Comprehensive regional assessments
Строительный словарь и глоссарий по конструкциям |
A joint assessment of all forest values (environmental, heritage, economic and social) undertaken by the commonwealth and state – leading to the establishment of a car reserve system, agreements on sustainable forest management, and the signing of a regio
Assessment, английский
- A tax levied on a property, or a value placed on the worth of a property.
- Additional charges added to a case
- Оценка.
- Оценка
- A tax, charge, or levy on property: 1. as a means of computing real estate tax; 2. to pay for specific services or improvements.
- Act of computing the tax due
- Оценка ~ of reliability of engineering
- Collection of binaries, scripts, configuration parameters, and manifest files used to perform measurements on a computer or windows image and to report results.
- A more detailed interview of a juvenile offender and review of his/her available medical, mental health, and chemical dependency records and other pertinent information by a professional meeting the state’s criteria for licensing and education in the respective field. attempt to locate (atl)- an attempt to locate (atl) may be issued to local law enforcement by a supervising parole agent when a parolee’s whereabouts is unknown and efforts are under way to locate the parolee. the atl may be issued prior to considering the parolee an absconder.
- Оценка имущества для обложения налогом
- By assessing the participant’s strengths and weaknesses, a coach can note how the physical, mental and spiritual position of the client may influence his/her ability to meet desired goals.
- Tools or methods used to evaluate an individual`s skills, abilities, and progress in a coaching or mentoring context.
- Assessments often take the form of a test included at the end of a course to evaluate learner performance. they should be aligned with the learning objectives of a course to accurately measure learner progress.
- Оценка или оценка контента для оценки его качества, читабельности, структуры и т. д.
Environmental, английский
Окружающий, внешний (о среде, воздействии); связанный с окружающими условиями [средой]
Undertaken, английский
Commonwealth, английский
Австралийский союз (на материке австралия и прилегающих о-вах)
Establishment, английский
- Учреждение (в снс; территориально обособленная производственная единица, как правило, промышленное или торговое предприятие, которая занимается одним видом деятельности — завод, фабрика, шахта, рудник и т. д., но не компания, фирма, которые представляют совокупность предприятий, производящих неоднородную продукцию; учреждение представляет самостоятельную учетную единицу); предприятие (в снс; элементарная технологическая единая производственная единица, выпускающая однородную продукцию; представляет собой самостоятельную учетную единицу)
- The regulated complement or quota of officers and men to a ship, either in time of war or peace. the equipment. the regulated dimensions of spars, cabin, rigging, &c.—establishment of a port. an awkward phrase lately lugged in to denote the tide-hour of a port.
- The complement or quota of officers and rates assigned to a ship or station.
Sustainable, английский
Management, английский
- Управление; руководство
- Управление, руководство
- 1) управление, руководство 2) администрация
- 1. the organising or running of an organisation such as a hospital, clinic or health authority 2. the organisation of a series of different treatments for a person
- Управление (деятельностью программы, организации)
- Лечение. в контексте клинических исследований слово «management» («управление») может иметь значение «лечение». например, diabetes management - лечение диабета. встречающийся термин: ведение
- Управление с применением эвм, автоматизированное управление 3. computer-aided manufacturing автоматизированное производство 4. computer-aided modeling построение моделей с помощью эвм can, canv canvas холст c&btr. grade с and better (пиломатериал) сорта с и лучше cat. catalog каталог
- Управление, менеджмент ~ of building site управление [руководство] работами на стройплощадке
- The process of governing a country or administering an enterprise including the development of corporate strategy and longrange planning on the top and the regulation, coordination and control of such activities as production, accounting, marketing, personnel, research and development in the middle, the supervised operations being performed below. one key to effective management is the adequate flow of information between and within strategic, functional and operational levels so as to allow for timely and appropriate decisions to be made (->intelligence). management information systems constitute a technological solution to information flow problems. another key is the form of control exercised through spelling out objectives (e.g.->algedonic regulation) providing incentive schemes for production as well as cooperation, etc. manifest/latent functions
- The art of taking actions that affect a resource and its exploitation with a view to achieve certain objectives, such as maximizing the production of that resource (e.g., fishery regulations such as catch quotas or closed seasons). managers are those who practice management.
- The people who administer a company, create policies, and provide the support necessary to implement the owners` business objectives.
- Осторожное, бережное, чуткое отношение к людям
- Руководители банка
Compression, английский
- A state or condition of being pushed or shortened by a force.
- Сжатие
- Сжатие (данных), уменьшение размеров файла изображения. см. также lossy и non-lossy. процесс упаковки данных с целью уменьшения занимаемого ими пространства на накопителе
- Компрессия, сжатие
- The reduction of volume of a vapor or gas by mechanical means.
- Digital video pictures can be compressed with a number of techniques. these include: jpeg and jpeg-2000 (for still images), m-jpeg and mpeg (for moving pictures).
- The reduction in gain at one level of a picture signal with respect to the gain at another level of the same signal.
- A digital photograph creates an image file that is huge, a low-resolution 640x480 image has 307,200 pixels. if each pixel uses 24 bits (3 bytes) for true color, a single image takes up about a megabyte of storage space. to make image files smaller almost every digital camera uses some form of compression. see the jpg entry below.
- The application of any of several techniques that reduce the amount of information required to represent that information in data transmission. this method reduces the required bandwidth and/or memory.
- A method of reducing the size of a digital image file to free up the storage capacity of memory cards and hard drives. compression technologies are distinguished from one another by whether or not they remove detail and color from the image. lossless technologies compress image data without removing detail, while "lossy" technologies compress images by removing some detail. joint photographic experts group (jpeg) is a lossy compression format supported by jpeg, pdf and postscript language file formats. most video formats are also lossy formats. tiff files are not and, as such, are far more stable than jpegs and other lossy file formats.
- Reducing the number of bits needed to encode a digital signal, typically by eliminating long strings of identical bits or bits that do not change in successive sampling intervals (e.g., video frames).
- A digital photograph creates an image file that is enormous. to enable image files to become smaller and more manageable cameras employ some form of compression such as jpeg. raw and tiff files have no compression and take up more space.
- 1. the act of squeezing or pressing the first-aider applied compression to the chest of the casualty. 2. a serious condition in which the brain is compressed by blood or cerebrospinal fluid accumulating in it or by a fractured skull
- Смыкание (губок захватного устройства) cm. соmрutеr-соntrоllеd rоbоt 33. соntinuоus-раth mоtiоn движение робота по полностью программируемой траектории (при котором полная траектория, описываемая рукой манипулятора, программируется на программоноситель во время обучения так, чтобы каждая точка вдоль траектории движения регистрировалась для дальнейшего воспроизведения)
- Сжатие (данных); уплотнение; свертка; компрессия; упаковка
- Жёсткость (стержня) при сжатии; ~ in tension жёсткость (стержня) при растяжении; ~ in
- Продольно-поперечный изгиб, поперечный изгиб со сжатием; ~ and axial tension изгиб с осевым растяжением; ~ in two planes косой изгиб ~ of rebars [of reinforcing bars] гибка арматурных стержней beam ~ изгиб балки
- Сжатие о ~ along the grain сжатие вдоль волокон; ~ beyond
- Сжатое волокно; ~ in
- The intentional reduction in dynamic range to increase sustain and/or add punchiness, caused by a the use of a compressor/limiter.
- A process for removing redundant data from a digital media file or stream to reduce its size or the bandwidth used.
- A reduction of the time available for a scheduled storyboard to reach its final state.
- A way of making files smaller, either to fit into restricted storage space or to speed up transmission over the internet. popular compression standards include- jpeg- and- gif- for pictures,- mp3for music files,- mpeg, mp4, avi- and- mov- for movie footage, and- zip- for just about everything else.
Collar tie, английский
- A horizontal board that connects pairs of rafters on opposite roof slopes.
- In wood roof construction, a timber which prevents the roof framing from changing its shape.