Dehumidifier kiln
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A kiln working on the heat pump principle. moisture evaporated from the timber by a flow of warm air is condensed on the evaporator coils of a refrigeration unit and drained away. the refrigerant is compressed and passed through condenser coils, re-heatin
Dehumidification, английский
- The reduction and removal of water vapor in air by cooling the air below the dew point.
- The reduction of water vapor by cooling the air below the dew point, as well as the removal of water vapor from air by chemical means, refrigeration, etc
- Process of blowing warm, dry air into a full container of cargo to reduce the moisture content of the air and contents in the container and to thereby minimize the possibility of condensation damage.
- Осушение
Dehumidifier, английский
- Any device or apparatus for removing moisture from air.
- Воздухоосушитель
Kiln, английский
- A chamber used for seasoning timber in which the temperature and humidity of the circulating air can be controlled.
- A chamber having controlled air‑flow, temperature, and relative humidity for drying lumber
- The dockyard building wherein planks are steamed for the purpose of bending them to round the extremities of a ship.
- Обжиговая печь, печь-кильн. печь, топка и т. п. для термической обработки некоторых материалов или продуктов. туннельная печь с выкатным подом — печь для обжига керамических изделий, работающая на газе, нефти или электричестве; в отличие от печей старого типа (периодического действия) эта печь — бездымная и играет большую роль в обеспечении чистоты воздуха. печь клауса — установка, используемая на последней стадии извлечения серы из нефти и природного газа. газ, насыщенный сероводородом, образуется на ранних стадиях: часть его сжигается с образованием двуокиси серы, которая смешивается с оставшимся газом в присутствии катализатора для получения элементарной серы. 6* 83
Kiln brown stain., английский
Kiln burner, английский
Kiln cleaner, английский
Kiln dried, английский
- Dried in a kiln with the use of artificial heat.
- Lumber dried in a kiln to a specified uniform moisture content.
Kiln dried - timber dried in a kiln or by some other refined method, to an average specified moisture content, typically 8% to 14%, or to a moisture content understood to be suitable for a certain application., английский
Kiln placer, английский
Kiln scum, английский
Kiln starting - up, английский
Kiln-burner helper, английский
Kiln-car unloader, английский
Kiln-dried, английский
Dried artificially in a kiln.
Kiln-dried., английский
Kiln-dry, английский
Kilneye, английский
Kilnman, английский
Evaporated, английский
Evaporator, английский
- Absorbs heat or liquid from the surrounding air and then moves it outside the refrigerated area by means of a refrigerant also known as a cooling coil, blower
- Испаритель
- That part of a refrigeration system in which cooling is produced by evaporation of the liquid refrigerant, thereby absorbing heat and resulting in cooling.
- Испаритель (в холодильнике)
- A device for vaporizing seawater to make it salt-free.
Refrigeration, английский
- Охлаждение; холодильный
- Охлаждение
- The process by which heat is absorbed from a body or substance by expansion or vaporization of a refrigerant, lowering its body temperature and maintaining the temperature below its surroundings.
- 1. the process of making something cold 2. the process of making part of the body very cold, to give the effect of an anaesthetic
- Искусственное [машинное] охлаждение
Refrigerant, английский
- A substance that remains a gas at low temperatures and pressure and can be used to transfer heat. freon is an example and is used in air conditioning systems.
- A substance that produces a re-cooling effect while expanding or vaporizing.
- A substance that produces a recooling effect while expanding or vaporizing.
- A substance that produces a refrigerating effect while expanding or vaporizing
- The liquid used to absorb and transfer heat from one part of the home comfort system to another.
- The medium of heat transfer in a refrigeration system which absorbs heat by evaporation at low temperature and pressure and gives up heat on condensing at higher temperatures and pressures.
- Хладагент, первичный хладо- носитель
- Охлаждающее средство, хладагент. 2-propenal — 2-пропенал. бесцветная или бледно-желтая жидкость с удушливым запахом, формула сн2снсно; общепри- 110
Compressed, английский
- Сжат; уплотнен
- A sound, recorded track, or mix where the dynamics are restricted or narrowed.
Delamination, английский
- The separation of plies or laminations through failure of the bond, visible at an edge.
- Separation of the plies in a panel due to failure of the adhesive. usually caused by excessive moisture.
- The separation of layers in laminated wood or plywood because of failure of the adhesive, either within the adhesive itself or at the interface between the adhesive and the adherend.
- A failure in a laminated structure characterized by the separation or loss of adhesion between plies, as in built-up roofing or deformed bars glue-laminated timber.
- Расслоение
- Отслаивание
- Шелушение, отслаивание (бетона, краски и т. п.)
- A problem with the surface display when the diffuser (or one of its layers) detaches from the top of the surface unit along one edge. delay (n)
- Separation of plies in composite layered materials.
- Разделение слоев в композиционных слоистых материалах.
- Laminar discontinuity, generally an area of unbonded layers of materials.1 infrared and thermal testing glossary 683
- Laminar discontinuity, generally an area of unbonded materials.7
- Separation or splitting, either between plies in laminated goods or occasionally within the homogeneous part itself.
Decking, английский
- Timber used in surfacing parts of bridges and other structures subjected to vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- Material for covering a deck to make it more waterproof and durable, or less slippery.