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Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

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Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

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Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

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Глоссарий по верстке и разверстке макетов PDF

Описание основных понятий в верстке и дизайне книг, журналов, газет. Материалы предназначены, в основном, для использования в качестве справочного материала для переводчиков, редакторов и верстальщиков.

text cursor
    (see insertion point)
arc of the stem
    A curved stroke that is continuous with a straight stem, not a bowl; examples: bottom of j, t, f, a, and u. also called a shoulder.
serif type
    A font that has accents at the end of character strokes. (e.g. times or roman).
transient font
    A font which stays in the printer’s memory until the current document has finished printing.
inline graphic
    A graphic placed in text with the text tool. an inline graphic travels with the text block when moved.
discretionary hyphens
    A hyphen inserted in a word indicating where pagemaker can divide the word, if necessary, to fit the text on the line.
display face
    A larger and bolder version of a text face (14 points or more), used for headlines and sub-headlines.
column rule
    A line used between two columns of type.
tab (stop)
    A location set along the horizontal ruler to show where text should be aligned.
arabic number
    A numeral from 0 through 9; can be set as old style or lining figures.
atm (adobe type manager)
    A programme that improves your screen display by imaging fonts directly from their type i postscript language font files. atm is recommended for windows 98 and me. not required in windows 2000 and...
widow line
    A single line of a paragraph at the bottom of a page or column.
word processing programme
    A software application package that aids in creating, editing, and printing documents such as letters, memos, and reports.
thin space
    A space equal to one-fifth of an en space.
em square
    A square the size of a capital letter ‘m,’ which extends to the descender line. the em square received its name from the capital ‘m’ that filled the piece of metal used to form the type body in ea...
margin marker
    A symbol on the ruler used to set the left and right margins for the text in word processing documents.
    A temporary inward offset from the margin setting.
    A typeface that has connections between letters. formal and informal scripts are the most common examples of ligated typefaces. characters like ‘fi,’ ‘fl,’ or ‘st’ may be ligated in typefaces that...
bold italic
    A typestyle in which the image face is both italic (slanted from left to right) and boldened (darkened); used to create visual interest and emphasis.
en square
    A unit of measure which is equal to half of a typeface’s point size. traditionally, an en was half the width of an em.
track kerning
    Adjusting the letterspacing for a block of text.
    An elementary picture symbol that represents an object (noun).
character count
    An estimation of the number of characters in a selection of type.
    An inscription at the end of a manuscript or book that contains facts about its production; identifies artists, designers, or printers, and specifies the typefaces and papers used.
threaded text
    Blocks of text that are connected across the columns of a page and across pages from the beginning to the end of a story. allows insertions or deletions without losing information.
    Boxes of text at the side of a document presenting material related to, but not necessarily a part of, the text.
old style
    Characterized by variations in stroke width, bracketed serifs, high contrast, and a diagonal stroke. some popular old styles include bembo, garamond, janson, and caslon. originally developed durin...
em unit
    Dimensionless distance measuring units used in altsys’ software programme fontographer.
letter spacing
    Extra space inserted between letters in a word. also called kerning. best used to modify headings, this should be applied with caution, since too much letter spacing makes copy difficult to read. ...
word spacing
    In a line of text, this is the amount of space between each word. it can be varied to adjust line length without affecting readability, unlike letterspacing.
initial cap
    Large, capital letters (often ornamental) which are found at the beginning of paragraphs or chapters. these date back to the early days of european manuscripts where they were (and still are) cons...
monospaced font
    Like typewritten characters, these all have the same width and take up the same amount of space. use of this type allows figures to be set in vertical rows without leaving a ragged appearance (in ...
    May be either a display line enlarging on the main headline (usually in smaller size) or a short heading inside the copy used to break up long patches of grey.
    Not serifs, but ends of certain letter shapes such as the letters ‘f’, ‘j’, ‘y’, ‘r’, and ‘a’.
    Once known as ‘printer’s flowers’, these are the small decorative marks, bullets, or symbols that usually make up a speciality face. zapf dingbats is a well-known example of a dingbat font.
square serif
    Originally designed at the beginning of the 19th century, these typefaces have squared-off serifs on the characters’ end strokes. also called ‘slab serif’ or ‘egyptian’.
semiautomatic flow text
    Placement in which the text flows to the bottom of the column and stops with the text icon loaded with the rest of the text.
bad break
    Refers to widows or orphans in text copy; or a break that does not make sense of the phrasing of a line of copy, causing awkward reading.
pull quotes
    Short excerpts from text that are enlarged and set off from the page with boxes or lines. these are used for emphasis or to fit text copy into columns.
greeked text
    Simulated text used to show the position of the actual text on the page. text is greeked to speed the screen display.
    Specialized graphics editor designed by altsys and now owned by macromedia. it simplifies the editing and creation of high quality fonts, logos, typefaces and other intricate postscript and truety...
paragraph tags
    Style names included in a word-processed document that can be retained when the file is placed into a pagemaker document.
    Term used predominantly by newspapers to describe a photo (see caption).
    Text at the end of an article indicating on what page the article is continued; also, the text at the top of a continued article indicating from where the article is continued.
back matter
    The book information placed after the text copy; includes index, glossary, bibliography, and appendix.
  1. The ease with which the reader can discern the type on the page, based on the tone of the type in relation to the background and the letter forms’ shape in relation to each other.

  2. Н... түсініктілік; разборчивость;
point size
    The height of the type body. a standard type measurement system was originally developed by the parisian type founder pierre fournier le jeune in 1737. in the days of metal type, the point size wa...
cap height
    The height of the uppercase letters within a font.
    The large, capital letters of a typeface. once called ‘majuscules’, these letters were stored in the upper section of the printer’s typecase, hence the term ‘uppercase’.
    The right page of a spread. the left page is called verso.
side bearing
    The space between the origin of a character and its leftmost point (left side bearing), or the space between the rightmost point and width line (right side bearing).
body copy
  1. The textual matter set in one face and point size, with a common leading and column width. (see text)

  2. The main text in a document eclusive of headings

  3. Основной текст, кот... негізгі көшірме; основной текст;
caps and small caps
    The typesetting option in which the lowercase letters are set as small capital letters; usually 75% the height of the size of the innercase.
    The width of a letter and its surrounding space; the space, needed to set a line of text in a specific typeface. some programmes have tracking to adjust the typeface to make it set looser or tight...
right justified
    Type aligned with its right margin. also known as ‘flush right’.
left justified
    Type that is aligned with its left margin. also called ‘flush left’.
proportionally spaced type
    Type whose character widths vary according to the features of the letters (in contrast to monospaced type).
swash capitals
    Uppercase letters that have flourishes added to them. originally designed to go with italic typefaces.
text face
    Usually serifed fonts set in sizes from 9 to 12 points, these typefaces are easier to read in large sections than display faces. some examples include times and goudy oldstyle. also called ‘bookfa...
    Variations within a typeface. plain, bold, italic, underline, outline, and shadow are styles found in the style menu for almost all applications used for creating text or graphic documents.
reverse type
    White characters on a dark background. a good way to grab the reader’s attention.
stretched text
    Widening text characters, not the spacing between the characters.
box rule
    A line that has four sides to form a box; usually surrounds text or graphics
business form
    A kind of document used to conduct daily business activities
    The final copy of a publication used to produce the negative for a printing plate
    Small symbolic pictures on the software that show the tools that can be selected for working with text or graphics
    The printed design on stationery that normally includes the name, address, phone number and logo
live area
    The space on the page layout between the margins where text and graphic elements are placed
monospace typeface
    A typeface where all the characters are the same width
on-line help
    A feature of the software that provides detailed information about performing a specific task
page assembly
    Placing previously created text and graphic elements into a predefined page setup
peripheral devices
    Components that are external to the computer. for example, a printer and modem
professional statement
    A form used to bill a client for services rendered
reproduction quality
    High-quality printing of a publication done with a laser printer
ruler guides
    Nonprinting horizontal and vertical measuring lines that can used to position and/or align elements on the page layout
scroll bars
    Bars along the sides of the screen used to quickly move the page horizontally or vertically to access a different part of the document
    Headings that follow headlines for covering more detailed topics in the body copy

Глоссарий по верстке и разверстке макетов PDF

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