В глоссарии приведены технические термины, используемых в нормах МАГАТЭ по безопасности и публикациях. Глоссарий может также служить источником информации для корректоров, редакторов документов и переводов, письменных и устных переводчиков.
vniinm | A.a. bochvar high-technology scientific research institute for inorganic materials |
acpdr | Administration for civil protection and disaster relief administration for civil protection and disaster relief; |
acpsr | Advisory committee of project safety review advisory committee of project safety review; |
afcn | Agence federale de controle nucleaire (federal agency for nuclear control, belgium) agence federale de controle nucleaire; |
athlet | Analysis of thermal-hydraulics of leaks and transients analysis of thermal-hydraulics of leaks and transients; |
aerb | Atomic energy regulatory body atomic energy regulatory body; |
ansto | Australian nuclear science and technology organisation australian nuclear science and technology organisation; |
bdba | Beyond-design-basis accident beyond-design-basis accident; |
bwr | Boiling water reactor. a very common type of light water reactor in use worldwide. ordinary water, used as both coolant and moderator, is allowed to boil in the reactor core. the steam produced is... boiling water reactor; |
bfbt | Bwr full-size fine-mesh bundle tests bwr full-size fine-mesh bundle tests; |
candu | Canadian deuterium uranium reactor (phwr type). this type of reactor uses "heavy" water, i.e. deuterium oxide, as the coolant and moderator. the use of heavy water permits the use of natural urani... canadian deuterium uranium reactor; |
cnsc | Canadian nuclear safety commission canadian nuclear safety commission; |
cp-ecr | Cathcart & pawel correlation for ecr prediction cathcart & pawel correlation for ecr prediction; |
cnsns | Comision nacional de seguridad nuclear y salvaguardias (national commission on nuclear safety and safeguards, mexico). comision nacional de seguridad nuclear y salvaguardias; |
corwm | Committee on radioactive waste management (united kingdom) committee on radioactive waste management; |
ctbt | Comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty; |
alcyone | Computer code for fuel behaviour computer code for fuel behaviour; |
cinda | Computer index of nuclear data. online database. computer index of nuclear data; |
compsis | Computer-based systems important to safety. nea joint project. computer-based systems important to safety; |
cppc | Contracting parties to the 1960 paris convention on third party liability in the field of nuclear energy, as amended. contracting parties to the 1960 paris convention on third party liability in the field of nuclear energy; |
cppnm | Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material convention on the physical protection of nuclear material; |
matare | Coupled computer code, mabel-talink-relap coupled computer code; |
rwra | Czech radioactive waste repository authority (surao) czech radioactive waste repository authority; |
dceg | Decommissioning cost estimation group decommissioning cost estimation group; |
draccar | Deformation et renoyage d`un assemblage de crayons combustiblespendant un accident de refroidissement computer code deformation et renoyage d`un assemblage de crayons combustiblespendant un accident de refroidissement computer code; |
dnb | Departure from nucleate boiling departure from nucleate boiling; |
dch | Direct containment heating direct containment heating; |
dffb | Dispersed flow film boiling dispersed flow film boiling; |
epri | Electric power research institute (united states) electric power research institute; |
epma | Electron-probe micro-analyzer electron-probe micro-analyzer; |
ero | Emergency response organisation emergency response organisation; |
ehpg | Enlarged halden programme group enlarged halden programme group; |
enena | European nuclear education network association/reseau europeen pour l’enseignement des sciences nucleaires (france) european nuclear education network association/reseau europeen pour l’enseignement des sciences nucleaires; |
ensreg | European nuclear safety regulators` group european nuclear safety regulators` group; |
ensdf | Evaluated nuclear structure data file database (online database) evaluated nuclear structure data file database; |
exfor | Experimental nuclear reaction data retrievals. online database. experimental nuclear reaction data retrievals; |
earsm | Explicit algebraic reynolds stress model explicit algebraic reynolds stress model; |
fvm | Finite volume method finite volume method; |
ffrd | Fuel fragmentation, relocation and dispersal fuel fragmentation; |
hbwr | Halden boiling-water reactor halden boiling-water reactor; |
hsk | Hauptabteilung fur die sicherheit der kernanlagen (federal nuclear safety inspectorate, switzerland) hauptabteilung fur die sicherheit der kernanlagen; |
hmgu | Helmoholtz zentrum munchen (germany) helmoholtz zentrum munchen; |
hbu | High burnup fuel high burnup fuel; |
hbrp | High burn-up rim project high burn-up rim project; |
hpci | High pressure coolant injection system high pressure coolant injection system; |
hprl | High priority nuclear data request list. nea online database. high priority nuclear data request list; |
heu | Highly-enriched uranium highly-enriched uranium; |
hve | Hot vacuum extraction hot vacuum extraction; |
haea | Hungarian atomic energy authority hungarian atomic energy authority; |
isoe | Information system on occupational exposure. nea joint project. information system on occupational exposure; |
itaac | Inspection, tests, analyses, and acceptance criteria inspection; |
irsn | Institut de radioprotection et de surete nucleaire /radiological protection and nuclear safety institute (france) institut de radioprotection et de surete nucleaire /radiological protection and nuclear safety institute; |
inpo | Institute for nuclear power operations institute for nuclear power operations; |
ifba | Integral fuel burnable absorber integral fuel burnable absorber; |
igsc | Integration group for the safety case (nea) integration group for the safety case; |
ilw | Intermediate-level waste. radioactive waste is normally classified into a small number of categories to facilitate regulation of handling, storage and disposal based on the concentration of radioa... intermediate-level waste; |
iarc | International agency for research on cancer (who) international agency for research on cancer; |
icde | International common-cause data exchange. nea joint project. international common-cause data exchange; |
inlex | International expert group on nuclear liability (iaea) international expert group on nuclear liability; |
ifnec | International framework for nuclear energy cooperation. the nea serves as the technical secretariat for ifnec. international framework for nuclear energy cooperation; |
inex | International nuclear emergency exercises programme (nea) international nuclear emergency exercises programme; |
ines | International nuclear event scale, introduced by the international atomic energy agency (iaea) in 1990. international nuclear event scale; |
insag | International nuclear safety advisory group international nuclear safety advisory group; |
ipheca | International programme on the health effects of the chernobyl accident (who) international programme on the health effects of the chernobyl accident; |
inpro | International project on innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles (iaea) international project on innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles; |
isnl | International school of nuclear law (nea) international school of nuclear law; |
iter | International thermonuclear experimental reactor international thermonuclear experimental reactor; |
ipsa | Inter-phase slip-algorithm inter-phase slip-algorithm; |
iafb | Inverted annular film boiling inverted annular film boiling; |
ispra | Istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale (italian national institute for environmental protection and research, italy) istituto superiore per la protezione e la ricerca ambientale; |
jaea | Japan atomic energy agency japan atomic energy agency; |
jnes | Japan nuclear energy safety japan nuclear energy safety; |
mhlw | Japanese ministry of health, labour and welfare japanese ministry of health; |
jeff | Joint evaluated fission and fusion project (nea) joint evaluated fission and fusion project; |
jsi | Jozef stefan institute (slovenia) jozef stefan institute; |
kfk | Kernforschungszentrum karlsruhe (now known as kit), germany kernforschungszentrum karlsruhe; |
kaeri | Korea atomic energy research institute korea atomic energy research institute; |