; bislama; best in show; bank for international settlements; board of inspection and survey; british interplanetary society; bureau of inspection and standards; bureau of inspection and survey; business information system; |
3 | ter; |
ter | - Tower
- Triple ejection rack
- Дымомер. ...
3; тер; telecom equipment room; tower; triple ejection rack; |
4 | quarto; |
quarto | 4; кватро; |
5 | penta; |
penta | 5; пента; |
6 | saxo; |
saxo | 6; саксо; |
7 | Parts saltpetre to 10 sulphur and 15 charcoal; these proportions are varied slightly in different countries. the ingredients are mixed together with great mechanical nicety, and the compound is th... sett; |
sett | A kind of shipwright`s power, composed of two ring-bolts and a wrain-staff, with cleats and lashings. also, the particular spot in a river or frith, where stationary nets are fixed. 7; сет; монолит; |
8 | octo; |
octo | 8; окто; |
9 | nona; |
nona | 9; нона; |
, | - Неплановый любой простой
- Диагностирование определение технического техническое состояния объекта
decimal; |
decimal | - Десятичный
- A number in a counting system that is based on units of 10. most commonly used to refer to a real number expressed in decimal notation (i.e. containing a .’ between the i...
,; децимал; десятичный; dec; десятичная дробь; десятичное число;; десятичная дробь;; |