
Новости переводов

13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

Поиск в глоссариях:  

Глоссарий терминов дистанционного онлайн-обучения

В глоссарии собрано много терминов электронного обучения, с которыми переводчикам необходимо разобраться перед тем, как они приступят к переводу и локализации курсов или образовательных программ. Терминология может показаться модными словечками и жаргоном для новичка, но многие из них являются необходимыми знаниями для профессионального переводчика.

авторский инструмент
    authoring tool;
    компьютерное обучение (cbt)
      computer-based training (cbt);
      computer-based training (cbt)
        Cbt refers to any type of course that runs on a computer, either on a cd, on a person’s hard drive or on the internet. the distinguishing point is that computer-based training does not involve an ... компьютерное обучение (cbt);
      курсовое обеспечение
        дистанционное обучение или дистанционное обучение
          distance education or distance learning;
          distance education or distance learning
            Distance education/learning occurs when students and their instructors are in different geographical locations and the instruction occurs on an electronic device, such as a computer or mobile phon... дистанционное обучение или дистанционное обучение;
            Elearning (short for electronic learning) is an umbrella term that refers to all types of training, education and instruction that occurs on a digital medium, like a computer or mobile phone.
          электронное обучение;
          неформальное обучение
            informal learning;
            informal learning
              Informal learning occurs when people have a need to know something. they set their own learning objectives and acquire knowledge, skills and information in their own ways. this could be through as... неформальное обучение;
            инструкторский дизайн
              instructional design;
              инструкторский дизайнер
                instructional designer;
                instructional designer
                  An instructional designer practices the craft and science of instructional design. this person identifies the needs and performance issues of a targeted audience and determines the best approaches... инструкторский дизайнер;
                инструкторское обучение led (ilt)
                  instructor led training (ilt);
                  instructor led training (ilt)
                    Ilt typically refers to providing instruction in a classroom environment where the instructor and learners are together at the same time and in the same physical location. it may occur virtually инструкторское обучение led (ilt);
                  интерактивные мультимедиа
                    interactive multimedia;
                    мобильное обучение
                      mobile learning;
                      mobile learning
                        Learning that takes place on a hand-held device, such as a mobile phone, that can take place anytime and anywhere.
                      мобильное обучение;
                        online learning;
                        online learning
                        1. The term online learning is often used synonymously with elearning. it is an umbrella term that includes any type of learning accomplished on a computer and usually over the internet.

                          <... онлайн-обучение;
                        самостоятельное обучение
                          self-paced learning;
                          self-paced learning
                          1. Self-paced learning refers to the type of instruction that allows a person to control the flow of the courseware. it implies the learning environment is asynchronous.

                          2. A type of asyn... самостоятельное обучение;
                          обучение в социальных сетях
                            social media learning;
                            social media learning
                              Social media learning refers to the acquisition of information and skills through social technologies that allow people to collaborate, converse, provide input, create content and share it. exampl... обучение в социальных сетях;
                            потоковое мультимедиа
                              streaming media;
                              streaming media
                                Streaming media refers to video and audio that is downloaded to a computer from the internet as a continuous stream of data and is played as it reaches the destination computer.
                              потоковое мультимедиа;
                                video conferencing;
                                video conferencing
                                  Video conferencing refers to the use of video technology (both hardware and software) to create a virtual meeting between two or more people in different physical locations. participants can see a... видеоконференции;
                                виртуальный класс
                                  virtual classroom;
                                  веб-обучение (wbt)
                                    web-based training (wbt);
                                    web-based training (wbt)
                                      Wbt refers to all types of digital instruction in which the learning material is presented via the internet.
                                    веб-обучение (wbt);
                                    активное обучение
                                      active learning;
                                      addie (анализ проектирование разработка внедрение)
                                        addie (analysis design development implementation);
                                        addie (analysis design development implementation)
                                          The addie model is an acronym: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. it’s a five-phase framework that instructional designers use; a guideline for building effective train... addie (анализ проектирование разработка внедрение);
                                        adl (расширенный распределенное обучение)
                                          adl (advanced distributed learning);
                                          adl (advanced distributed learning)
                                            Advanced distributed learning is an initiative established by the us department of defense, aiming to make the delivery of online training consistent across content formats, technologies, and orga... adl (расширенный распределенное обучение);
                                          гибкое обучение
                                            agile learning;
                                            agile learning
                                              Often contrasted with the addie process, the agile design method emerged in the 1970s and became widely adopted in the 1990s. unlike addie, the agile method dives straight into a project, producin... гибкое обучение;
                                              api (интерфейс прикладного программирования)
                                                api (application programming interface);
                                                arcs (внимание, релевантность, уверенность, удовлетворенность)
                                                  arcs (attention relevance confidence satisfaction);
                                                  arcs (attention relevance confidence satisfaction)
                                                    Keller’s arcs model of motivation stands for attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction. it’s a problem-solving approach to learning used by instructional designers with a focus on engagin... arcs (внимание, релевантность, уверенность, удовлетворенность);
                                                  инструмент разработки
                                                    authoring tool;
                                                    разветвленная навигация
                                                      branching navigation;
                                                      branching navigation
                                                        This adaptive learning technique that gives learners control over outcomes. learners are prompted to choose from multiple solutions to given scenarios. and different outcomes are presented for eac... разветвленная навигация;
                                                      byod (принеси свое устройство)
                                                        byod (bring your own device);
                                                        cbt (компьютерное обучение)
                                                          cbt (computer-based training);
                                                          cbt (computer-based training)
                                                            The traditional name for what is now known as elearning computer-based training specifically describes the on-demand elements of elearning, excluding instructor-led training.
                                                          cbt (компьютерное обучение);
                                                          cdn (сеть доставки контента)
                                                            cdn (content delivery network);
                                                            cdn (content delivery network)
                                                              Cdn is a global network of proxy servers deployed in multiple data centers to enable the high availability and high performance of content being viewed by the learner.
                                                            cdn (сеть доставки контента);
                                                            ceu (подразделение непрерывного образования)
                                                              ceu (continual education unit);
                                                              ceu (continual education unit)
                                                                A ceu is a measurement used in continuing education programs. usually, the completion of a certain number of units allows individuals to remain licensed in their profession.
                                                              ceu (подразделение непрерывного образования);
                                                              обучение в классе
                                                                classroom-based training;
                                                                classroom-based training
                                                                  Also known as face-to-face or live training, classroom-based training is a more traditional training method. an instructor guides learners through a course in a real-world environment such as a cl... обучение в классе;
                                                                clo (директор по обучению)
                                                                  clo (chief learning officer);
                                                                  clo (chief learning officer)
                                                                    The clo is an executive-level employee in an organization who defines and leads the company’s learning and development strategy. this role is usually found in large organizations and multinational... clo (директор по обучению);
                                                                  облачная система управления обучением
                                                                    cloud lms;
                                                                    cloud lms
                                                                      A cloud-based lms is a web-based platform that helps companies to deliver, track, and report on elearning. the main difference between a cloud lms and other solutions is that learning content, tra... облачная система управления обучением;
                                                                    cmi5 (компьютерное обучение)
                                                                      cmi5 (computer managed instruction);
                                                                      cmi5 (computer managed instruction)
                                                                        This is a “profile” for using the xapi specification with learning management systems. it’s essentially a set of rules for xapi which narrows the overly wide specification to increase adoption in ... cmi5 (компьютерное обучение);
                                                                      cms (система управления контентом)
                                                                        cms (content management system);
                                                                        cms (content management system)
                                                                          A cms is a system that supports the creation and management of digital content, usually for publishing. a cms is more passive than an lms. users can view documents but the cms cannot track and rep... cms (система управления контентом);
                                                                        cod (контент по запросу)
                                                                          cod (content on demand);
                                                                          cod (content on demand)
                                                                            Providing content on demand enables users to decide when and where they access the available content. in terms of elearning, it means that a learner can take their courses when it suits their sche... cod (контент по запросу);
                                                                          когнитивная нагрузка
                                                                            cognitive load;
                                                                            cognitive load
                                                                              A theory developed by john sweller that describes the strain working memory experiences when information is being processed.
                                                                            когнитивная нагрузка;
                                                                            обучение по соблюдению требований
                                                                              compliance training;
                                                                              библиотека контента
                                                                                content library;
                                                                                корпоративное обучение
                                                                                  corporate training;
                                                                                  corporate training
                                                                                    Corporate training is the strategy of providing learners, internal and external to your organization, with the skills and knowledge they need to be successful. by furthering their success, you are... корпоративное обучение;
                                                                                  конструктор курсов
                                                                                    course builder;
                                                                                    course builder
                                                                                      Functionality in a learning management system that is used to upload and create courses. course builders allow you to combine elements such as text, image, video etc., to make your courses more en... конструктор курсов;
                                                                                    каталог курсов
                                                                                      course catalog;
                                                                                      course catalog
                                                                                        A collection of courses made available to learners so they can self-select the training they want to complete.
                                                                                      каталог курсов;
                                                                                      cpd (непрерывное профессиональное развитие)
                                                                                        cpd (continuing professional development);
                                                                                        cpd (continuing professional development)
                                                                                          Cpd programs aim to help professionals stay up-to-date with developments in their field after tertiary or postgraduate training has ended. also known as continuing professional education (cpe), pr... cpd (непрерывное профессиональное развитие);
                                                                                        crm (управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами)
                                                                                          crm (customer relationship management);
                                                                                          crm (customer relationship management)
                                                                                            A customer relationship management system manages all your company’s relationships and interactions with your current and future customers. it helps you improve your profitability and retain custo... crm (управление взаимоотношениями с клиентами);

                                                                                          Глоссарий терминов дистанционного онлайн-обучения

                                                                                          Отказ от ответственности. Глоссарий терминов дистанционного онлайн-обучения не охраняется авторским правом. Для создания глоссария редакторами бюро переводов были использованы материалы из открытых источников и опубликованы в образовательных целях. Если вы заметили неточность в терминологии, ошибки или факт неправомерного использования информации, свяжитесь с главным редактором бюро переводов по электронной почте.