Глоссарий содержит около 300 терминов и определений в области электроснабжения, электробезопасности, управления и
экономики электроэнергетического хозяйства. Приведены эквиваленты терминов по моделированию энергосистем на английском языке. Полезен для переводчиков и редакторов текстов в области проектирования, монтажа, наладки и эксплуатации электротехнического оборудования и энергосистем.
contingency analysis (ca) | A "what if" scenario simulation that evaluates, provides and prioritizes the анализ непредвиденных обстоятельств (ca); |
transactive building | A building that participates in grid management by supplying services to the grid транзактивное здание; |
circuit, unbalanced | A circuit, the two sides of which are inherently electrically unlike with respect to a цепь, несбалансированная; |
three-phase | A combination of circuits energized by alternating electromotive forces that differ in phase трехфазная; |
self-healing distribution circuit | A distribution circuit with technologies that support fault location, самовосстановление распределительной цепи; |
advanced flexible distribution | A distribution system where power can be derived from a variable mix усовершенствованное гибкое распределение; |
feeder, primary | A feeder operating at primary voltage supplying a distribution circuit. a primary фидер, первичный; |
radial feeder | A feeder supplying electric energy to a substation or a feeding point that receives energy радиальный фидер; |
day ahead market | A forward market for electric energy, capacity, or ancillary services that will be рынок на сутки вперед; |
droop speed control | A generator speed control mode that enables synchronous generators to be run in управление скоростью спада; |
minigrid | A grid, similar to a traditional utility grid, but with limited geography and capacity. минисеть; |
synchronous machine | A machine in which the average speed of normal operation is exactly синхронная машина; |
electric generator | A machine that transforms mechanical power into electric power. электрогенератор; |
forward capacity market | A market whose purpose is ensure that a power system will have sufficient рынок мощности вперед; |
grid, local | A microgrid or nanogrid. local grids are not encumbered by regulation or complications сеть, локальная; |
aggregator (demand response) | A municipality or other governmental entity, an energy services агрегатор (реагирование на спрос); |
regional transmission organization (rto) | - A non-profit, public-benefit organization that carries out
- Responsible for maintaining system balance, reliability,
региональная организация передачи (rto); |
north american electric reliability corporation (nerc) | A not-for-profit international regulatory североамериканская корпорация по надежности электроснабжения (nerc); |
grid instability | A phenomenon, typically with respect to voltage, that causes an electric grid to fail due нестабильность сети; |
microgrid, utility | A portion of a utility infrastructure that can operate independently of the rest of the микросеть, коммунальное предприятие; |
electric cooperative | A private, not-for-profit business governed by its consumers (known as consumer- электрический кооператив; |
transmission loading relief (tlr) | A process that allows reliability coordinators to mitigate сброс нагрузки передачи (tlr); |
online tap changer (oltc) | A selector switch device, which may include current interrupting онлайн-переключатель ответвлений (oltc); |
recloser (automatic circuit recloser, acr) | A self-controlled device for automatically interrupting повторное включение (автоматическое повторное включение цепи, acr); |
nanogrid | A single domain of power; single physical layer of power distribution, reliability, quality, наносеть; |
distribution system operator | A single entity that operates each local distribution area and is оператор распределительной системы; |
spot network | A small network, usually at one location, consisting of two or more primary feeders, with точечная сеть; |
micro-generator | A source of electric energy and all associated interface equipment able to be connected микрогенератор; |
inter-tie switch | A switch that connects two or more independent sources of power. inter-tie switches переключатель между сетками; |
uninterruptable power supply (ups) | A system designed to provide power automatically, without источник бесперебойного питания (ups); |
network transformer | A transformer designed for use in a vault to feed a variable capacity system of сетевой трансформатор; |
milligrid | A utility microgrid with local generation or storage. миллигрид; |
vertically integrated utility | A utility that owns and operates all elements of the utility infrastructure вертикально интегрированная коммунальная служба; |
investor-owned utility | A utility whose assets are owned by investors (as distinct from public power принадлежащая инвестору коммунальная служба; |
nordman, b., local grid definitions | A white paper, developed by the smart grid interoperability panel, нордман, б., «определения локальной сети; |
load-interchange-generation balance | Aggregate load is balanced with aggregate generation, баланс нагрузки-переключения-генерации; |
interchange schedule | An agreed-upon interchange transaction size (megawatts), start and end time, график обмена; |
energy transaction | An agreement to transfer energy from a seller to a buyer that crosses one or more энергетическая транзакция; |
electrical network | An arrangement of electrical components via interconnecting conductors. электрическая сеть; |
network protector | An assembly comprising a circuit breaker and its complete control equipment for сетевой защитник; |
forward capacity auction | An auction where resources compete to obtain a commitment to supply прямой аукцион мощности; |
flexible distribution | An augmentation of a conventional distribution system with increased meshing, гибкое распределение; |
rotating machine | An electric apparatus depending on electromagnetic induction for its operation and вращающаяся машина; |
grid, smart/intelligent | An electric power system that utilizes information exchange and control сетка, интеллектуальная/интеллектуальная; |
picogrid | An individual device with its own internal battery for operation when external sources are not picogrid; |
transmission system | An interconnected group of electric transmission lines and associated equipment система передачи; |
bulk power system | An interconnected system for the movement or transfer of electric energy in bulk система массового электроснабжения; |
power quality | - Any power problem manifested in voltage, current, or frequency deviations that results
- Степень соответствия параметров электрической энергии их установленным значениям;
качество электрической энергии; качество электроэнергии; |
eyer, j., corey, g. energy storage for the electricity grid | Benefits and market potential assessment guide. eyer, j., corey, g. хранение энергии для электросети; |
regulation reserve | Capacity that is devoted to providing the fast up and down balancing service. in the регулируемый резерв; |
transactive control | Control systems and signals that support transactive energy. транзактивное управление; |
grid service | Conventional ancillary services, and other emerging services that facilitate particular сетевое обслуживание; |
responsive load | Customer load that can respond to signals from the utility to aid in grid operations; реагирующая нагрузка; |
top-down | Deriving a hierarchical structure by successive subdivision from the top. also known as сверху вниз; |
tier hopping | Distributed energy resource dispatch mechanisms used by some independent system переключение уровней; |
distributed generation (dg) | Electric generation that is not centralized and connected to transmission, распределенная генерация (dg); |
generator trip | Electrical or mechanical malfunctions can sometimes cause a generator to fail and cause отключение генератора; |
microgrid | Electricity distribution systems containing loads and distributed energy resources (such микросеть; |
fast bilateral storage | Energy storage for the grid having symmetric characteristics in terms of charging быстрое двустороннее хранение; |
electric supply reserve capacity | Extra generating capacity available either to meet unanticipated резервная мощность электроснабжения; |
utilization voltage | For 120–600 v systems, optimally 110–125 v (range a). напряжение использования; |
taft, j. d. architectural basis for highly distributed transactive power grids | Frameworks, networks and taft, j. d. архитектурная основа для высокораспределенных трансактивных энергосетей; |
unloaded capacity | Generating capacity that is spinning and synchronized to the grid, but is not незагруженная мощность; |
intermediate generating plant | Generating units that provide most or all of their energy during the day промежуточная генерирующая установка; |
non-spinning reserve | Generation and responsive load that is off-line but can be fully responsive невращающийся резерв; |
supplemental reserve | Generation and responsive load that is off-line but can be fully responsive дополнительный резерв; |
bilateral market | In bilateral energy markets, electric utility providers build and own their own двусторонний рынок; |
intermittent renewables | Intermittent renewables include solar, wind, ocean wave, tidal and, in some прерывистые возобновляемые источники энергии; |
load forecasting | Load forecasts are predictions of future demand. for normal operations, daily and прогнозирование нагрузки; |
passive load | Loads that behave in a manner that approximates simple impedance (e.g. hvac and пассивная нагрузка; |
minimum run (turn-down) level | Minimum level of output that can be provided from a generator. минимальный уровень работы (уровень понижения); |
on the margin | Power system operators dispatch generators based on cost and physical capabilities. на границе; |
ancillary service | Services that assist the grid operator in maintaining system balance. these include вспомогательная услуга; |
distributed energy resource (der) | Small-scale distributed generation and storage, usually connected распределенный энергетический ресурс (der); |
regulation and the contingency reserves | Spinning, non-spinning, and in some regions, supplemental регулирование и резервы на случай непредвиденных обстоятельств; |
advanced metering infrastructure (ami) | Systems that use two-way communications to read utility расширенная инфраструктура учета (ami); |
transactive energy | Techniques for managing the generation, consumption or flow of electric power транзактивная энергия; |