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Глоссарии и словари бюро переводов Фларус

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Carbon sink

Строительный словарь и глоссарий по конструкциям
    A carbon sink is something that removes or stores carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, for example growing vegetation.

Carbon, английский
  1. Carbone

  2. (chemical symbol c) - element no. 6 of the periodic system; atomic weight 12.01; has three allotropic modifications, all non-metallic. carbon is preset in practically all-ferrous alloys, and has tremendous effect on the properties of the resultant metal.

  3. And hydrogen

  4. Dioxide

  5. A non-metallic element - no. 6 in the periodic table. diamonds and graphite are pure forms of carbon. carbon is a constituent of all organic compounds. it also occurs in combined form in many inorganic substances; i.e., carbon dioxide, limestone, etc.

  6. One of the common non-metallic elements, an essential component of living matter and organic chemical compounds (note: the chemical symbol is c.)

  7. Углерод

  8. A gray-to-black, opaque, tough, hard crypto-crystalline aggregate of diamond crystals occurring in irregular shapes and sizes. it is classed as an industrial diamond and formerly was used exten- 19 sively as a cutting-medium inset in diamond-drill bits. more recently, only occasionally used in diamond bits and other tools. also called black diamond, carbonado.

  9. An elementary substance occurring native in the form of diamonds and graphite and as the chief constituent in coal and petroleum products. see diamond.

  10. Углерод; уголь; сажа (пигмент); графит

  11. Углерод. неметаллический элемент, атомный номер 6, относительная атомная масса 12,011, символ с. из соеди- 31 carbon, activated — активированный уголь нений углерода построена вся живая материя и, следовательно, такое топливо, как уголь и нефть. carbon, activated — активированный уголь. форма углерода, характеризующаяся высокой адсорбирующей способностью. обычно это древесный уголь, получаемый из древесины или скорлупы кокосовых орехов, но также может быть получен из костей и других источников. уголь активируют нагреванием до температуры 800—900 °с в присутствии пара, который обусловливает образование пористой внутренней структуры, что значительно увеличивает площадь адсорбирующей поверхности. активированный уголь (называемый также «активным углем») широко используют как обесцвечивающий и дезодорирующий агент, как адсорбент газов и для многих других целей.

  12. A nonmetallic element found in all living things. carbon is part of all organic compounds and, in combined form, of many inorganic substances. diamonds, graphite, and fullerenes are pure forms of carbon.

Carbon, английский

Carbon, английский

Carbon, испанский

Carbon (deposit), английский
    Solid black residue in piston grooves which can interfere with piston ring movement leading to wear and/or loss of power.

Carbon - dioxide - shielded arc welding, английский

Carbon adsorption, английский
    Адсорбция активированным углем (метод доочистки сточных вод) 2?2. carbonaceous bod впк углеродсодержащими соединениями (в воде водного объекте или в сточных водах)

Carbon alcohol ext ract, английский
    Спиртовый экстракт углерода

Carbon arc cutting (cac), английский

Carbon arc welding (caw), английский

Carbon bit, английский
    A diamond bit in which the cutting medium is inset carbon. see carbon 1.

Carbon black, английский
  1. Noir de carbone

  2. A black pigment. it imparts useful ultraviolet protective properties, and so is frequently suspended into plastic and elastomeric compounds intended for outside weather exposure.

  3. A synthetically produced black pigment, almost pure carbon; used to color paint and concrete because of its high shading strength. also

  4. Сажа. достаточно чистый мелкодисперсный углерод, обычно образующийся из газообразных и жидких углеводородов при их неполном сгорании в контролируемых условиях при ограничении доступа воздуха (мос, 4). поскольку полное извлечение следов этого продукта из дымовых газов связано со значительными трудностями, процесс производства сажи нередко является источником интенсивного загрязнения воздуха.

  5. Elemental carbon in finely divided form used to reinforce elastomeric compounds. it may be produced by several processes, each imparting different properties to the carbon black, these are channel black, furnace black and thermal black.

  6. A material consisting essentially of elemental carbon in the form of near-spherical colloidal particles and particle aggregates. it is produced by partial combustion or thermal decomposition of hydrocarbons. primarily used as a reinforcing agent, but also affects many other dynamic properties of a rubber compound.

Carbon black, английский

Carbon black masterbatch, английский
    A mixture of an elastomer with a high content of carbon black. it may be produced by mill or banbury mixing the black into the rubber or adding the black to a synthetic rubber latex such as sbr followed by coagulation, washing and drying of the mixture.

Carbon black suspension, английский
    С + liquid

Carbon border adjustment mechanism (cbam), английский
    A tariff placed on carbon intensive products and was formed after several months of negotiations between european union (eu) member states and the european parliament.

Carbon brick, английский

Carbon burnout efficiency, английский
    Коэффициент полноты сгорания углерода

Carbon capture and storage, английский

Carbon carrier, английский
    Углеродосодержащее вещество

Carbon copy, английский
  1. Точная копия

  2. A directive to an e-mail program to send a complete copy of a given piece of mail to another individual. the use of cc mail addressing, as opposed to directly addressing the mail to a person, generally implies that the recipient is not required to take any action; the message is for informational purposes only. in a cc directive, the fact that this recipient received the mail is printed in the mail header and is thus known to all other recipients.

  3. Копия, полученная через копирку

Atmosphere, английский
  1. The envelope of gases that surround a planet`s surface held by the planet`s gravity. over the earth, the atmosphere is divided into several layers based on their properties. the most common layer designations are

  2. Атмосфера

  3. The ambient air, or thin elastic fluid which surrounds the globe, and gradually diminishing in gravity rises to an unknown height, yet by gravitation partakes of all its motions.

  4. [1] the envelope of air surrounding the globe. [2] a unit of pressure equal to 76 centimeters (29.9 inches) of mercury, or 1033.2 grams/sq. centimeter (2116.3 pounds/sq. foot). (cf. hydrosphere, lithosphere.)

  5. Атмосфера; воздух

  6. Атмосфера. газовая оболочка, окружающая землю (вмо). см. также air— атмосферный воздух.

Vegetation, английский
  1. A growth on a membrane, e.g. on the cusps of valves in the heart

  2. Растительный покров

Case hardening, английский
  1. A drying defect characterised by the presence of compression stresses in the outer zone and tensile stresses in the core. it occurs when rapid drying has caused permanent set of the outer zones of a piece of wood.

  2. The process of hardening steel surfaces by changing the structure of a thin layer on its surface. methods include carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding and induction or flame hardening.

  3. Hardening a ferrous alloy so that the outer portion, or case, is made substantially harder than the inner portion, or core. typical processes used for case hardening are carburizing, cyaniding, carbonitriding, nitriding, induction hardening and flame hardening.

Butt joint, английский
  1. An end joint formed by abutting the squared ends of two pieces.

  2. The junction where the ends of two timbers meet, and also where sheets of drywall meet on the 4 foot edge. to place materials end-to-end or end-to-edge without overlapping.

  3. A splice or connection formed by placing the ends of two conductors together and joining them by welding, brazing or soldering.

  4. A simple but weak joint used to join two boards together at right angles.