Строительный словарь и глоссарий по конструкциям |
The change of a square or rectangular section timber to a diamond shape during drying. diamonding occurs where the growth rings pass through diagonal corners of the section of the piece and is caused by the difference between tangential and radial shrinka
Difference, английский
- Disagreement, inequity, contrast, dissimilarity, incompatibility
- Разница; разность
- An important army term, meaning firstly the sum to be paid by officers when exchanging from the half to full pay; and, secondly, the price or difference in value of the several commissions.
Tangential, английский
- Coincident with a tangent at the circumference of a tree or log, or parallel to such a tangent. in practice, it often means roughly coincident with a growth ring.
- Тангенциальный -tans tactical air navigation system тактическая радионавигационная система (типа «декка»)
- Contacting the circumference of a circle at a single point, perpendicular to that circle`s radius at the point of contact.
- Strictly, coincident with a tangent at the circumference
- Тангенциальный
- Of or pertaining to a direction impinging on a curved surface of an object and perpendicular to the radius at the point where it impinges. compare axial and radial. tesla (t): si derived unit of measure for magnetic flux density. 1t=1wb·m–2= 104 g.
2. a relatively thin, usually rectangular, element of a structure that is capable of withstanding shear in its plane and acts as a bracing elements., английский
Dew point, английский
- The temperature at which the relative humidity of a body of air is 100 per cent. further cooling causes vapour in the air to condense as water droplets.
- Точка росы
- The temperature (elevation) where adiabatic cooling results in the initiation of condensation of water vapor into cloud droplets.
- Temperature at which air becomes saturated with water vapor and any further drop in temperature will cause water droplets to condense out.
- The temperature at which a vapor begins to deposit as a liquid
- A meteorological term for the temperature at which atmospheric water vapor begins to precipitate.
- The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated and at which fog forms.