Birds eye
Строительный словарь и глоссарий по конструкциям |
Figure on the surface of wood that has numerous rounded areas resembling small eyes.
Bird, английский
- Any warm-blooded vertebrate of the class aves, having a body covered with feathers, forelimbs modified into wings, scaly legs, a beak, and no teeth, and bearing young in a hard-shelled egg
- A device designed to splash around on the surface ahead of your trolled lure, imitating the disturbance caused by a shoal of baitfish.
Bird, английский
Bird aircraft strike hazard (program), английский
Программа предотвращения летных происшествий из-за столкновения с птицами
Bird cage, английский
Контейнер со вспомогатель
Bird dog, английский
Охотничья собака, натасканная на птиц
Bird eye view, английский
Bird farm, английский
Formerly, usn surface seamen’s derogatory slang for an aircraft carrier. seldom used since aircraft gained prestige and replaced guns as the primary naval weapon.
Bird food, английский
Bird nest, английский
Bird nest, английский
Bird peck, английский
- A small hole or patch of distorted grain resulting
- A small spot or hole in wood usually caused by a woodpecker. subsequent tree growth develops distorted grain around the injury. bird’s-beak molding
Bird reserve, английский
Bird screen, английский
A frame fitted with a wire mesh; used to prevent birds from entering an opening, such as at a chimney hood or a ventilation opening.
Bird screen. 4. a cap placed over a pile to prevent damage to the pile while it is being driven. 5. the small roof over a bay window. 6. a covering over an exterior door or window to provide shelter and/or a decorative element; also, английский
Pent. bonnet hip tile, cone tile a tile that resembles a woman’s bonnet; used to cover the hip on a hip roof.
Bird solid-bowl centrifuge, английский
Bird strike, английский
Столкновение самолёта со стаей птиц
Bird's nest, английский
Bird's-mouth, английский
The notch in a rafter that rests on the top plate of a wall.
Bird-acide, английский
A clean window. example the bird-acide already killed three bluejays and one robin today.
Birdbanding, английский
Birdbath, английский
- A small puddle of water occurring at a low spot in paving.
- Проф. выбоина [углубление! в дорожном покрытии (дефект)
- Небольшой бассейн в саду для птиц
Bird's-mouth, английский
The notch in a rafter that rests on the top plate of a wall.
Biota, английский
- All living animals and plants
- Plants and animals in an environment. some of these plants and animals might be sources of food, clothing, or medicines for people.