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13 ноября, 2024

Search phrase: What is the normal price for translating one page from Chinese

26 сентября, 2024

Scheme of formation of a new translation agency

12 сентября, 2024

What does the formatting service of a dissertation, essay, article or research paper include?

03 сентября, 2024

What is the service of manual editing of the recognized text of a book?

16 мая, 2024

Translating UMI-CMS based website

19 апреля, 2024

Translations in furniture production

07 февраля, 2024

Ghostwriting vs. Copywriting

Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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    Dissipation of the energy of electromagnetic waves into other forms as a result of its interaction with matter, a decrease in directional transmittance of incident radiation, resulting in a modifi...
additive primaries
  1. Red, green and blue light.

  2. Аддитивные первичные цвета
chromaticity, chromaticity coordinates
    Dimensions of a color stimulus expressed in terms of hue and saturation, or redness-greenness and yellowness-blueness, excluding the luminous intensity. generally expressed as a point in a plane o...
cie (commission international de l'eclairage)
    A french name that translates to international commission on illumination, the main international organization concerned with color and color measurement.
cie standard illuminants
    Known spectral data established by the cie for four different types of light sources. when using tristimulus data to describe a color, the illuminant must also be defined. these standard illuminan...
cie standard observer
    A hypothetical observer having the tristimulus color mixture data recommended in 1931 by the cie for a 2° viewing angle. a supplementary observer for a larger angle of 10° was adopted in 1964. if ...
cie tristimulus values
    Amounts (in percentages)o of the three components necessary in a three-color additive mixture required for matching a color
cie xy chromaticity diagram
    A two-dimensional graph of the chromaticity coordinates, x as the abscissa and as the ordinate, which shows the spectrum locus (chromaticity coordinates of monachromatic light, 380-770nm). it has ...
cie xyz chromaticity coordinates
    Plotted to for the xyy chromaticity diagram which visually represents the gamut of vision for the 1931 cie 2° standard observer. calculated from the cie xyz tristimulus values.
cielab (or cie lab, cie lab)
    Color space in which values l*, a* and b* are plotted at right angles to one another to form a three dimensional coordinate system. equal distances in the space approximately represent equal color...
cmc (color measurement committee)
    Of the society of dyes and colorists in great britain. developed a more logical, ellipse-based equation for computing (e values as an alternative to the rectangular coordinates of the cielab color...
  1. The subtractive primaries cyan, magenta, and yellow. see subtractive primaries.

  2. Бирюзовый-пурпурный-желтый; система цветопередачи cmy
color matching functions
    Relative amounts of three additive primaries required to match each wavelength of light. the term is generally used to refer to the cie standard observer color matching functions designated. see c...
color separation
  1. The conversion of the red green, and blue color information used in a computer into cyan, magenta, yellow, and black channels that are used to make printing plates.

  2. Цветоделение. оп...
color specification
    Tristimulus values, chromaticity coordinates and luminance value, or other color-scale values, used to designate a color numerically in a specified color system.
color wheel
  1. The visible spectrum's continuum of colors arranged into a circle, where complementary colors such as red and green are located directly across from each other.

  2. Цветовой круг; шкала... цветовое колесо;
    Materials used to create colors, dyes, pigments, toners, phosphors.
    Of or relating to values giving the amounts of three colored lights or receptors, red, green and blue.
control limits
  1. The amount of acceptable variation in press capabilities over the course of a press run.

  2. "limits on a control chart which are used as criteria for signalling the need for action, or...
  1. One of the process ink colors for printing. pure cyan is the "redless" color; it absorbs all red wavelengths of light and reflects all blue and green wavelengths.

  2. Светло-голубой; би... color azul-verde;
delta error(e)
    In color tolerencing, the symbol (e is used to express delta error, the total color difference computed using a color difference equation.
device dependent
    Describes a color space that can re defined only by using information on the color rendering capabilities of a specific device. for example, the rgb color space must be generated by a monitor, a d...
device independent
    Describes a color space that can be defined using the full gamut of human vision, as defined by a standard observer, independent of the color rendering capabilities of any specific device.
device profiler
    Device specific color information that is a characterization of a device's color rendering and reproduction capabilities. monitor profiles, scanner profiles, and printer profiles are utilized in a...
electromagnetic spectrum
  1. The massive band of electromagnetic waves that pass through the air in different sizes, as measured by wavelength. different wavelengths have different properties, but most are invisible, and ... ems;
emissive object
    An object that emits light usually some sort of chemical reaction, such as the burning gasses of the sun or the heated filament of a light bulb.
fluorescent lamp
  1. A lass tube filled with mercury gas and coated on its inner surface with phosphors. when the gas is charged with an electrical current, radiation is produced which in turn energizes the phosph... лампа люминесцентная;
four color process
    Depositing combinations of the subtractive primaries cyan, magenta, yellow, and black on paper to achieve. these colorants are deposited as dots of different sizes, shapes, and angles to create th...
hifi printing
    Process printing that expands the conventional four color process gamut using additional, special ink colors.
illuminant a (cie)
    Cie standard illuminant for incandescent illumination, yellow-orange in color, with a correlated color temperature of 2856°k.
illuminant c (cie)
    Cie standard illuminant for tungsten illumination that simulates average daylight, bluish in color, with a correlated color temperature of 6774°k.
illuminants d (cie)
    Cie standard illuminants for daylight, based on actual spectral measurements of daylight. d65 with a correlated color temperature of 6504(k is most commonly used. others include d50, d55, and d75....
kelvin (k)
    Unit of measurement for color temperature. the kelvin scale starts from absolute zero, which is -273° celsius.
кельвин (к);
    A color space that is similar to cielab, except uses cylindrical coordinates of lightness, chroma and hue angle instead of rectangular coordinates.
  1. One of the process ink colors for printing. pure magenta is the "greenless" color; it absorbs all wavelengths of green from light and reflects all red and blue wavelengths.

  2. Пурпурны... маджента; магента;
metamerism, metameric pair
    The phenomenon where two colors appear to match under one light source, yet do not match under a different light source. two such colors are called a metameric pair.
monitor rgb
    Same as rgb; monitor rgb simply refers specifically to the color space that can be achieved by a particular monitor using combinations of red, green, and blue light.
munsell color charts
    A three dimensional color system developed by albert munsell that is based on the attributes munsell hue, munsell value, and munsell chroma.
nanometer (nm)
  1. Unit of length equal to a 10-9 meter, or one millionth of a millimeter. wavelengths are measured in nanometers.

  2. One billionth of a meter, or 10–9 meters. most common unit of measure...
  1. On a press sheet color bar, overprints are color patches were two process inks have been printed, one atop the other. checking the density of these patches allows press operators determine tra... тект.;
    Materials that emit light when irradiated by cathode rays, or when placed in an electric field. the quantity of visible light is proportional to the amount of excitation energy present.
    Pertaining to the electrical effects of light or other radiation; for example, emissions of electrons.
fotoeléctrico; фотоэффекта; фотопирометр; фотоэлектрический;
  1. The cone and rod shaped neurons that cover the retina of the eye. photoreceptors are excited by visible wavelengths, then send signals to the brain where the sensation of color is perceived. фоторецептор;
primary colors
  1. The dominant regions of the visible spectrum--red, green, and blue--and their opposite colors cyan, magenta, and yellow. see additive primaries. subtractive primaries.

  2. Основные цвет...
  1. Triangular shaped glass or other transparent material. when light is passed through a prism, its wavelengths refract into a rainbow of colors. this demonstrates that light is composed of color... program reliability information system for; parameter-elevation regressions on independent slopes model; призма;
process control
  1. Using densitometric and colorimetric measurement data from press sheet color bars to monitor press performance throughout the press run. data is analyzed in relation to established control lim... управление процессом;
reflective object
    A solid object that returns some or all of the wavelengths of emitted light that strike its surface. a reflective object that returns 100% of all light is called a perfect diffuser--a perfectly wh...
spectral curve
    A color's "fingerprint" (a visual representation of a color's spectral data. a spectral curve is plotted on a grid comprised of a vertical axis); and a horizontal axis (the visible spectrum of wav...
tranmissive object
    An object that allows light to pass through from one side to the other. the color of a transmissive object results from the manipulation of wavelengths of light as they pass through.
    A method for communicating or generating a color using three stimuli; either additive or subtractive colorants (such as rgb or cmy), or three attributes (such as lightness, chroma, and hue.)
tri-stimulus data
    The three tri-stimulus values that combine to define or generate a specific color, such as r255/g255, b 0. tri-stimulus data does not completely describe a color, the illuminant must also be defin...
viewing booth
    An enclosed area with controlled lighting that is used in graphic arts studios, service bureaus, and printing companies as a stable environment for evaluating proofs and press sheets. viewing boot...
white light
  1. Theoretically, light that emits all wavelengths of the visible spectrum at uniform intensity. in reality, most light sources cannot achieve such perfection.

  2. Белый огонь

  3. A... wl; wlt;

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