Строительный словарь и глоссарий по конструкциям |
- A length of timber laid horizontally on the top of a column to transfer loads and to provide a seat for beams. a compound corbel includes several lengths of timber instead of one.
- The triangular, decorative and supporting member that holds a mantel or horizontal shelf.
- A projection from the face of a wall or column supporting
Horizontally, английский
Точность плюс-минус з см по вертикали и горизонтали ~ of separation точность разделения (зернистого материала на фракции)
Triangular, английский
Supporting, английский
- Поддержка: обеспечение
- Монтаж и крепление
Horizontal, английский
- Горизонталь; горизонтальный
- Горизонталь; горизонтальный 287
- At right angles to the direction of gravity; on the level; parallel to the horizon; neither vertical nor inclined.
- A direction parallel to the horizon, or what is commonly termed lying flat. one of the greatest inconveniences navigators have to struggle with is the frequent want of a distinct sight of the horizon. to obviate this a horizontal spinning speculum was adopted by mr. lerson, who was lost in the victory man-of-war, in which ship he was sent out to make trial of his instrument. this was afterwards improved by smeaton, and consists of a well-polished metal speculum about 3-1/2 inches in diameter, inclosed within a circular rim of brass, so fitted that the centre of gravity of the whole shall fall near the point on which it spins. this is the end of a steel axis running through the centre of the speculum, above which it finishes in a square for the convenience of fitting a
Projection, французский
Mécanisme de défense qui consiste à déguiser une pulsion menacante en l'attribuant aux autres
Temperature - an adjustment of the readings of the resistance-type electrical moisture meter to compensate for changes in the temperature of wood. corrections are tabulated in as/nzs 1080 1:1997, английский
Control joint, английский
- A vertical or horizontal gap, filled or unfilled, to accommodate differential movement between various elements of a construction
- Tooled, straight grooves made on concrete floors to "control" where the concrete should crack
- Шарнир управления
- Узел или шарнир управления
- A groove which is formed, sawed, or tooled in a concrete or masonry structure to regulate the location and amount of cracking and separation resulting from the dimensional change of different parts of the structure, thereby avoiding the development of high stresses.